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K, v in pairs?

Lloyd Logan

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In alot of the community scripts and WIKI examples, There's a line "for k, v in ipairs" what does this mean? and string.byte, what does this mean?

full :

function startup() 
    local file = xmlLoadFile("pns.xml") 
    for k, v in ipairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(file)) do 
        local pos = split(xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"pos"),string.byte(",")) 
        local marker = createMarker(pos[1],pos[2],pos[3],"cylinder") 

Thanks Lloyd

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table1 = { 
[1] = {"This is the first row"}, 
[2] = {"This is the second row"} 
for k, v in ipairs(table1) do 
outputChatBox("This is the row's index: "..k..", and this is the value of that row: "..v ) 

it should output on the chat box:"

This is the row's index: 1, and this is the value of that row: This is the first row

This is the row's index: 2, and this is the value of that row: This is the second row


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table1 = { 
[1] = {"This is the first row"}, 
[2] = {"This is the second row"} 
for k, v in ipairs(table1) do 
outputChatBox("This is the row's index: "..k..", and this is the value of that row: "..v ) 

it should output on the chat box:"

This is the row's index: 1, and this is the value of that row: This is the first row

This is the row's index: 2, and this is the value of that row: This is the second row


Thank you very much! I understand this quite a bit more!

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