iPrestege Posted February 24, 2013 Share Posted February 24, 2013 Mods and Smods arent in group. Why? Restart script and Login again! Link to comment
papam77 Posted February 24, 2013 Author Share Posted February 24, 2013 Nothing work it ! He was unlogged And one ask I have this --Vars --Author TwiX [[Don't Remove This Line]] local price = 500; addEventHandler ( 'onGamemodeMapStart', root, function ( mapres ) local txMapName = getResourceName ( mapres ); pHasBought = false; allGotVehicle = false; getAliveGuys ( 3 ); saveSqlPlayed ( txMapName ); end ) function rStart ( ) pHasBought = false; allGotVehicle = false; executeSQLQuery ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tx_MapShop ( mapName TEXT, played INTEGER )" ); getAllMapsFromManager ( ); txBMaps = { } end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource ( ) ), rStart ) function buyNextMap ( player, mapName ) if not player or not mapName then return end if ( isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) == false ) then if pHasBought == false then local money = tonumber ( getPlayerMoney ( player ) ); local theTime = getMsFromMin ( 10 ); if money >= tonumber ( price ) then if ( not txBMaps [ mapName ] ) then txBMaps [ mapName ] = true executeCommandHandler ( "bm", player, mapName ); --This function need admin rights pHasBought = player; setTimer ( removeMapFromList, theTime.ms, 1, mapName ); else outputChatBox ( "* #ff0000'#ffffff" .. mapName .. "#ff0000' #ffffffwill be #abcdefavailable #ffffffin #abcdef10 #ffffffminutes", player, 255, 255, 255, true ); end else outputChatBox ( "* You #abcdefdon't #ffffffhave enough #abcdefmoney #ffffffto buy the map!", player, 255, 255, 255, true ); end else outputChatBox ( "* A #abcdefmap #ffffffis already bought at the moment! Please #abcdeftry #ffffffagain later", player, 255, 255, 255, true ); end else outputChatBox ( "* You should be #abcdeflogged in to buy the map!", player, 255, 255, 255, true ); end end addEvent ( "doBuyMap", true ) addEventHandler ( "doBuyMap", root, buyNextMap ) function removeMapFromList ( mapName ) outputChatBox ( "* #abcdef" .. mapName .. " #ffffff - #ffffffis now #abcdefavailable #ffffffat the #abcdefMap Shop!", root, 255, 255, 255, true ); txBMaps [ mapName ] = nil; end addEvent ( "onRaceStateChanging", true ) addEventHandler ( "onRaceStateChanging", root, function ( newState ) if ( newState == "Running" ) then for k,v in pairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local hisVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( v ); if not hisVehicle then return end setElementData (v, "gotMoney", false ); if isPedInVehicle ( v ) then allGotVehicle = true; end end if allGotVehicle then getAliveGuys ( 1 ); end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) setElementData ( source, "gotMoney", false ); --Atm only setElementData end ) --Functions by Admin Panel (lil_Toady) function getAllMaps ( loadList, s ) local tableOut if loadList then tableOut = { }; local gamemodes = { }; gamemodes = call ( getResourceFromName ( "mapmanager" ), "getGamemodes" ); for id, gamemode in ipairs ( gamemodes ) do tableOut [ id ] = { }; tableOut [ id ].name = getResourceInfo(gamemode,"name") or getResourceName(gamemode); tableOut [ id ].resname = getResourceName(gamemode); tableOut [ id ].maps = {}; local maps = call ( getResourceFromName ( "mapmanager" ), "getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode", gamemode ); for _, map in ipairs ( maps ) do table.insert ( tableOut [ id ][ "maps" ],{ name = getResourceInfo ( map, "name" ) or getResourceName ( map ),resname = getResourceName ( map ) } ); end table.sort ( tableOut [ id ][ "maps" ],sortCompareFunction ); end table.sort ( ( tableOut ), sortCompareFunction ); table.insert ( tableOut, { name = "no gamemode", resname = "no gamemode", maps = { } } ); local countGmodes = #tableOut; local maps = call ( getResourceFromName ( "mapmanager" ), "getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode" ); for id, map in ipairs ( maps ) do table.insert ( tableOut [ countGmodes ][ "maps" ],{ name = getResourceInfo ( map, "name" ) or getResourceName ( map ), resname = getResourceName (map ) } ); end table.sort ( tableOut [ countGmodes ][ "maps" ], sortCompareFunction ); end local map = call ( getResourceFromName ( "mapmanager" ), "getRunningGamemodeMap" ); local gamemode = call ( getResourceFromName ( "mapmanager" ), "getRunningGamemode" ); gamemode = gamemode and getResourceName ( gamemode ) or "N/A"; map = map and getResourceName ( map ) or "N/A"; triggerClientEvent ( "refreshCompleted", loadList, tableOut, gamemode, map, s ); end addEvent ( "doRefreshMapList", true ) addEventHandler ( "doRefreshMapList", root, getAllMaps ) function sortCompareFunction ( s1, s2 ) if type ( s1 ) == "table" and type ( s2 ) == "table" then s1, s2 = s1.name, s2.name; end s1, s2 = s1:lower ( ), s2:lower( ); if s1 == s2 then return false end local byte1, byte2 = string.byte ( s1:sub ( 1, 1 ) ), string.byte ( s2:sub ( 1, 1 ) ); if not byte1 then return true elseif not byte2 then return false elseif byte1 < byte2 then return true elseif byte1 == byte2 then return sortCompareFunction ( s1:sub ( 2 ), s2:sub ( 2 ) ); else return false end end function getAliveGuys ( mode ) if not mode then return end if mode == 1 then pAlive = { }; for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( getElementData ( player, "state" ) == "alive" ) then table.insert ( pAlive, player ); end end return pAlive; elseif mode == 2 then return #pAlive; elseif mode == 3 then if pAlive then pAlive = nil; end return false end end function getDeadGuys ( ) local pDead = 0 for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if getElementData ( player, "state" ) == "dead" then pDead = pDead + 1; end end return pDead; end function giveMoneyWinDie ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( source ); local playersAlive = getAliveGuys ( 2 ); local playersDead = getDeadGuys ( ); local pAll = playersAlive + playersDead; local checkYourPos = pAll - playersDead; local pos = nil; if tonumber ( checkYourPos ) == 1 then pos = 1 else pos = checkYourPos + 1; end if tonumber ( checkYourPos ) == 2 then pos = 2; end if pos == 1 or pos == 21 or pos == 31 then posName = "st"; elseif pos == 2 or pos == 22 or pos == 32 then posName = "nd"; elseif pos == 3 or pos == 23 or pos == 33 then posName = "rd"; else posName = "th"; end if not getElementData ( source, "gotMoney" ) then local money = math.ceil ( getPlayerCount ( ) * 50 / pos ); givePlayerMoney ( source, money ); outputChatBox ( "* You were #abcdef[#ff0000" .. pos .. posName .. "#abcdef]#ffffff and #abcdefearned #ffffff" .. money .. "#00ff00$!", source, 255, 255, 255, true ); setElementData ( source, "gotMoney", true ); if account then setAccountData ( account, "money", tostring ( getPlayerMoney ( source ) ) ); end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root , giveMoneyWinDie ) I need it only on command /dshop not bind Link to comment
iPrestege Posted February 24, 2013 Share Posted February 24, 2013 LoooL , About this i can't find any thing about bindKey? Link to comment
papam77 Posted February 24, 2013 Author Share Posted February 24, 2013 Here is it https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5801 Link to comment
iPrestege Posted February 24, 2013 Share Posted February 24, 2013 --Some vars --Author TwiX [[Don't Remove This Line]] local sW,sH = guiGetScreenSize ( ); local gUtils = { }; gUtils.guiW,gUtils.guiH = 398, 410; gUtils.posX,gUtils.posY = sW / 2 - gUtils.guiW / 2, sH / 2 - gUtils.guiH / 2; --Center of screen for all resolutions local gLabels = { }; local gButtons = { }; function createGui ( ) gWindow = guiCreateWindow ( gUtils.posX, gUtils.posY, gUtils.guiW, gUtils.guiH, "Mini Map Shop v0.7", false ); gLabels[1] = guiCreateLabel ( 206, 30, 161, 19, "Money:", false, gWindow ); gLabels[2] = guiCreateLabel ( 206, 49, 100, 16, "Map Costs 5000$", false, gWindow ); gLabels[3] = guiCreateLabel ( 206, 66, 82, 15, "Selected Map:", false, gWindow ); gLabels[4] = guiCreateLabel ( 206, 145, 188, 22, "Buy Maps Shop by TwiX", false, gWindow ); gLabels[5] = guiCreateLabel ( 206,165,67,22, "Search Map:", false, gWindow ); gLabels[6] = guiCreateLabel ( 206,215,188,22, "Top 1: ", false, gWindow ); gLabels[7] = guiCreateLabel ( 206,235,188,22, "Top 2: ", false, gWindow ); gLabels[8] = guiCreateLabel ( 206,255,188,22, "Top 3: ", false, gWindow ); gUtils[1] = guiCreateLabel ( 206, 86, 188, 16, "Please select any map", false, gWindow ); gUtils[2] = guiCreateLabel ( 206, 106, 188, 16, "Played: N/A", false, gWindow ); gUtils[3] = guiCreateLabel ( 206, 125, 188, 16, "Rating: N/A", false, gWindow ); for _, label in ipairs ( gUtils ) do guiLabelSetColor ( label, 171, 205, 239 ); guiSetFont ( label, "default-bold-small" ); end for _, label in ipairs ( gLabels ) do guiSetFont ( label, "default-bold-small" ); if label == gLabels[3] then guiLabelSetColor ( gLabels[3], 0, 255, 0 ); end end gButtons[1] = guiCreateButton ( 206, 366, 182, 35, "Buy as next map", false, gWindow ); gButtons[2] = guiCreateButton ( 206, 277, 68, 21, "[DM]", false, gWindow ); gButtons[3] = guiCreateButton ( 322, 277, 68, 21, "[DD]", false ,gWindow ); gButtons[4] = guiCreateButton ( 206, 301, 68, 21, "[FUN]", false, gWindow ); gButtons[5] = guiCreateButton ( 322, 301, 68, 21, "[TRIALS]", false, gWindow ); gButtons[6] = guiCreateButton ( 260, 335, 68, 21, "[ALL]", false, gWindow ); gGridList = guiCreateGridList ( 11, 32, 191, 395, false, gWindow ); guiGridListSetSelectionMode ( gGridList, 2 ); gColumn = guiGridListAddColumn ( gGridList, "Name:", 0.85 ); guiWindowSetSizable ( gWindow, false ); pEdit = guiCreateEdit ( 206, 185, 153, 26, "", false, gWindow ); guiSetVisible ( gWindow, false ); addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource ( ) ), somethingFromClick ); addCommandHandler("dshop",showPanel) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource ( ) ), createGui ) function showPanel ( ) if guiGetVisible ( gWindow ) then guiSetVisible ( gWindow, false ); showCursor ( false ); removeEventHandler ( "onClientGUIChanged", pEdit, startSearchMap ); else triggerServerEvent ( "doRefreshMapList", localPlayer, localPlayer ); addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIChanged", pEdit, startSearchMap ); guiSetVisible ( gWindow, true ); showCursor ( true ); local playerMoney = getPlayerMoney ( ); guiSetText ( gLabels[1], "Money: [ " .. playerMoney .. " ]" ); end end function somethingFromClick ( button, state ) local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( gGridList ); if row == -1 then guiSetText ( gUtils[1], "Error! Please Select any map" ); guiSetText ( gUtils[2], "Played: N/A" ); guiSetText ( gUtils[3], "Rating: N/A" ); guiSetText ( gLabels[6], "Top 1: N/A" ); guiSetText ( gLabels[7], "Top 2: N/A" ); guiSetText ( gLabels[8], "Top 3: N/A" ); end if source == gButtons[1] then local mName = guiGridListGetItemText ( gGridList, row, gColumn ); triggerServerEvent ( "doBuyMap", localPlayer, localPlayer, mName ); elseif source == gGridList then local mapName = guiGridListGetItemText ( gGridList, row, gColumn ); guiSetText ( gUtils[1], mapName ); triggerServerEvent ( "doGetResultFormap", localPlayer, localPlayer, mapName ); elseif source == gButtons[2] then filterForMaps ( 1 ); elseif source == gButtons[3] then filterForMaps ( 2 ); elseif source == gButtons[4] then filterForMaps ( 3 ); elseif source == gButtons[5] then filterForMaps ( 4 ); elseif source == gButtons[6] then filterForMaps ( 5 ); end end function setMapNameInGrid ( gamemodeMapTable, gamemode, map, s ) guiGridListClear ( gGridList ); if gamemodeMapTable then aGamemodeMapTable = gamemodeMapTable; for id, gamemode in pairs ( gamemodeMapTable ) do if ( gamemode.name == "Race" ) then for id, map in ipairs ( gamemode.maps ) do if s then if string.find ( string.lower ( map.name ), string.lower ( s ) ) then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( gGridList ); guiGridListSetItemText ( gGridList, row, gColumn, map.name, false, false ); end else local row = guiGridListAddRow ( gGridList ); guiGridListSetItemText ( gGridList, row, gColumn, map.name, false, false ); end end end end end end addEvent ( "refreshCompleted", true ) addEventHandler ( "refreshCompleted", root, setMapNameInGrid ) function startSearchMap ( ) if not source == pEdit then return end guiGridListClear ( gGridList ); if guiGetText ( pEdit ) ~= "" then local found = 0; for id, gamemode in pairs ( aGamemodeMapTable ) do if ( gamemode.name == "Race" ) then for id, map in ipairs ( gamemode.maps ) do if string.find ( string.lower ( map.name ), string.lower ( guiGetText(pEdit):lower ( ) ), 0, true ) ~= nil then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( gGridList ); guiGridListSetItemText ( gGridList, row, 1, map.name, false, false ); found = found + 1; end end end end if found == 0 then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( gGridList ); guiGridListSetItemText ( gGridList, row, 1, "Map not found", false, false ); guiGridListSetItemColor ( gGridList, row, 1, 255, 0, 0 ); end else for id, gamemode in pairs ( aGamemodeMapTable ) do if ( gamemode.name == "Race" ) then for id, map in ipairs ( gamemode.maps ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( gGridList ); guiGridListSetItemText ( gGridList, row, 1, map.name, false, false ); end end end end end function filterForMaps ( mode ) -- Bad function will loop all maps. I don't recommend, only if you want this local mode = tonumber ( mode ); guiGridListClear ( gGridList ); for id, gamemode in pairs ( aGamemodeMapTable ) do if ( gamemode.name == "Race" ) then for id, map in ipairs ( gamemode.maps ) do if mode == 1 then if string.find ( map.name, "[DM]", 1, true ) then local gRow = guiGridListAddRow ( gGridList ); guiGridListSetItemText ( gGridList, gRow, gColumn, map.name, false, false ); end elseif mode == 2 then if string.find ( map.name, "[DD]", 1, true ) then local gRow = guiGridListAddRow ( gGridList ); guiGridListSetItemText ( gGridList, gRow, gColumn, map.name, false, false ); end elseif mode == 3 then if string.find ( map.name, "[FUN]", 1, true ) then local gRow = guiGridListAddRow ( gGridList ); guiGridListSetItemText ( gGridList, gRow, gColumn, map.name, false, false ); end elseif mode == 4 then if string.find ( map.name, "[TRIALS]", 1, true ) then local gRow = guiGridListAddRow ( gGridList ); guiGridListSetItemText ( gGridList, gRow, gColumn, map.name, false, false ); end elseif mode == 5 then local gRow = guiGridListAddRow ( gGridList ); guiGridListSetItemText ( gGridList, gRow, gColumn, map.name, false, false ); end end end end end function guiSetMapText ( played, rating, count, name1, theTime1, name2, theTime2, name3, theTime3 ) if played == 1 then p = "Played: First time"; else p = "Played: ["..played.." times]"; end guiSetText ( gUtils[2], p ); if count == 1 then prefix = ""; else prefix = "'s"; end if rating then text = "Rating: [" .. rating .. "/10] by ( " .. count .. " ) player" .. prefix; else text = "Not Rated Yet"; end guiSetText ( gUtils[3], text ); if name1 and theTime1 then guiSetText ( gLabels[6], "Top 1: " .. name1 .. " - " .. theTime1 ); else guiSetText ( gLabels[6], "Top 1: N/A" ); end if name2 and theTime2 then guiSetText ( gLabels[7], "Top 2: " .. name2 .. " - " .. theTime2 ); else guiSetText ( gLabels[7], "Top 2: N/A" ); end if name3 and theTime3 then guiSetText ( gLabels[8], "Top 3: " .. name3 .. " - " .. theTime3 ); else guiSetText ( gLabels[8], "Top 3: N/A" ); end end addEvent ( "doUpdateLabels", true ) addEventHandler ( "doUpdateLabels", root, guiSetMapText ) fileDelete ( "tx_mapsShop_c.lua" ); Please Replace This Code On This File : tx_mapsShop_c.lua and change the command @ line @ 43 Link to comment
papam77 Posted February 24, 2013 Author Share Posted February 24, 2013 And please add button close Link to comment
iPrestege Posted February 24, 2013 Share Posted February 24, 2013 Do you need a tea? Sorry i can't . Link to comment
papam77 Posted February 24, 2013 Author Share Posted February 24, 2013 Beer is better Link to comment
iPrestege Posted February 24, 2013 Share Posted February 24, 2013 Sorry I Can't just type the same command and the window will close ( = Link to comment
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