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Netcode idea

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I'm no programmer, and I know little about the internal workings of netcode in games, but it seems to me that you have some amazing netcode at your disposal right now, for free.

I'm talking, of course, about the GPL'd Quake and Quake II engines. Using this code would, unfortunately, require you to GPL your MOD, but I think that in this case the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. This netcode has been tried and proven by millions of gamers over many years, and truly is top notch.

And if you think open-sourcing a MOD is silly, just look to QW/TF; they were open source for a very long time and it did them well to be that way. Perhaps the only reason QW/TF is still played today is due to the efforts of those who modified the source that was written lo so many years ago.

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