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Errm Hi, I am making a script and this is the first time I deal with GUIs, I am getting a problem in this GUI, it doesn't even show up when I press F10 D:

function guiToggleVisible ( )         
        if ( guiGetVisible ( musicwindow ) == true ) then               
                guiSetVisible ( musicwindow, false ) 
                guiSetVisible ( musicwindow, true ) 
    musicwindow = guiCreateWindow(0, 0, 461, 336, "Music Player", false) 
    checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(190, 285, 91, 31, "Enable Replay", false) 
    edit1 = guiCreateEdit(20, 75, 421, 21, "", false) 
    guiEditSetMaxLength(edit1, 32767) 
    label2 = guiCreateLabel(20, 55, 141, 16, "Insert your Music Link here:", false) 
    guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label2, "left", false) 
    guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(label2, "center") 
    label1 = guiCreateLabel(170, 25, 81, 16, "CIT Music Player", false) 
    guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label1, "left", false) 
    guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(label1, "center") 
    gridlist1 = guiCreateGridList(20, 145, 421, 121} 
    button1 = guiCreateButton(20, 105, 81, 31, "Add To Playlist", false) 
    button2 = guiCreateButton(70, 285, 51, 31, "Play", false) 
    button3 = guiCreateButton(130, 285, 51, 31, "Stop", false) 
    button4 = guiCreateButton(280, 285, 41, 31, "-", false) 
    button5 = guiCreateButton(330, 285, 41, 31, "+", false) 
bindKey ( "F10", "down", guiToggleVisible ) 

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musicwindow = guiCreateWindow(0, 0, 461, 336, "Music Player", false) 
checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(190, 285, 91, 31, "Enable Replay", false) 
edit1 = guiCreateEdit(20, 75, 421, 21, "", false) 
guiEditSetMaxLength(edit1, 32767) 
label2 = guiCreateLabel(20, 55, 141, 16, "Insert your Music Link here:", false) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label2, "left", false) 
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(label2, "center") 
label1 = guiCreateLabel(170, 25, 81, 16, "CIT Music Player", false) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label1, "left", false) 
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(label1, "center") 
gridlist1 = guiCreateGridList(20, 145, 421, 121} 
button1 = guiCreateButton(20, 105, 81, 31, "Add To Playlist", false) 
button2 = guiCreateButton(70, 285, 51, 31, "Play", false) 
button3 = guiCreateButton(130, 285, 51, 31, "Stop", false) 
button4 = guiCreateButton(280, 285, 41, 31, "-", false) 
button5 = guiCreateButton(330, 285, 41, 31, "+", false) 
function guiToggleVisible ( )         
    if ( guiGetVisible ( musicwindow ) ) then               
        guiSetVisible ( musicwindow, false ) 
        guiSetVisible ( musicwindow, true ) 
bindKey ( "F10", "down", guiToggleVisible ) 

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musicwindow = guiCreateWindow(0, 0, 461, 336, "Music Player", false) 
guiSetVisible(musicwindow, false) 
checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(190, 285, 91, 31, "Enable Replay", true, false, musicwindow) 
edit1 = guiCreateEdit(20, 75, 421, 21, "", false, musicwindow) 
guiEditSetMaxLength(edit1, 32767) 
label2 = guiCreateLabel(20, 55, 141, 16, "Insert your Music Link here:", false, musicwindow) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label2, "left", false, musicwindow) 
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(label2, "center") 
label1 = guiCreateLabel(170, 25, 81, 16, "CIT Music Player", false, musicwindow) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label1, "left", false) 
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(label1, "center") 
gridlist1 = guiCreateGridList(20, 145, 421, 121, false, musicwindow) 
button1 = guiCreateButton(20, 105, 81, 31, "Add To Playlist", false, musicwindow) 
button2 = guiCreateButton(70, 285, 51, 31, "Play", false, musicwindow) 
button3 = guiCreateButton(130, 285, 51, 31, "Stop", false, musicwindow) 
button4 = guiCreateButton(280, 285, 41, 31, "-", false, musicwindow) 
button5 = guiCreateButton(330, 285, 41, 31, "+", false, musicwindow) 
bindKey("F10", "down", 
    guiSetVisible(musicwindow, not guiGetVisible(musicwindow)) 

You have forgot relative and parent arguments and more..

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bindKey("F10", "down", 
    guiSetVisible(musicwindow, not guiGetVisible(musicwindow)) 

Maybe i am finding fault of your code but anyway. Why you call function guiGetVisible 2 times instead of call only one time like this:

bindKey( 'F10', 'down', 
        local bVisible = not guiGetVisible( musicwindow ) 
        guiSetVisible( musicwindow, bVisible ) 
        showCursor( bVisible ) 

It's little performance but anyway. It's good if you make it everywhere ..

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