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Modloader and skin replacement.



Hello MTA Community!

For the last few days I've been playing with my friend on my own MTA server. We've checked some of the gamemodes, and we really enjoyed stealth mode. I'm bored of these two skins that are selected for Spy and Agent teams, so I wanted to replace them with something "fresh". The thing is that I don't want to play with scripting. I've found a modloader, and read that it's able to replace character skins w/o scripting. Yeah, cool, but I've put 2 new skins (both with .txd and .dff files) in m0dloader/skins folder, started m0dloader (it's 0, cuz I've heard that it shouldn't be called as modloader when you put it in your resources folder) and nothing changed.

I would be very grateful, if someone could tell me how to put them, so it would replace these 2 skins from stealth gamemode. Their ID's are 163 and 285 as I remember. I've tried to rename my new skins that I've put into m0dloader/skins folder to 163.txd & dff etc. but nothing has changed. Also I've tried to seperate them into different folders (m0dloader/skins/163 - with 163.txd & 163.dff files and m0dloader/skins 285 - with 285.txd & 163.dff files), but again it didn't change anything.

Looking forward for any helpful answers.


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