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[HELP] Failed to call 'mysql:query'[String"?"]

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Hello, I'm currently working on a script that require some data from the SQL.

After figuring out how to set up and load the database that was required and connect it to an external database, I could finally start scripting.

Now here's the issue:

ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query'[string"?"]

local factionID = tonumber(getElementData(theTeam, "id")) 
local vehicleID = exports.mysql:query("SELECT 'id' FROM 'vehicles' WHERE 'faction' = '".. factionID .."'") 

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dont put quotes around tables, for they are not strings

also not around column names, for you don't want it to return the string 'id' either

like so

local factionID = tonumber(getElementData(theTeam, "id")) 
local vehicleID = exports.mysql:query("SELECT id FROM vehicles WHERE faction= '".. factionID .."'") 

not sure if this actually fixes it though, that error doesnt imply a syntax error. it should have succeeded at the call, but return nil. is this how exports work?

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