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HELP to Race DM


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takePlayerMoney( source, 1000)--Server: source may be change, It debends on your script 
takePlayerMoney( source )--Client: Also source changes depending on your script  

Here's an example :

addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", root, 
    function () 
        takePlayerMoney(source, 100) 

It takes 100$ from any player that got damaged ..

addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", root, 
    function () 

Does same as above

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takePlayerMoney( source, 1000)--Server: source may be change, It debends on your script

takePlayerMoney( source )--Client: Also source changes depending on your script

Put on?

I'm sorry if i''m not helpful, But i still don't understand :? .

And like i said before :

I don't know much about race gamemode scripts/resources


and how create command : /buynextmap
addCommandHandler("buynextmap", functionName) 

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