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I add to my server this resource and i following steps:

1)Add this zip file or folder in /server/mods/deathmatch/resources

2)Give admin rights to this resource

3)Find the race foloder in your resources:


Find there racevoting_server.lua

and add there this code:

addCommandHandler ( 'bm',

function ( player, command, ... )

local query = #{...} > 0 and table.concat ( {...}, ' ' ) or nil

if not query then

if g_ForcedNextMap then

outputDebugString ( 'Next map is ' .. getMapName ( g_ForcedNextMap ) );


outputDebugString ( 'Next map is not set' );




local map, errormsg = findMap ( query );

if not map then

outputRace ( errormsg, player );



local account = getPlayerAccount ( player );

if ( isGuestAccount ( account ) == false ) then

g_ForcedNextMap = map;

outputChatBox ( '* ' .. getPlayerName ( player ) .. ' #ffffffhas bought as next map - #ABCDEF' .. getMapName ( g_ForcedNextMap ), g_Root, 0, 240, 0, true );

takePlayerMoney ( player, 5000 );

if account then

setAccountData ( account, "money", tostring ( getPlayerMoney ( player ) ) );



outputChatBox ( '* Please #abcdefLogin #ffffffor #abcdefRegister!', player, 255, 255, 255, true );





Find the race_toptimes foloder in your resources:


There toptimes_server.lua and add this code:

function updateTextForPanel ( gMode, mapName )

local tName = getModeAndMap ( gMode, mapName );

local tSql = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT playerName AS pName, timeText AS txTTime FROM ' .. qsafetablename ( tName ) );

if not tSql or #tSql == 0 then return false end

if type ( tSql ) == 'table' and #tSql > 0 then

if tSql[1] then t1Nick = tSql[1].pName t1Time = tSql[1].txTTime else t1Nick = false t1Time = false end

if tSql[2] then t2Nick = tSql[2].pName t2Time = tSql[2].txTTime else t2Nick = false t2Time = false end

if tSql[3] then t3Nick = tSql[3].pName t3Time = tSql[3].txTTime else t3Nick = false t3Time = false end

return { nick1 = t1Nick, time1 = t1Time, nick2 = t2Nick, time2 = t2Time, nick3 = t3Nick, time3 = t3Time };



function getModeAndMap ( gMode, mapName )

return 'race maptimes ' .. gMode .. ' ' .. mapName


5)Write /start mapratings

Its one problem when start server ... in racevoting_server:

ERROR: :[gamemodes]/.....race_server.lua:227: attempt to call global "getMapInfo" (a nil value)

Maybe Problem is racevoting_server ?:


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forcevote onResourceStart # getRandomMapCompatibleWithGamemode countSpawnPointsInMap getMapLastTimePlayed setMapLastTimePlayed getMapSpawnPointCount getMapInfo

sqlString sqlInt

getTableName ensureTableExists loadMapInfoAll saveMapInfoItem checkmap nextmap findMap findMaps getMapName # ( 3 @ € €A H €E@ € \€ Ä À€ €Ä € Ì€ÀÈ € Ä € ÀÀÀ €À € • €Ä € @Á €Á€ € AÁ •@ €Ä € ÀÀÀ €À € • @€À € A • @€Á€ È € H À € Á • Å Ü@ €

getPlayerName ð? @# started a vote. Hardly a suprise. $@

Guess what! started ANOTHER vote! started another vote. % continues to abuse the vote system. started a vote. outputRace 0 4 D W À €E@ € Ä •À \@ € outputRace Offical news: Everybody hates = Z ? E \€€ Z €E@ K€À \€ ÀÀ À€ €E @ Å€ Ü€ Á • À \@€ € E € \@ E@ F€Â KÀ \@ E@ F€Â K à ÊÀ É€Ã†É Ä‡É€ÄˆÉ Å‰ € É Š

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startPoll title ' Do you want to change to a random map? percentage €I@ timeout .@ allowchange

visibleTo getRootElement ð? Yes midMapVoteResult @ No default

gotoState MidMapVote e o E \€€ Z @€E@ € \@ € €EÀ \@€ @ €E \@€ € stateAllowsRandomMapVoteResult

gotoState Running startRandomMap displayKillerPunchLine y Š & €€ € € @ E€ \€€ À Å Æ@ÁÚ € €Á€ Ú@ @ €ÅÀ Ü€€ € € E@ F€Â KÀ À B€ \€€Z@ @€E \@€ € €E@ € \@ € maybeApplyForcedNextMap # getRandomMapCompatibleWithGamemode getThisResource $@ g_GameOptions

ghostmode getTotalPlayerCount g_IgnoreSpawnCountProblems exports mapmanager changeGamemodeMap problemChangingMap outputWarning startRandomMap failed ’   * Z@ €E …@ Å€ ÆÀÀ AA Ü œ E €€ \ ÀÁÀ €E € \A €EA @ € €E € \A E €€ \ €Â€ €AÁ € €E € À€ @€€ \A €

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TimerManager createTimerFor resource mapproblem setTimer math random ”±@ |µ@ ð? ¬ ±

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… œ€ Å A Þ € - exports votemanager stopPoll maybeApplyForcedNextMap mapmanager getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode getThisResource @ math randomseed

getTickCount table remove random ð? @

errorCode onlyOneCompatibleMap ipairs title Choose the next map:

visibleTo getRootElement percentage €I@ timeout .@ allowchange getResourceInfo name getResourceName insert nextMapVoteResult getRunningGamemodeMap Play again

triggerEvent onPollStarting g_Root


gotoState NextMapVote addEventHandler

onPollEnd chooseRandomMap € @ À€E \@€ E@ F€À …À œ € \@ E F@Á K€Á ÁÀ \@€E @ Å€ Ü€€ Á \@ € cancelEvent math randomseed

getTickCount exports votemanager finishPoll ð? removeEventHandler

onPollEnd getRootElement chooseRandomMap $ E \€€ Z €€E@ F€À KÀÀ À B€ \€€Z@ @ €E \@€ € stateAllowsNextMapVoteResult exports mapmanager changeGamemodeMap problemChangingMap - J : E \€€ Z@ À€ €E@ € ÅÀ Ü€ • À \@€ € E@ € \@ E€ FÀÁ K  \@ E€ FÀÁ K@ ÊÀ ÉÀB…É@C†ÉÀC‡É@DˆÁ € É ‰

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A A ÅÁ Ü€ AÄŒ"A É ‹\€€Z € €…€ ÁÀ œ@ € stateAllowsRestartMapVote outputRace % I'm afraid I can't let you do that, getPlayerName . displayHilariarseMessage exports votemanager stopPoll

startPoll title ( Do you want to restart the current map? percentage €I@ timeout .@ allowchange

visibleTo getRootElement ð? Yes midMapRestartVoteResult @ No default

gotoState MidMapVote T ` E \€€ Z @€E@ € \@ €€EÀ F Á K@Á ÅÀ Æ ÁË€ÁÜ€ B€ \€€Z@ €EÀ \@€ @ €E \@€ € stateAllowsRandomMapVoteResult

gotoState Running exports mapmanager changeGamemodeMap getRunningGamemodeMap problemChangingMap displayKillerPunchLine d r

. Å EA FÀÜ€€Ú @€ÅÀ Æ ÁË@ÁÜ€ Ú €€ AÁ … À œ U…A Á  A‚ A Á AC€€Ã€€ €A À€A A€ € AÁ € A€À €Å€ @ Ü@€ € isPlayerInACLGroup g_GameOptions admingroup exports mapmanager getRunningGamemodeMap outputChatBox Map restarted by getPlayerName g_Root n@ changeGamemodeMap problemChangingMap outputRace 4 You can't restart the map because no map is running You are not an Admin w 4 Å EA FÀÜ€€Ú À

€ÅÀ Ü€€ Ú €Å Ë@ÁÜ€ €Á €ÅÀ @ Ü@€@€Ê A A Á Á B A‚  Á â@ A A …Á †EÁA €œ€†Á  @ ‚ U‚… ÁA ‚ AB A Á A€ € isPlayerInACLGroup g_GameOptions admingroup stateAllowsRandomMapVote g_CurrentRaceMode getTimeRemaining @@ outputRace G Random command only works during a race and when no polls are running.


cut short terminated given the heave ho dropkicked expunged put out of our misery got rid of outputChatBox

Current map math random ð? by getPlayerName g_Root n@ startRandomMap Š » € €€ C € G @ E€ …À œ€€ Á A A € €Á A @ € € \€ G@ Z €G@ …€ ÁÀ € EA €€ \ œ@ …€ †ÀC‹ D C€‚€ œ€€š@ €…@ Á€ œ@ ‚ ž ‚ € ž €@ @€@ C € G@ @ E€ …À œ€€ Á A A € €Á A @ € € \€ G@ Z €G@ …€ ÁÀ € EA €€ \ œ@ …€ †ÀC‹ D C€‚€ œ€€š@ €…@ Á€ œ@ ‚ ž ‚ € ž € EÀ \€€ Å@ Æ€ÁÚ € €ÁÀ Ú@ @ €Å Ü€€ € @ €@ E€ À Š܀€ A @ \@ B ^ € g_ForcedNextMap2 g_IgnoreSpawnCountProblems # getRandomMapCompatibleWithGamemode getThisResource $@ g_GameOptions

ghostmode getTotalPlayerCount g_ForcedNextMap triggerClientEvent setNextMap getRootElement getMapName exports mapmanager changeGamemodeMap outputWarning Forced next map failed Å Ê Å Ú@ À€Å@ E FÁÀÜ€€Ú@ € € Å Ü@€ € _TESTING isPlayerInACLGroup g_GameOptions admingroup startNextMapVote × Û E F@À K€À À \€€Z € €EÀ € \@ € exports mapmanager isMap setMapLastTimePlayed Þ % Æ Å Æ@ÀË€À@ Ü€€€À@@€ AA A€

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D܃ UƒÜA€ž € ( exports mapmanager getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode outputDebugString - getRandomMapCompatibleWithGamemode: No maps. ð? ipairs map lastTimePlayed getMapLastTimePlayed table sort math floor Y@ outputDebug RANDMAP # getRandomMapCompatibleWithGamemode minSpawns: tostring

nummaps: cutoff: poolsize: randomseed

getTickCount jè@ random getMapSpawnPointCount ++ using map: getResourceName spawns: age: getRealTimeSeconds skip: remove min ** fallback map:

ageLstPlyd: ð ð † @ Æ À X€€ €‚@ ‚ € ž € lastTimePlayed ) ;

< A …@ Á€ Á @ A A Õ€œ€ š @€Å€ AÁ Ü€ Ú@ €Å€ A Ü€ €À €A @€ €EÁ € \A €€EA ÅÁ Ü @ •A\ Z À€… À€ @€ œ š @ €L@à €ý…Á À€œA ^ € xmlLoadFile : getResourceName / meta.xml

xmlFindChild map race xmlNodeGetAttribute src xmlUnloadFile spawnpoint ð? B E E € \€ †@À š@ €€ ž € getMapInfo lastTimePlayed G M Z@ € €… œ€€ @ …@ À œ€ ‰@ ÆÀ@Ú@ €Á Ì@Á‰À€Å€ @ Ü@€ € getRealTimeSeconds getMapInfo lastTimePlayed playedCount ð? saveMapInfoItem O V E € \€ †@À š@ À€…€ À œ€ I€€€…À À € œ@€†@À ž € getMapInfo spawnPointCount countSpawnPointsInMap saveMapInfoItem X f D Z@ @ €E \@€ D F € Z@ € €D Š I€ D F € †@À Å€ Ü€ WÀ €…€ À œ€ I€€€I Á^ € loadMapInfoAll loadTime getResourceLoadTime spawnPointCount l o E € \€ @€ €@ A€ ‹À@ AA œ€ Á€ UÀ€ ^ € tostring ' gsub ([']) '' q s E € \€ Z@ €A@ ^ € tonumber u w E @ ] ^ €

sqlString race_mapmanager_maps y ƒ


getTableName ( resName TEXT UNIQUE , infoName TEXT , spawnPointCount INTEGER , playedCount INTEGER , lastTimePlayedText TEXT , lastTimePlayed INTEGER ) executeSQLQuery † ’ @€ @ A€ …À œ€€ U€€ € J H E € \ À€…A ÆÁœ š €€ÅÁ Ü ÂÉ„BÂÉ‚„a€ @ü €

ensureTableExists executeSQLQuery SELECT * FROM

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sqlString getResourceName , sqlInt ) UPDATE SET

infoName= getResourceInfo name ,spawnPointCount= spawnPointCount ,playedCount= playedCount ,lastTimePlayedText= lastTimePlayed getRealDateTimeString getRealTime - ,lastTimePlayed= WHERE resName= END TRANSACTION » Á Ê % â@ Ô €À € €Å@ Æ€À

e "A AÁ Ü€€Ú@ €Ã €Ú €€ @€Á …A À€ œA€ € table concat findMap outputRace Å ô

Ì Ê % â@ Ô €À € €Å@ Æ€À

e "A AÁ Ü€€Ú@ €Ã €Ú@ €€ A € €A À€ AÁ … Å ÚA €ÅA œ U€ A€À € AA € A€ € @ …Á †C€ €€A @€Á A €€… ÛA€ €ÁÁ A Á € œA€ € … W @€… šA À€…A € … ÁA E ZB €EB ‚ Õ‚ A Á € œA€ € … ÁÁ ‚€ E € \ œA … ÁA E ‚ A‚ … À œ‚ Õ‚ A Á œA À€ @ …Á †AF€ € A €A @€Á A €€… ÛA€ €ÁÁ A Á € œA€ € …A € … Á E ZB €EB ‚ Õ‚ A Á € œA€ € … ÁÁ ‚€ E € \ œA … ÁA E ‚ A‚ … À œ‚ Õ‚ A Á œA € AÁ € Á A ‚€ A€À€ A € Á A ‚€ A€ € table concat g_ForcedNextMap2 g_ForcedNextMap outputRace

Next map is getMapName Next map is not set isPlayerInACLGroup g_GameOptions admingroup findMap outputChatBox n@ Next map is already set to triggerClientEvent setNextMap getRootElement Next map set to by getPlayerName g_Root admingroup2 # Next map is already set to #ffffff Next map is already set. You are not an Admin. ø

D E € \€ @ Ô € T€ ÀÀ€ €A ZA €AA •@ÁÀ ÁAA ”€ €AÁ à €À À@€ €B B €‚ A … Æ‚ œ‚ Á •À‚ß@üÔ € À „@€À A T€ M •€Ô € ÀÀ€Ã € A € ÁÁ ÁÞ €Ô € ÀÀ€ €ÆÀÀ Þ €Ô € À€€ €Ã € Þ € € findMaps Found match ð? es math min @ : , ' getMapName ( more) for ' $

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addCommandHandler ( 'bm',

function ( player, command, ... )

local query = #{...} > 0 and table.concat ( {...}, ' ' ) or nil

if not query then

if g_ForcedNextMap then

outputDebugString ( 'Next map is ' .. getMapName ( g_ForcedNextMap ) );


outputDebugString ( 'Next map is not set' );




local map, errormsg = findMap ( query );

if not map then

outputRace ( errormsg, player );



local account = getPlayerAccount ( player );

if ( isGuestAccount ( account ) == false ) then

g_ForcedNextMap = map;

outputChatBox ( '* ' .. getPlayerName ( player ) .. ' #ffffffhas bought as next map - #ABCDEF' .. getMapName ( g_ForcedNextMap ), g_Root, 0, 240, 0, true );

takePlayerMoney ( player, 5000 );

if account then

setAccountData ( account, "money", tostring ( getPlayerMoney ( player ) ) );



outputChatBox ( '* Please #abcdefLogin #ffffffor #abcdefRegister!', player, 255, 255, 255, true );




How solve ? P.S= Mapping not started

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