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Ghost preview vehicle (client)


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How can I make a client vehicle (that is, created client-side, visible only for the client) ghost for collision with other elements?

This vehicles is a preview vehicle and I don't want others disturbing the preview.

Actually when some guy hits the preview vehicle the guy that hitted it doesn't feels nothing (since there's no vehicle for the guy) and for me that see the preview vehicle, the vehicle flies off from the collision.

I tried setElementCollisionsEnabled, but the vehicle starts floating right after the spawn, My next try should be maybe setElementCollidableWith with all the players\vehicles present in game, but what if another vehicle get spawned?

How can I make my client vehicle uncollidable?

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Is that vehicle supposed to move at all? If it needs to always be in the same place, then you can use setElementFrozen to lock it in the place, but if you want it to drive without being affected by anything, then I don't have an idea how to achieve it.

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That's probably because the model isn't loaded right after the creation of element. Maybe it will return correct value in onClientElementStreamIn. If it doesn't, then you could check its value every frame (onClientPreRender/onClientRender) and when it returns a non-zero value, set the position and freeze the vehicle.

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