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Game controller

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Hello users and admins.

I'm sure a majority of you use a mouse and keyboard to move and aim. I used a game controller, and found it quite a bit better than on GTA SA. There has been things that have been bothering me about it though First, setting the deadzone of the game controller doesn't affect 1st person weapons (camera, sniper rifle, rocket launcher, heat seeking rocket launcher) I discovered this using a deadzone of 1. Second while using 1st person weapons, the 'Left Stick' axis is used for aiming instead of moving, which means all traditional game controllers are handicapped with 1st person weapons, this is something I don't mind too much. Thirdly, 1st person weapons again, as it seems part of MTA, when strafing (moving while aiming a gun that can't be aimed while running) it seems as though, if you're moving slow enough, your player will take a step nearly 90 degrees clockwise to where you're actually moving the anolog stick, and this affects 1st person guns, if they're being aimed with the 'Left Stick' axis, so the player can't physically aim straight with precision. The fourth thing on my mind is that both anolog sticks share a deadzone, which interferes with my advanced game controller setting of making the right stick more precise, I'm asking if they can have separate deadzone and saturation levels.

I believe the third problem will be erased if the second one is fixed.

Thanks for reading this, guys and girls.

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