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Anyone hosting a trial/free server?


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I am the leader of the clan |TSA| in Multi Theft Auto Stealth gamemode and currently i'm looking for a server. I would really appreciate it if someone could host me a trial server for up to 2 weeks.. I am looking for a job, so soon I can make a paypal account and actually start paying, If I like the host I will stay with u. I have to do my studies this year and its kinda hard to find a job. I will do my best to get money. Stealth is not a big gamemode but it was once a very good game mode and I do want to bring the Stealth days back. I do have a clan and its very popular among certain game modes so I can use this server as a training server etc. My name is |TSA|Stryder and I have all resources, etc. If you require any information about the server or anything please let me know! p.s I have tried port-forwarding and all that crazy stuff but I just don't get it! I already have a LUA scripter, so I am just looking for a host .. Trial server will be cool but if anyone is hosting a server around 10-15 slots for free it would be very useful and very nice of u :)

If you can please do this favor for me I would really appreciate it.

Please feel free to contact me on skype.

My skype is: izymta.

Thanks :)

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