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Castillo's exp_system


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So i've been trying like all the ways to do it but it's impossible.

Is there anyway to retrieve "levelname" node (from the levels.xml)? (Note that even if i try to edit it, the script is compiled, so no way i'm editing that)

I'm trying to output in a label the level name of a player, but it will just output the number of the level. Yes, i'm talking about the "exp_system"

Thanks in advance.

- WolfPire

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Is not possible, if you want, I can add a function so you can get the name of a level.

That'll be amazing. It was kind of awesome that you could set the experience level throught the .xml . But it would be even way more cooler if you could set level's name.

So yeah, if you could, that function would be awesome in case you want to use ranks of some sort of thing like that :)

- WolfPire

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