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help with car skin mods


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i have really a very awsome creations done at 3ds max cars charachters and choppers

but the problem i dont know how to make them a Txd and DFF i have tried Kams script but its useless the tutorial is useless i searched at google but without any luck if you have a more discreptive tutorial on how to use Kams script tell me it and if there is another program i am ready note that it should be for 3ds max creations

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Simple and easy, create a .lua file with the following containment:

--Client Sided Only

txd = engineLoadTXD("filename.txd", model ID ) 
engineImportTXD(txd, model ID ) 
dff = engineLoadDFF("filename.dff", model ID ) 
engineReplaceModel(dff, model ID ) 

Make sure you replace "filename" with the TXD/DFF name and the "model ID" with whichever ID you want to replace.

Then create a meta:

    "YourName" name="Script Name" version="Ver" type="script" /> 

Now make sure you replace the "filename" with the script you created above. Add the version and author and you're done. Start the resource and see how it works out for ya. The script requires no eventHandlers if you're wondering, it starts by default.

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