TheBite Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 (edited) Hey to everyone, i tryed to add this script in my server: ( ... ls&id=2963) and when I start this script, all chat messages is showing double, the classic users post its double and the admin posts is double with a little change like: name: Hey to everyone!![Admin] name: Hey to everyone!! How to keep only the: [Admin] name: Hey to everyone!! and to the regular users only the 1 of the souble messages ?? Edited October 25, 2015 by Guest Link to comment
iPrestege Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 Is the event already canceled? "onPlayerChat" ? cancelEvent Link to comment
PaiN^ Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 I think it's because of the freeroam resource .. Link to comment
TheBite Posted April 22, 2013 Author Share Posted April 22, 2013 Here is the script lua files, pls check it and tell me: server.lua -- DISCLAIMER --[[ Any user of this resource is allowed to modify the code for personal use, and are not allowed to share their own version with people. Do not attempt to resell this resource as it is avaiblable for FREE. Anyone caught breaking the disclamer will find themselves in trouble with the law under the Copyright Act 2008. You may use / edit only for PERSONAL USE. This code is copyrighted to Christopher Graham Smith (Urangan, Queensland, AUS). ]] -- Settings - These settings will change the scripts functions and allow you to disable certain parts. settings = { ['enableTeamChat'] = true, ['adminTag'] = { ['enabled'] = true, ['ACL'] = { -- A bit more advanced. { 'Admin', '#00B7FF[Admin] ' }, { 'SuperModerator', '#F200FF[s.mod] ' }, { 'Moderator', '#A1FF9C[Mod] ' }, { 'Everyone', ' ' } } }, ['swearFilter'] = { ['enabled'] = true, ['swearCost'] = 0, ['swears'] = { -- Allows you to set the blocked swear words, syntax is ['WORD'] = 'REPLACEMENT' ['asshole'] = '*******', ['fuck'] = '****', ['slut'] = '****', ['bitch'] = '*****', ['cunt'] = '****', ['whore'] = '*****', ['pussy'] = '*****', ['fag'] = '***', ['perro'] = '*****', ['puta'] = '****', ['joder'] = '*****' } }, ['antiSpamFilter'] = { ['enabled'] = true, ['execeptionGroups'] = 'Admin', -- Groups which can spam, eg. 'Admin,SuperModerator,Moderator' ['chatTimeOut'] = 1.5 -- Set in seconds. }, ['freezeChat'] = { ['enabled'] = true, ['command'] = 'freezechat', -- Command to use when activating frozen chat. ['allowedGroups'] = 'Admin,SuperModerator', -- Groups which have access to this command. ['resetTime'] = 5 -- Time in minutes before it automatically resets. }, ['clearChat'] = { ['enabled'] = true, ['command'] = 'clearchat', ['allowedGroups'] = 'Admin,SuperModerator' } } -- Required variables spam = { } stopChat = false function chatbox(message, msgtype) if stopChat then cancelEvent() outputChatBox('#FF0000[FREEZECHAT] #FFFFFFAn admin has recently frozen chat.', source, 255, 255, 255, true) return end local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local name = getPlayerName(source) local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) local text = message:gsub("%a", string.upper, 1) local check = 0 local spamCheck = false if settings['swearFilter']['enabled'] then for i, v in pairs(settings['swearFilter']['swears']) do while text:lower():find(i:lower(),1,true) do local start, end_ = text:lower():find(i:lower(),1,true) local found = text:sub(start,end_) text = text:gsub(found,v) if settings['swearFilter']['swearCost'] ~= 0 then takePlayerMoney(source, settings['swearFilter']['swearCost']) end end end end if msgtype == 0 then cancelEvent() if not settings['adminTag']['enabled'] and not spam[serial] then message = RGBToHex(r, g, b) .. name .. ':#FFFFFF ' .. text if 128 <= #message then outputChatBox('#FF0000Error: The message you entered is too big, please lower it!', source, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox(message, getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) aclgroup = split(settings['antiSpamFilter']['execeptionGroups'], ', ') or settings['antiSpamFilter']['execeptionGroups'] for i, v in ipairs(aclgroup) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup(v)) then spamCheck = true end end if not spamCheck then if settings['antiSpamFilter']['enabled'] then spam[serial] = true setTimer(function() spam[serial] = false end, settings['antiSpamFilter']['chatTimeOut']*1000, 1) end end outputServerLog('CHAT: ' .. name .. ': ' .. text) end return end for _,v in ipairs(settings['adminTag']['ACL']) do if isObjectInACLGroup('user.' .. account, aclGetGroup(v[1])) and check == 0 and not spam[serial] then local message = v[2] .. RGBToHex(r, g, b) .. name .. ":#FFFFFF " .. text if 128 <= #message then outputChatBox('#FF0000Error: The message you entered is too big, please lower it!', source, 255, 255, 255, true) check = 1 else check = 1 outputChatBox(message, getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) if settings['antiSpamFilter']['enabled'] then aclgroup = split(settings['antiSpamFilter']['execeptionGroups'], ', ') or settings['antiSpamFilter']['execeptionGroups'] for i, v in ipairs(aclgroup) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup(v)) then spamCheck = true end end if not spamCheck then spam[serial] = true check = 1 setTimer(function() spam[serial] = false end, settings['antiSpamFilter']['chatTimeOut']*1000, 1) end end outputServerLog('CHAT: '.. v[2] .. name .. ': ' .. text) end elseif spam[serial] and check == 0 then outputChatBox('#FF0000Error: Please wait '..settings['antiSpamFilter']['chatTimeOut']..' seconds before saying a message!', source, 255, 255, 255, true) check = 1 end end elseif msgtype == 1 and not settings['enableTeamChat'] then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), chatbox) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), function() local serial = getPlayerName(source) spam[serial] = false end ) -- Freeze chat addCommandHandler(settings['freezeChat']['command'], function(player) if not settings['freezeChat']['enabled'] then return end aclgroup = split(settings['freezeChat']['allowedGroups'], ', ') or settings['freezeChat']['allowedGroups'] for i, v in ipairs(aclgroup) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup(v)) then check = true end end if not check then return end if not stopChat then outputChatBox('#FF0000[FREEZECHAT] #FFFFFF'..getPlayerName(player)..' has frozen the chat!', getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) stopChat = true frozenTimer = setTimer(function() stopChat = false end, (settings['freezeChat']['resetTime'] * 60000), 1) else outputChatBox('#FF0000[FREEZECHAT] #FFFFFF'..getPlayerName(player)..' has unfrozen the chat!', getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) stopChat = false end end ) -- Clear chat addCommandHandler(settings['clearChat']['command'], function(player) if not settings['clearChat']['enabled'] then return end aclgroup = split(settings['clearChat']['allowedGroups'], ',') or settings['clearChat']['allowedGroups'] for i, v in ipairs(aclgroup) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup(v)) then check = true end end if not check then return end for i = 2, getElementData(player, 'chatLines') do outputChatBox(' ') end outputChatBox('#FF0000[CLEARCHAT]#FFFFFF '..getPlayerName(player)..' has cleared the chat', getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) end ) function RGBToHex(red, green, blue, alpha) return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue) end client.lua -- Set chatbox layout data. chatLines = getChatboxLayout()["chat_lines"] setElementData(localPlayer, 'chatLines', chatLines) PS: If any of this have error pls fix it and give me the fixed code :3 ty Link to comment
iPrestege Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 I Think there's another resource with "onPlayerChat" Event handler . Link to comment
TheBite Posted April 22, 2013 Author Share Posted April 22, 2013 your server freeroam ? Yes. I Think there's another resource with "onPlayerChat" Event handler . If you are look in the resource description in link, you see: Hello MTA:SA Community! Guess what? I've made a monster update for my version 3.0.0, I know that the code is a bit messy, I will soon work on fixing that. I was in a rush to code most of these. In this version I have added several new Features:-> /clearchat - This will work on all chatboxes -> /freezechat - This will stop all messages from being sent -> Massive new settings - Just about control anything with ease! Other features: -> Anti-spam filter (Use's serials) -> Swear filter (includes possibility to take money when swearing) -> Customizable chat prefixes (ACL Groups) -> Auto capitalization of starting characters. Link to comment
iPrestege Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 Hmm... i see that you said you have a freeroam can you post the server side code? Link to comment
TheBite Posted April 22, 2013 Author Share Posted April 22, 2013 Hmm... i see that you said you have a freeroam can you post the server side code? It's noob question but how to find this code ? Link to comment
iPrestege Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 Just post the fr_server.lua code Link to comment
TheBite Posted April 22, 2013 Author Share Posted April 22, 2013 g_Root = getRootElement() g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) g_PlayerData = {} g_VehicleData = {} local chatTime = {} local lastChatMessage = {} g_ArmedVehicles = { [425] = true, [447] = true, [520] = true, [430] = true, [464] = true, [432] = true } g_Trailers = { [606] = true, [607] = true, [610] = true, [590] = true, [569] = true, [611] = true, [584] = true, [608] = true, [435] = true, [450] = true, [591] = true } g_RPCFunctions = { addPedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, addVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, fadeVehiclePassengersCamera = true, fixVehicle = { option = 'repair', descr = 'Repairing vehicles' }, giveMeVehicles = { option = 'createvehicle', descr = 'Creating vehicles' }, giveMeWeapon = { option = 'weapons.enabled', descr = 'Getting weapons' }, givePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Getting a jetpack' }, killPed = { option = 'kill', descr = 'Killing yourself' }, removePedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, removePedFromVehicle = true, removePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Removing a jetpack' }, removeVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, setElementAlpha = { option = 'alpha', descr = 'Changing your alpha' }, setElementPosition = true, setElementInterior = true, setMyGameSpeed = { option = 'gamespeed.enabled', descr = 'Setting game speed' }, setMySkin = { option = 'setskin', descr = 'Setting skin' }, setPedAnimation = { option = 'anim', descr = 'Setting an animation' }, setPedFightingStyle = { option = 'setstyle', descr = 'Setting fighting style' }, setPedGravity = { option = 'gravity.enabled', descr = 'Setting gravity' }, setPedStat = { option = 'stats', descr = 'Changing stats' }, setTime = { option = 'time.set', descr = 'Changing time' }, setTimeFrozen = { option = 'time.freeze', descr = 'Freezing time' }, setVehicleColor = true, setVehicleHeadLightColor = true, setVehicleOverrideLights = { option = 'lights', descr = 'Forcing lights' }, setVehiclePaintjob = { option = 'paintjob', descr = 'Applying paintjobs' }, setVehicleRotation = true, setWeather = { option = 'weather', descr = 'Setting weather' }, spawnMe = true, warpMe = { option = 'warp', descr = 'Warping' } } g_OptionDefaults = { alpha = true, anim = true, clothes = true, createvehicle = true, gamespeed = { enabled = true, min = 0.0, max = 3 }, gravity = { enabled = true, min = 0, max = 0.1 }, jetpack = true, kill = true, lights = true, paintjob = true, repair = true, setskin = true, setstyle = true, spawnmaponstart = true, spawnmapondeath = true, stats = true, time = { set = true, freeze = true }, upgrades = true, warp = true, weapons = { enabled = true, vehiclesenabled = true, disallowed = {} }, weather = true, welcometextonstart = true, vehicles = { maxidletime = 60000, idleexplode = true, maxperplayer = 2, disallowed = {} } } function getOption(optionName) local option = get(optionName:gsub('%.', '/')) if option then if option == 'true' then option = true elseif option == 'false' then option = false end return option end option = g_OptionDefaults for i,part in ipairs(optionName:split('.')) do option = option[part] end return option end addEventHandler('onResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() table.each(getElementsByType('player'), joinHandler) end ) function joinHandler(player) if not player then player = source end local r, g, b = math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) g_PlayerData[player] = { vehicles = {} } g_PlayerData[player].blip = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b) if g_FrozenTime then clientCall(player, 'setTimeFrozen', true, g_FrozenTime[1], g_FrozenTime[2], g_FrozenWeather) end if getOption('welcometextonstart') then outputChatBox('Welcome to Freeroam', player, 0, 255, 0) outputChatBox('Press F1 to show/hide controls', player, 0, 255, 0) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', g_Root, joinHandler) addEvent('onLoadedAtClient', true) addEventHandler('onLoadedAtClient', g_ResRoot, function(player) if getOption('spawnmaponstart') and isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showWelcomeMap') end end, false ) addEventHandler('onPlayerWasted', g_Root, function() if not getOption('spawnmapondeath') then return end local player = source setTimer( function() if isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showMap') end end, 2000, 1 ) end ) addEvent('onClothesInit', true) addEventHandler('onClothesInit', g_Root, function() local result = {} local texture, model -- get all clothes result.allClothes = {} local typeGroup, index for type=0,17 do typeGroup = {'group', type = type, name = getClothesTypeName(type), children = {}} table.insert(result.allClothes, typeGroup) index = 0 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) while texture do table.insert(typeGroup.children, {id = index, texture = texture, model = model}) index = index + 1 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) end end -- get current player clothes { type = {texture=texture, model=model} } result.playerClothes = {} for type=0,17 do texture, model = getPedClothes(source, type) if texture then result.playerClothes[type] = {texture = texture, model = model} end end triggerClientEvent(source, 'onClientClothesInit', source, result) end ) addEvent('onPlayerGravInit', true) addEventHandler('onPlayerGravInit', g_Root, function() triggerClientEvent('onClientPlayerGravInit', source, getPedGravity(source)) end ) function setMySkin(skinid) if isPedDead(source) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) if isPedTerminated(source) then x = 0 y = 0 z = 3 end local r = getPedRotation(source) local interior = getElementInterior(source) spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, r, skinid) setElementInterior(source, interior) setCameraInterior(source, interior) else setElementModel(source, skinid) setElementHealth(source, 100) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end function spawnMe(x, y, z) if not x then x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) end if isPedTerminated(source) then repeat until spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, math.random(9, 288)) else spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, getPedSkin(source)) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end function warpMe(targetPlayer) Link to comment
iPrestege Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 g_Root = getRootElement() g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) g_PlayerData = {} g_VehicleData = {} local chatTime = {} local lastChatMessage = {} g_ArmedVehicles = { [425] = true, [447] = true, [520] = true, [430] = true, [464] = true, [432] = true } g_Trailers = { [606] = true, [607] = true, [610] = true, [590] = true, [569] = true, [611] = true, [584] = true, [608] = true, [435] = true, [450] = true, [591] = true } g_RPCFunctions = { addPedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, addVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, fadeVehiclePassengersCamera = true, fixVehicle = { option = 'repair', descr = 'Repairing vehicles' }, giveMeVehicles = { option = 'createvehicle', descr = 'Creating vehicles' }, giveMeWeapon = { option = 'weapons.enabled', descr = 'Getting weapons' }, givePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Getting a jetpack' }, killPed = { option = 'kill', descr = 'Killing yourself' }, removePedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, removePedFromVehicle = true, removePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Removing a jetpack' }, removeVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, setElementAlpha = { option = 'alpha', descr = 'Changing your alpha' }, setElementPosition = true, setElementInterior = true, setMyGameSpeed = { option = 'gamespeed.enabled', descr = 'Setting game speed' }, setMySkin = { option = 'setskin', descr = 'Setting skin' }, setPedAnimation = { option = 'anim', descr = 'Setting an animation' }, setPedFightingStyle = { option = 'setstyle', descr = 'Setting fighting style' }, setPedGravity = { option = 'gravity.enabled', descr = 'Setting gravity' }, setPedStat = { option = 'stats', descr = 'Changing stats' }, setTime = { option = 'time.set', descr = 'Changing time' }, setTimeFrozen = { option = 'time.freeze', descr = 'Freezing time' }, setVehicleColor = true, setVehicleHeadLightColor = true, setVehicleOverrideLights = { option = 'lights', descr = 'Forcing lights' }, setVehiclePaintjob = { option = 'paintjob', descr = 'Applying paintjobs' }, setVehicleRotation = true, setWeather = { option = 'weather', descr = 'Setting weather' }, spawnMe = true, warpMe = { option = 'warp', descr = 'Warping' } } g_OptionDefaults = { alpha = true, anim = true, clothes = true, createvehicle = true, gamespeed = { enabled = true, min = 0.0, max = 3 }, gravity = { enabled = true, min = 0, max = 0.1 }, jetpack = true, kill = true, lights = true, paintjob = true, repair = true, setskin = true, setstyle = true, spawnmaponstart = true, spawnmapondeath = true, stats = true, time = { set = true, freeze = true }, upgrades = true, warp = true, weapons = { enabled = true, vehiclesenabled = true, disallowed = {} }, weather = true, welcometextonstart = true, vehicles = { maxidletime = 60000, idleexplode = true, maxperplayer = 2, disallowed = {} } } function getOption(optionName) local option = get(optionName:gsub('%.', '/')) if option then if option == 'true' then option = true elseif option == 'false' then option = false end return option end option = g_OptionDefaults for i,part in ipairs(optionName:split('.')) do option = option[part] end return option end addEventHandler('onResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() table.each(getElementsByType('player'), joinHandler) end ) function joinHandler(player) if not player then player = source end local r, g, b = math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) g_PlayerData[player] = { vehicles = {} } g_PlayerData[player].blip = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b) if g_FrozenTime then clientCall(player, 'setTimeFrozen', true, g_FrozenTime[1], g_FrozenTime[2], g_FrozenWeather) end if getOption('welcometextonstart') then outputChatBox('Welcome to Freeroam', player, 0, 255, 0) outputChatBox('Press F1 to show/hide controls', player, 0, 255, 0) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', g_Root, joinHandler) addEvent('onLoadedAtClient', true) addEventHandler('onLoadedAtClient', g_ResRoot, function(player) if getOption('spawnmaponstart') and isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showWelcomeMap') end end, false ) addEventHandler('onPlayerWasted', g_Root, function() if not getOption('spawnmapondeath') then return end local player = source setTimer( function() if isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showMap') end end, 2000, 1 ) end ) addEvent('onClothesInit', true) addEventHandler('onClothesInit', g_Root, function() local result = {} local texture, model -- get all clothes result.allClothes = {} local typeGroup, index for type=0,17 do typeGroup = {'group', type = type, name = getClothesTypeName(type), children = {}} table.insert(result.allClothes, typeGroup) index = 0 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) while texture do table.insert(typeGroup.children, {id = index, texture = texture, model = model}) index = index + 1 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) end end -- get current player clothes { type = {texture=texture, model=model} } result.playerClothes = {} for type=0,17 do texture, model = getPedClothes(source, type) if texture then result.playerClothes[type] = {texture = texture, model = model} end end triggerClientEvent(source, 'onClientClothesInit', source, result) end ) addEvent('onPlayerGravInit', true) addEventHandler('onPlayerGravInit', g_Root, function() triggerClientEvent('onClientPlayerGravInit', source, getPedGravity(source)) end ) function setMySkin(skinid) if isPedDead(source) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) if isPedTerminated(source) then x = 0 y = 0 z = 3 end local r = getPedRotation(source) local interior = getElementInterior(source) spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, r, skinid) setElementInterior(source, interior) setCameraInterior(source, interior) else setElementModel(source, skinid) setElementHealth(source, 100) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end function spawnMe(x, y, z) if not x then x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) end if isPedTerminated(source) then repeat until spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, math.random(9, 288)) else spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, getPedSkin(source)) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end function warpMe(targetPlayer) Link to comment
TheBite Posted April 22, 2013 Author Share Posted April 22, 2013 g_Root = getRootElement() g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) g_PlayerData = {} g_VehicleData = {} local chatTime = {} local lastChatMessage = {} g_ArmedVehicles = { [425] = true, [447] = true, [520] = true, [430] = true, [464] = true, [432] = true } g_Trailers = { [606] = true, [607] = true, [610] = true, [590] = true, [569] = true, [611] = true, [584] = true, [608] = true, [435] = true, [450] = true, [591] = true } g_RPCFunctions = { addPedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, addVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, fadeVehiclePassengersCamera = true, fixVehicle = { option = 'repair', descr = 'Repairing vehicles' }, giveMeVehicles = { option = 'createvehicle', descr = 'Creating vehicles' }, giveMeWeapon = { option = 'weapons.enabled', descr = 'Getting weapons' }, givePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Getting a jetpack' }, killPed = { option = 'kill', descr = 'Killing yourself' }, removePedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, removePedFromVehicle = true, removePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Removing a jetpack' }, removeVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, setElementAlpha = { option = 'alpha', descr = 'Changing your alpha' }, setElementPosition = true, setElementInterior = true, setMyGameSpeed = { option = 'gamespeed.enabled', descr = 'Setting game speed' }, setMySkin = { option = 'setskin', descr = 'Setting skin' }, setPedAnimation = { option = 'anim', descr = 'Setting an animation' }, setPedFightingStyle = { option = 'setstyle', descr = 'Setting fighting style' }, setPedGravity = { option = 'gravity.enabled', descr = 'Setting gravity' }, setPedStat = { option = 'stats', descr = 'Changing stats' }, setTime = { option = 'time.set', descr = 'Changing time' }, setTimeFrozen = { option = 'time.freeze', descr = 'Freezing time' }, setVehicleColor = true, setVehicleHeadLightColor = true, setVehicleOverrideLights = { option = 'lights', descr = 'Forcing lights' }, setVehiclePaintjob = { option = 'paintjob', descr = 'Applying paintjobs' }, setVehicleRotation = true, setWeather = { option = 'weather', descr = 'Setting weather' }, spawnMe = true, warpMe = { option = 'warp', descr = 'Warping' } } g_OptionDefaults = { alpha = true, anim = true, clothes = true, createvehicle = true, gamespeed = { enabled = true, min = 0.0, max = 3 }, gravity = { enabled = true, min = 0, max = 0.1 }, jetpack = true, kill = true, lights = true, paintjob = true, repair = true, setskin = true, setstyle = true, spawnmaponstart = true, spawnmapondeath = true, stats = true, time = { set = true, freeze = true }, upgrades = true, warp = true, weapons = { enabled = true, vehiclesenabled = true, disallowed = {} }, weather = true, welcometextonstart = true, vehicles = { maxidletime = 60000, idleexplode = true, maxperplayer = 2, disallowed = {} } } function getOption(optionName) local option = get(optionName:gsub('%.', '/')) if option then if option == 'true' then option = true elseif option == 'false' then option = false end return option end option = g_OptionDefaults for i,part in ipairs(optionName:split('.')) do option = option[part] end return option end addEventHandler('onResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() table.each(getElementsByType('player'), joinHandler) end ) function joinHandler(player) if not player then player = source end local r, g, b = math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) g_PlayerData[player] = { vehicles = {} } g_PlayerData[player].blip = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b) if g_FrozenTime then clientCall(player, 'setTimeFrozen', true, g_FrozenTime[1], g_FrozenTime[2], g_FrozenWeather) end if getOption('welcometextonstart') then outputChatBox('Welcome to Freeroam', player, 0, 255, 0) outputChatBox('Press F1 to show/hide controls', player, 0, 255, 0) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', g_Root, joinHandler) addEvent('onLoadedAtClient', true) addEventHandler('onLoadedAtClient', g_ResRoot, function(player) if getOption('spawnmaponstart') and isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showWelcomeMap') end end, false ) addEventHandler('onPlayerWasted', g_Root, function() if not getOption('spawnmapondeath') then return end local player = source setTimer( function() if isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showMap') end end, 2000, 1 ) end ) addEvent('onClothesInit', true) addEventHandler('onClothesInit', g_Root, function() local result = {} local texture, model -- get all clothes result.allClothes = {} local typeGroup, index for type=0,17 do typeGroup = {'group', type = type, name = getClothesTypeName(type), children = {}} table.insert(result.allClothes, typeGroup) index = 0 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) while texture do table.insert(typeGroup.children, {id = index, texture = texture, model = model}) index = index + 1 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) end end -- get current player clothes { type = {texture=texture, model=model} } result.playerClothes = {} for type=0,17 do texture, model = getPedClothes(source, type) if texture then result.playerClothes[type] = {texture = texture, model = model} end end triggerClientEvent(source, 'onClientClothesInit', source, result) end ) addEvent('onPlayerGravInit', true) addEventHandler('onPlayerGravInit', g_Root, function() triggerClientEvent('onClientPlayerGravInit', source, getPedGravity(source)) end ) function setMySkin(skinid) if isPedDead(source) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) if isPedTerminated(source) then x = 0 y = 0 z = 3 end local r = getPedRotation(source) local interior = getElementInterior(source) spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, r, skinid) setElementInterior(source, interior) setCameraInterior(source, interior) else setElementModel(source, skinid) setElementHealth(source, 100) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end function spawnMe(x, y, z) if not x then x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) end if isPedTerminated(source) then repeat until spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, math.random(9, 288)) else spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, getPedSkin(source)) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end Link to comment
TheBite Posted April 23, 2013 Author Share Posted April 23, 2013 Hmm.. I have a problem: With F1 I can't spawn cars, set character, add weapon etc... The console says when the server is starts: [2013-04-23 14:00:22] WARNING: freeroam/fr_server.lua(Line 279) [server] getClientName is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with getPlayerName. [2013-04-23 14:00:22] Some files in 'freeroam' use deprecated functions. [2013-04-23 14:00:22] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources. [2013-04-23 14:00:22] SCRIPT ERROR: freeroam\fr_server.lua:279: ')' expected near 's' [2013-04-23 14:00:22] WARNING: Loading script failed: freeroam\fr_server.lua:279: ')' expected near 's' and when I trying to spawn for example a turismo: [2013-04-23 14:02:31] ERROR: Client triggered serverside event onServerCall, but event is not added serverside How to fix it? PS: I tryed to upgrade but nothing.. Now I Set the old zip file back.. Link to comment
iPrestege Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 Not tested ; g_Root = getRootElement() g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) g_PlayerData = {} g_VehicleData = {} local chatTime = {} local lastChatMessage = {} g_ArmedVehicles = { [425] = true, [447] = true, [520] = true, [430] = true, [464] = true, [432] = true } g_Trailers = { [606] = true, [607] = true, [610] = true, [590] = true, [569] = true, [611] = true, [584] = true, [608] = true, [435] = true, [450] = true, [591] = true } g_RPCFunctions = { addPedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, addVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, fadeVehiclePassengersCamera = true, fixVehicle = { option = 'repair', descr = 'Repairing vehicles' }, giveMeVehicles = { option = 'createvehicle', descr = 'Creating vehicles' }, giveMeWeapon = { option = 'weapons.enabled', descr = 'Getting weapons' }, givePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Getting a jetpack' }, killPed = { option = 'kill', descr = 'Killing yourself' }, removePedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, removePedFromVehicle = true, removePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Removing a jetpack' }, removeVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, setElementAlpha = { option = 'alpha', descr = 'Changing your alpha' }, setElementPosition = true, setElementInterior = true, setMyGameSpeed = { option = 'gamespeed.enabled', descr = 'Setting game speed' }, setMySkin = { option = 'setskin', descr = 'Setting skin' }, setPedAnimation = { option = 'anim', descr = 'Setting an animation' }, setPedFightingStyle = { option = 'setstyle', descr = 'Setting fighting style' }, setPedGravity = { option = 'gravity.enabled', descr = 'Setting gravity' }, setPedStat = { option = 'stats', descr = 'Changing stats' }, setTime = { option = 'time.set', descr = 'Changing time' }, setTimeFrozen = { option = 'time.freeze', descr = 'Freezing time' }, setVehicleColor = true, setVehicleHeadLightColor = true, setVehicleOverrideLights = { option = 'lights', descr = 'Forcing lights' }, setVehiclePaintjob = { option = 'paintjob', descr = 'Applying paintjobs' }, setVehicleRotation = true, setWeather = { option = 'weather', descr = 'Setting weather' }, spawnMe = true, warpMe = { option = 'warp', descr = 'Warping' } } g_OptionDefaults = { alpha = true, anim = true, clothes = true, createvehicle = true, gamespeed = { enabled = true, min = 0.0, max = 3 }, gravity = { enabled = true, min = 0, max = 0.1 }, jetpack = true, kill = true, lights = true, paintjob = true, repair = true, setskin = true, setstyle = true, spawnmaponstart = true, spawnmapondeath = true, stats = true, time = { set = true, freeze = true }, upgrades = true, warp = true, weapons = { enabled = true, vehiclesenabled = true, disallowed = {} }, weather = true, welcometextonstart = true, vehicles = { maxidletime = 60000, idleexplode = true, maxperplayer = 2, disallowed = {} } } function getOption(optionName) local option = get(optionName:gsub('%.', '/')) if option then if option == 'true' then option = true elseif option == 'false' then option = false end return option end option = g_OptionDefaults for i,part in ipairs(optionName:split('.')) do option = option[part] end return option end addEventHandler('onResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() table.each(getElementsByType('player'), joinHandler) end ) function joinHandler(player) if not player then player = source end local r, g, b = math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) g_PlayerData[player] = { vehicles = {} } g_PlayerData[player].blip = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b) if g_FrozenTime then clientCall(player, 'setTimeFrozen', true, g_FrozenTime[1], g_FrozenTime[2], g_FrozenWeather) end if getOption('welcometextonstart') then outputChatBox('Welcome to Freeroam', player, 0, 255, 0) outputChatBox('Press F1 to show/hide controls', player, 0, 255, 0) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', g_Root, joinHandler) addEvent('onLoadedAtClient', true) addEventHandler('onLoadedAtClient', g_ResRoot, function(player) if getOption('spawnmaponstart') and isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showWelcomeMap') end end, false ) addEventHandler('onPlayerWasted', g_Root, function() if not getOption('spawnmapondeath') then return end local player = source setTimer( function() if isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showMap') end end, 2000, 1 ) end ) addEvent('onClothesInit', true) addEventHandler('onClothesInit', g_Root, function() local result = {} local texture, model -- get all clothes result.allClothes = {} local typeGroup, index for type=0,17 do typeGroup = {'group', type = type, name = getClothesTypeName(type), children = {}} table.insert(result.allClothes, typeGroup) index = 0 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) while texture do table.insert(typeGroup.children, {id = index, texture = texture, model = model}) index = index + 1 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) end end -- get current player clothes { type = {texture=texture, model=model} } result.playerClothes = {} for type=0,17 do texture, model = getPedClothes(source, type) if texture then result.playerClothes[type] = {texture = texture, model = model} end end triggerClientEvent(source, 'onClientClothesInit', source, result) end ) addEvent('onPlayerGravInit', true) addEventHandler('onPlayerGravInit', g_Root, function() triggerClientEvent('onClientPlayerGravInit', source, getPedGravity(source)) end ) function setMySkin(skinid) if isPedDead(source) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) if isPedTerminated(source) then x = 0 y = 0 z = 3 end local r = getPedRotation(source) local interior = getElementInterior(source) spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, r, skinid) setElementInterior(source, interior) setCameraInterior(source, interior) else setElementModel(source, skinid) setElementHealth(source, 100) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end function spawnMe(x, y, z) if not x then x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) end if isPedTerminated(source) then repeat until spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, math.random(9, 288)) else spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, getPedSkin(source)) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end function warpMe(targetPlayer) Link to comment
PaiN^ Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 Not tested ; g_Root = getRootElement() g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) g_PlayerData = {} g_VehicleData = {} local chatTime = {} local lastChatMessage = {} g_ArmedVehicles = { [425] = true, [447] = true, [520] = true, [430] = true, [464] = true, [432] = true } g_Trailers = { [606] = true, [607] = true, [610] = true, [590] = true, [569] = true, [611] = true, [584] = true, [608] = true, [435] = true, [450] = true, [591] = true } g_RPCFunctions = { addPedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, addVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, fadeVehiclePassengersCamera = true, fixVehicle = { option = 'repair', descr = 'Repairing vehicles' }, giveMeVehicles = { option = 'createvehicle', descr = 'Creating vehicles' }, giveMeWeapon = { option = 'weapons.enabled', descr = 'Getting weapons' }, givePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Getting a jetpack' }, killPed = { option = 'kill', descr = 'Killing yourself' }, removePedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, removePedFromVehicle = true, removePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Removing a jetpack' }, removeVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, setElementAlpha = { option = 'alpha', descr = 'Changing your alpha' }, setElementPosition = true, setElementInterior = true, setMyGameSpeed = { option = 'gamespeed.enabled', descr = 'Setting game speed' }, setMySkin = { option = 'setskin', descr = 'Setting skin' }, setPedAnimation = { option = 'anim', descr = 'Setting an animation' }, setPedFightingStyle = { option = 'setstyle', descr = 'Setting fighting style' }, setPedGravity = { option = 'gravity.enabled', descr = 'Setting gravity' }, setPedStat = { option = 'stats', descr = 'Changing stats' }, setTime = { option = 'time.set', descr = 'Changing time' }, setTimeFrozen = { option = 'time.freeze', descr = 'Freezing time' }, setVehicleColor = true, setVehicleHeadLightColor = true, setVehicleOverrideLights = { option = 'lights', descr = 'Forcing lights' }, setVehiclePaintjob = { option = 'paintjob', descr = 'Applying paintjobs' }, setVehicleRotation = true, setWeather = { option = 'weather', descr = 'Setting weather' }, spawnMe = true, warpMe = { option = 'warp', descr = 'Warping' } } g_OptionDefaults = { alpha = true, anim = true, clothes = true, createvehicle = true, gamespeed = { enabled = true, min = 0.0, max = 3 }, gravity = { enabled = true, min = 0, max = 0.1 }, jetpack = true, kill = true, lights = true, paintjob = true, repair = true, setskin = true, setstyle = true, spawnmaponstart = true, spawnmapondeath = true, stats = true, time = { set = true, freeze = true }, upgrades = true, warp = true, weapons = { enabled = true, vehiclesenabled = true, disallowed = {} }, weather = true, welcometextonstart = true, vehicles = { maxidletime = 60000, idleexplode = true, maxperplayer = 2, disallowed = {} } } function getOption(optionName) local option = get(optionName:gsub('%.', '/')) if option then if option == 'true' then option = true elseif option == 'false' then option = false end return option end option = g_OptionDefaults for i,part in ipairs(optionName:split('.')) do option = option[part] end return option end addEventHandler('onResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() table.each(getElementsByType('player'), joinHandler) end ) function joinHandler(player) if not player then player = source end local r, g, b = math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) g_PlayerData[player] = { vehicles = {} } g_PlayerData[player].blip = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b) if g_FrozenTime then clientCall(player, 'setTimeFrozen', true, g_FrozenTime[1], g_FrozenTime[2], g_FrozenWeather) end if getOption('welcometextonstart') then outputChatBox('Welcome to Freeroam', player, 0, 255, 0) outputChatBox('Press F1 to show/hide controls', player, 0, 255, 0) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', g_Root, joinHandler) addEvent('onLoadedAtClient', true) addEventHandler('onLoadedAtClient', g_ResRoot, function(player) if getOption('spawnmaponstart') and isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showWelcomeMap') end end, false ) addEventHandler('onPlayerWasted', g_Root, function() if not getOption('spawnmapondeath') then return end local player = source setTimer( function() if isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showMap') end end, 2000, 1 ) end ) addEvent('onClothesInit', true) addEventHandler('onClothesInit', g_Root, function() local result = {} local texture, model -- get all clothes result.allClothes = {} local typeGroup, index for type=0,17 do typeGroup = {'group', type = type, name = getClothesTypeName(type), children = {}} table.insert(result.allClothes, typeGroup) index = 0 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) while texture do table.insert(typeGroup.children, {id = index, texture = texture, model = model}) index = index + 1 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) end end -- get current player clothes { type = {texture=texture, model=model} } result.playerClothes = {} for type=0,17 do texture, model = getPedClothes(source, type) if texture then result.playerClothes[type] = {texture = texture, model = model} end end triggerClientEvent(source, 'onClientClothesInit', source, result) end ) addEvent('onPlayerGravInit', true) addEventHandler('onPlayerGravInit', g_Root, function() triggerClientEvent('onClientPlayerGravInit', source, getPedGravity(source)) end ) function setMySkin(skinid) if isPedDead(source) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) if isPedTerminated(source) then x = 0 y = 0 z = 3 end local r = getPedRotation(source) local interior = getElementInterior(source) spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, r, skinid) setElementInterior(source, interior) setCameraInterior(source, interior) else setElementModel(source, skinid) setElementHealth(source, 100) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end function spawnMe(x, y, z) if not x then x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) end if isPedTerminated(source) then repeat until spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, math.random(9, 288)) else spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, getPedSkin(source)) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end Link to comment
iPrestege Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 The problem was i change the getPlayerName to getClientName new fr use it and my code should work @ Pain . Link to comment
PaiN^ Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 The only thing i did was fixing the missing string mark, You can see that half of your code is red because of it .. Link to comment
iPrestege Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 The only thing i did was fixing the missing string mark, You can see that half of your code is red because of it .. Ah,Yeh i forget the string " at the chatbox code .. didn't notice about it . Link to comment
TheBite Posted April 23, 2013 Author Share Posted April 23, 2013 Not working again the same problem Link to comment
iPrestege Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 Did you try Pain code? i forget the string -_-" Link to comment
TheBite Posted April 23, 2013 Author Share Posted April 23, 2013 Did you try Pain code? i forget the string -_-" Yeah, not working.. Link to comment
TheBite Posted April 23, 2013 Author Share Posted April 23, 2013 Post the error's . [2013-04-23 15:39:25] SCRIPT ERROR: freeroam\fr_server.lua:279: ')' expected near 's' [2013-04-23 15:39:25] WARNING: Loading script failed: freeroam\fr_server.lua:279: ')' expected near 's Link to comment
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