illestiraqi Posted March 7, 2013 Author Share Posted March 7, 2013 Post your spawners table. What's a table lol? Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 7, 2013 Share Posted March 7, 2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PROJECT: N/A -- DEVELOPERS: Sebbe -- RIGHTS: All rights reserved by developers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dataToFindPlayersJob = "gang" vehicles = { {Roles = "FBI", vehicles = {427, 596}, x = 1592.8000488281, y = -1606.9000244141, z = 13.39999961853, rotation = 25, r = 250, g = 250, b = 250, vehR = 0, vehG = 0, vehB = 255}, {Roles = "FBI", vehicles = {427, 596}, x = 1592.8000488281, y = -1606.9000244141, z = 13.39999961853, rotation = 25, r = 250, g = 250, b = 250, vehR = 0, vehG = 0, vehB = 255}, } There, you can read "ROTATION". That's a table. Link to comment
illestiraqi Posted March 7, 2013 Author Share Posted March 7, 2013 This is what I have for now ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PROJECT: N/A -- DEVELOPERS: Sebbe -- RIGHTS: All rights reserved by developers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dataToFindPlayersJob = "gang" vehicles = { {Roles = "SWAT", vehicles = {596, 597, 598, 599}, x = 1592.8000488281, y = -1606.9000244141, z = 13.39999961853, rotation = 50, r = 0, g = 0, b = 250, vehR = 0, vehG = 0, vehB = 250}, {Roles = "Police", vehicles = {596, 597, 598, 599}, x = 1592.8000488281, y = -1606.9000244141, z = 13.39999961853, rotation = 50, r = 0, g = 0, b = 250, vehR = 0, vehG = 0, vehB = 250}, {Roles = "USNS", vehicles = {595, 473, 446}, x = -1444.4000244141, y = 507.20001220703, z = 0, rotation = 0, r = 45, g = 60, b = 15, vehR = 45, vehG = 60, vehB = 15}, {Roles = "USNS", vehicles = {595, 473, 446}, x = -1444.5999755859, y = 495.39999389648, z = 0, rotation = 0, r = 45, g = 60, b = 15, vehR = 45, vehG = 60, vehB = 15}, {Roles = "USNS", vehicles = {476, 487, 548, 519}, x = -1261.0999755859, y = 507.60000610352, z = 17.200000762939, rotation = 0, r = 45, g = 60, b = 15, vehR = 45, vehG = 60, vehB = 15}, {Roles = "USNS", vehicles = {500, 468, 579, 428, 415, 471, 568}, x = -1241.8000488281, y = 449.5, z = 7.1999998092651, rotation = 0, r = 45, g = 60, b = 15, vehR = 45, vehG = 60, vehB = 15}, {Roles = "USNS", vehicles = {500, 468, 579, 428, 415, 471, 568}, x = -1242, y = 467.29998779297, z = 7.1999998092651, rotation = 0, r = 45, g = 60, b = 15, vehR = 45, vehG = 60, vehB = 15}, {Roles = "SWAT", vehicles = {596, 597, 598, 599, 560, 427, 523, 528, 601, 490}, x = 1246.5, y = -1669.9000244141, z = 13.60000038147, rotation = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 70, vehR = 0, vehG = 0, vehB = 70}, {Roles = "SWAT", vehicles = {596, 597, 598, 599, 560, 427, 523, 528, 601, 490}, x = 1236.1999511719, y = -1669.9000244141, z = 13.60000038147, rotation = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 70, vehR = 0, vehG = 0, vehB = 70}, {Roles = "SWAT", vehicles = {596, 597, 598, 599, 560, 427, 523, 528, 601, 490}, x = 1223, y = -1669.6999511719, z = 13.60000038147, rotation = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 70, vehR = 0, vehG = 0, vehB = 70}, } Link to comment
illestiraqi Posted March 8, 2013 Author Share Posted March 8, 2013 Sorry for double post but i need help. Link to comment
Antonio Posted March 8, 2013 Share Posted March 8, 2013 I have already problems with rotation: Server: local vehicle = {} function isVehicleSpawned(vehicle) return getElementData(vehicle, "jobvehicle") end function doesPlayerHaveVehicleSpawned(player) if (isElement(vehicle[player])) then return true else return false end end function destroyVehicle(vehicle, player) if (isElement(vehicle[player])) then destroyElement(vehicle[player]) end end function createTheJobVehicles() for index, table in ipairs(vehicles) do marker = createMarker(table.x, table.y, table.z, "cylinder", 2, table.r, table.g, table.b) setElementData(marker, "vehiclemarker-role", table.Roles) setElementData(marker, "vehiclemarker-vehicles", table.vehicles) setElementData(marker, "vehiclemarker-rotation", table.rotation) vehicle[marker] = table.Roles local position = table.x..", "..table.y..", "..table.z..", "..", "..table.rotation local color = table.vehR..", "..table.vehG..", "..table.vehB..", " setElementData(marker, "vehiclemarker-position", position) setElementData(marker, "vehiclemarker-color", color) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, onPlayerVehicleMarkerHit) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createTheJobVehicles) function onPlayerVehicleMarkerHit(player) local role = getElementData(source, "vehiclemarker-role") local vehicles = getElementData(source, "vehiclemarker-vehicles") local rotation = getElementData(source, "vehiclemarker-rotation") if (getElementType(player) == "player") then if (getElementData(player, dataToFindPlayersJob) == role or role == "ALL") then if (isPedInVehicle(player)) then return end local position = getElementData(source, "vehiclemarker-position") local color = getElementData(source, "vehiclemarker-color") local posX, posY, posZ, rotation = unpack(split(position, ",")) local r, g, b = unpack(split(color, ",")) triggerClientEvent(player, "jobvehicles.showVehicleGUI", root, vehicles, rotation, posX, posY, posZ, rotation, r, g, b) end end end function onPlayerSpawnVehicle(vid, vx, vy, vz, rotation, r, g, b) if (isElement(vehicle[client])) then destroyElement(vehicle[client]) end vehicle[client] = createVehicle(vid, vx, vy, vz) setElementData(vehicle[client], "jobvehicle", true) warpPedIntoVehicle(client, vehicle[client]) setElementRotation(vehicle[client], 0, 0, rotation) outputDebugString(getPlayerName(client).. " has spawned a '"..getVehicleNameFromModel(vid)) outputServerLog(getPlayerName(client).. " has spawned a '"..getVehicleNameFromModel(vid).."'") if (r) then setVehicleColor(vehicle[client], r, g, b) end end addEvent("jobvehicles.onPlayerSpawnVehicle", true) addEventHandler("jobvehicles.onPlayerSpawnVehicle", root, onPlayerSpawnVehicle) function destroyPlayerVehicle() if (isElement(vehicle[source])) then destroyElement(vehicle[source]) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, destroyPlayerVehicle) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout", root, destroyPlayerVehicle) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, destroyPlayerVehicle) function destroyMyOwnVehicle(player) if (isElement(vehicle[player])) then outputChatBox("You have succesfully destroyed your "..getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle[player])).."!", player, 0, 255, 10) destroyElement(vehicle[player]) elseif (not isElement(vehicle[player])) then outputChatBox("You currently do not have a job vehicle spawned to destroy!", player, 250, 0, 0) end end addCommandHandler("destroyv", destroyMyOwnVehicle) function destroyVehicleOnExplode() if (getElementData(source, "jobvehicle")) then destroyElement(source) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", root, destroyVehicleOnExplode) function onAdminDestroyJobVehicle(admin, cmd, target) local accountname = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(admin)) if (hasObjectPermissionTo("user."..accountname, "function.kickPlayer") and target) then local player = getPlayerFromName(target) if (isElement(vehicle[player]) and player) then outputChatBox("You have destroyed "..getPlayerName(player).."' s "..getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle[player])).." (jobvehicle)", admin, 0, 255, 10) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(admin).." has destroyed your "..getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle[player])).." (jobvehicle)", player, 255, 10, 0) destroyElement(vehicle[player]) elseif (not isElement(vehicle[player]) and player) then outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player).. " does not currently have any job vehicle spawned.", admin, 255, 10, 0) else outputChatBox("The player do not exist!", admin, 250, 0, 0) end end end addCommandHandler("dv", onAdminDestroyJobVehicle) Client: local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local v_table = {} function createVehicleChooserGUI() if (isElement(wndVehicle)) then if (guiGetVisible(wndVehicle)) then return end end wndVehicle = guiCreateWindow(385, 165, 280, 383, "Vehicle spawn",false) vehicleLabel = guiCreateLabel(9,25,262,25,"Select vehicle:",false,wndVehicle) gridVehicle = guiCreateGridList(9,47,260,285,false,wndVehicle) vehicleColumn = guiGridListAddColumn(gridVehicle,"Vehicle",0.-- s8) --> vehicleSpawn = guiCreateButton(151,336,122,38,"Select",false,wndVehicle) vehicleClose = guiCreateButton(9,336,122,38,"Close",false,wndVehicle) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", vehicleSpawn, onPlayerSelectVehicle) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", vehicleClose, onPlayerExitVehicleGUI) end function showVehicleGUI(vehicles, rotation, posX, posY, posZ, rotation, r, g, b) createVehicleChooserGUI() v_table[1] = posX v_table[2] = posY v_table[3] = posZ v_table[4] = rotation v_table[5] = r v_table[6] = g v_table[7] = b showCursor(true) guiGridListClear(gridVehicle) for index, vehicles in ipairs(vehicles) do vehicleRow = guiGridListAddRow(gridVehicle) guiGridListSetItemText(gridVehicle, vehicleRow, vehicleColumn, getVehicleNameFromModel(vehicles), false, true) end end addEvent("jobvehicles.showVehicleGUI", true) addEventHandler("jobvehicles.showVehicleGUI", root, showVehicleGUI) function onPlayerExitVehicleGUI(button, state) if (button ~= "left" or state ~= "up") then return end guiSetVisible(wndVehicle, false) showCursor(false) end function onPlayerSelectVehicle(button, state) if (button ~= "left" or state ~= "up") then return end if (guiGridListGetSelectedItem(gridVehicle) == -1) then return end local vrow = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(gridVehicle) local vname = guiGridListGetItemText(gridVehicle, vrow, vehicleColumn) local vid = getVehicleModelFromName(vname) guiSetVisible(wndVehicle, false) showCursor(false) triggerServerEvent("jobvehicles.onPlayerSpawnVehicle", root, vid, v_table[1], v_table[2], v_table[3], v_table[4], v_table[5], v_table[6], v_table[7]) end Link to comment
illestiraqi Posted March 8, 2013 Author Share Posted March 8, 2013 I have already problems with rotation:Server: local vehicle = {} function isVehicleSpawned(vehicle) return getElementData(vehicle, "jobvehicle") end function doesPlayerHaveVehicleSpawned(player) if (isElement(vehicle[player])) then return true else return false end end function destroyVehicle(vehicle, player) if (isElement(vehicle[player])) then destroyElement(vehicle[player]) end end function createTheJobVehicles() for index, table in ipairs(vehicles) do marker = createMarker(table.x, table.y, table.z, "cylinder", 2, table.r, table.g, table.b) setElementData(marker, "vehiclemarker-role", table.Roles) setElementData(marker, "vehiclemarker-vehicles", table.vehicles) setElementData(marker, "vehiclemarker-rotation", table.rotation) vehicle[marker] = table.Roles local position = table.x..", "..table.y..", "..table.z..", "..", "..table.rotation local color = table.vehR..", "..table.vehG..", "..table.vehB..", " setElementData(marker, "vehiclemarker-position", position) setElementData(marker, "vehiclemarker-color", color) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, onPlayerVehicleMarkerHit) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createTheJobVehicles) function onPlayerVehicleMarkerHit(player) local role = getElementData(source, "vehiclemarker-role") local vehicles = getElementData(source, "vehiclemarker-vehicles") local rotation = getElementData(source, "vehiclemarker-rotation") if (getElementType(player) == "player") then if (getElementData(player, dataToFindPlayersJob) == role or role == "ALL") then if (isPedInVehicle(player)) then return end local position = getElementData(source, "vehiclemarker-position") local color = getElementData(source, "vehiclemarker-color") local posX, posY, posZ, rotation = unpack(split(position, ",")) local r, g, b = unpack(split(color, ",")) triggerClientEvent(player, "jobvehicles.showVehicleGUI", root, vehicles, rotation, posX, posY, posZ, rotation, r, g, b) end end end function onPlayerSpawnVehicle(vid, vx, vy, vz, rotation, r, g, b) if (isElement(vehicle[client])) then destroyElement(vehicle[client]) end vehicle[client] = createVehicle(vid, vx, vy, vz) setElementData(vehicle[client], "jobvehicle", true) warpPedIntoVehicle(client, vehicle[client]) setElementRotation(vehicle[client], 0, 0, rotation) outputDebugString(getPlayerName(client).. " has spawned a '"..getVehicleNameFromModel(vid)) outputServerLog(getPlayerName(client).. " has spawned a '"..getVehicleNameFromModel(vid).."'") if (r) then setVehicleColor(vehicle[client], r, g, b) end end addEvent("jobvehicles.onPlayerSpawnVehicle", true) addEventHandler("jobvehicles.onPlayerSpawnVehicle", root, onPlayerSpawnVehicle) function destroyPlayerVehicle() if (isElement(vehicle[source])) then destroyElement(vehicle[source]) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, destroyPlayerVehicle) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout", root, destroyPlayerVehicle) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, destroyPlayerVehicle) function destroyMyOwnVehicle(player) if (isElement(vehicle[player])) then outputChatBox("You have succesfully destroyed your "..getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle[player])).."!", player, 0, 255, 10) destroyElement(vehicle[player]) elseif (not isElement(vehicle[player])) then outputChatBox("You currently do not have a job vehicle spawned to destroy!", player, 250, 0, 0) end end addCommandHandler("destroyv", destroyMyOwnVehicle) function destroyVehicleOnExplode() if (getElementData(source, "jobvehicle")) then destroyElement(source) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", root, destroyVehicleOnExplode) function onAdminDestroyJobVehicle(admin, cmd, target) local accountname = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(admin)) if (hasObjectPermissionTo("user."..accountname, "function.kickPlayer") and target) then local player = getPlayerFromName(target) if (isElement(vehicle[player]) and player) then outputChatBox("You have destroyed "..getPlayerName(player).."' s "..getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle[player])).." (jobvehicle)", admin, 0, 255, 10) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(admin).." has destroyed your "..getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle[player])).." (jobvehicle)", player, 255, 10, 0) destroyElement(vehicle[player]) elseif (not isElement(vehicle[player]) and player) then outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player).. " does not currently have any job vehicle spawned.", admin, 255, 10, 0) else outputChatBox("The player do not exist!", admin, 250, 0, 0) end end end addCommandHandler("dv", onAdminDestroyJobVehicle) Client: local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local v_table = {} function createVehicleChooserGUI() if (isElement(wndVehicle)) then if (guiGetVisible(wndVehicle)) then return end end wndVehicle = guiCreateWindow(385, 165, 280, 383, "Vehicle spawn",false) vehicleLabel = guiCreateLabel(9,25,262,25,"Select vehicle:",false,wndVehicle) gridVehicle = guiCreateGridList(9,47,260,285,false,wndVehicle) vehicleColumn = guiGridListAddColumn(gridVehicle,"Vehicle",0.-- s8) --> vehicleSpawn = guiCreateButton(151,336,122,38,"Select",false,wndVehicle) vehicleClose = guiCreateButton(9,336,122,38,"Close",false,wndVehicle) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", vehicleSpawn, onPlayerSelectVehicle) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", vehicleClose, onPlayerExitVehicleGUI) end function showVehicleGUI(vehicles, rotation, posX, posY, posZ, rotation, r, g, b) createVehicleChooserGUI() v_table[1] = posX v_table[2] = posY v_table[3] = posZ v_table[4] = rotation v_table[5] = r v_table[6] = g v_table[7] = b showCursor(true) guiGridListClear(gridVehicle) for index, vehicles in ipairs(vehicles) do vehicleRow = guiGridListAddRow(gridVehicle) guiGridListSetItemText(gridVehicle, vehicleRow, vehicleColumn, getVehicleNameFromModel(vehicles), false, true) end end addEvent("jobvehicles.showVehicleGUI", true) addEventHandler("jobvehicles.showVehicleGUI", root, showVehicleGUI) function onPlayerExitVehicleGUI(button, state) if (button ~= "left" or state ~= "up") then return end guiSetVisible(wndVehicle, false) showCursor(false) end function onPlayerSelectVehicle(button, state) if (button ~= "left" or state ~= "up") then return end if (guiGridListGetSelectedItem(gridVehicle) == -1) then return end local vrow = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(gridVehicle) local vname = guiGridListGetItemText(gridVehicle, vrow, vehicleColumn) local vid = getVehicleModelFromName(vname) guiSetVisible(wndVehicle, false) showCursor(false) triggerServerEvent("jobvehicles.onPlayerSpawnVehicle", root, vid, v_table[1], v_table[2], v_table[3], v_table[4], v_table[5], v_table[6], v_table[7]) end Did I have to change something because the script just fked up Link to comment
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