Fury Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 rankingboard_client.lua: local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() RankingBoard = {} RankingBoard.__index = RankingBoard RankingBoard.instances = {} local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local topDistance = 250 local bottomDistance = 0.3*screenHeight local posLeftDistance = 30 local nameLeftDistance = 60 local labelHeight = 16 local maxPositions = math.floor((screenHeight - topDistance - bottomDistance)/labelHeight) posLabel = {} playerLabel = {} alphaElem = {} colorElem = {} biggestLabelWidth = 0 function resetRankingboard () for id, elem in pairs(playerLabel) do setElementData(elem,"spectated",false) end for i, val in ipairs(Spectators) do table.remove(Spectators, i) end posLabel = {} playerLabel = {} Spectators = {} alphaElem = {} colorElem = {} biggestLabelWidth = 0 end addEvent("onClientMapStopping",true) addEventHandler ( "onClientMapStopping", getRootElement(), resetRankingboard ) function resetSpectators () for i, val in ipairs(Spectators) do table.remove(Spectators, i) end for id, elem in pairs(playerLabel) do setElementData(elem,"spectated",false) end Spectators = {} end addEvent("onClientPlayerWasted",true) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), resetSpectators ) function RankingBoard.create(id) RankingBoard.instances[id] = setmetatable({ id = id, direction = 'down', labels = {}, position = 0 }, RankingBoard) posLabel = {} playerLabel = {} end function RankingBoard.call(id, fn, ...) RankingBoard[fn](RankingBoard.instances[id], ...) end function RankingBoard:setDirection(direction, plrs) self.direction = direction if direction == 'up' then self.highestPos = plrs--#g_Players self.position = self.highestPos + 1 end end function RankingBoard:add(name, time) local position local y local doBoardScroll = false if self.direction == 'down' then self.position = self.position + 1 if self.position > maxPositions then return end y = topDistance + (self.position-1)*labelHeight elseif self.direction == 'up' then self.position = self.position - 1 local labelPosition = self.position if self.highestPos > maxPositions then labelPosition = labelPosition - (self.highestPos - maxPositions) if labelPosition < 1 then labelPosition = 0 doBoardScroll = true end elseif labelPosition < 1 then return end y = topDistance + (labelPosition-1)*labelHeight end posLabel[name], posLabelShadow = createShadowedLabelFromSpare(posLeftDistance, y, 20, labelHeight, tostring(self.position) .. ')', 'right') if time then if not self.firsttime then self.firsttime = time time = '' .. msToTimeStr(time) else time = '#ffffff+' .. msToTimeStr(time - self.firsttime) end else time = '' end --time = " " playerLabel[name], playerLabelShadow = createShadowedLabelFromSpare(nameLeftDistance, y, 250, labelHeight, name ..' #abcdef:: #ffffff'..time..'') local team = getPlayerTeam( getPlayerFromName( name ) ) if team then Cr,Cg,Cb = getTeamColor(team) else Cr,Cg,Cb = 255,255,255 end table.insert(self.labels, posLabel[name]) table.insert(self.labels, posLabelShadow) table.insert(self.labels, playerLabel[name]) table.insert(self.labels, playerLabelShadow) alphaElem[playerLabel[name]] = 0 alphaElem[posLabel[name]] = 0 colorElem[playerLabel[name]] = {30,30,30} playSoundFrontEnd(7) guiSetAlpha(posLabel[name], 0) guiSetAlpha(posLabelShadow, 0) guiSetAlpha(playerLabel[name], 0) guiSetAlpha(playerLabelShadow, 0) if doBoardScroll then local anim = Animation.createNamed('race.boardscroll', self) anim:addPhase({ from = 0, to = 1, time = 1250, fn = RankingBoard.scroll, firstLabel = posLabel[name] }) anim:addPhase({ fn = RankingBoard.destroyLastLabel, firstLabel = posLabel[name] }) anim:play() end for id, elem in pairs(playerLabel) do local widthRezise1 = dxGetTextWidth(string.gsub( guiGetText(elem), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ),1,"default-bold") if widthRezise1 > biggestLabelWidth then biggestLabelWidth = widthRezise1 end end end function RankingBoard:scroll(param, phase) local firstLabelIndex = table.find(self.labels, phase.firstLabel) for i=firstLabelIndex,firstLabelIndex+3 do guiSetAlpha(self.labels[i], param) end local x, y for i=0,#self.labels/4-1 do for j=1,4 do x = (j <= 2 and posLeftDistance or nameLeftDistance) y = topDistance + ((maxPositions - i - 1) + param)*labelHeight if j % 2 == 0 then x = x + 1 y = y + 1 end guiSetPosition(self.labels[i*4+j], sx + x, y, false) end end for i=1,4 do guiSetAlpha(self.labels[i], 1 - param) end end function RankingBoard:destroyLastLabel(phase) for i=1,4 do destroyElementToSpare(self.labels[1]) guiSetVisible(self.labels[1],false) table.remove(self.labels, 1) end local firstLabelIndex = table.find(self.labels, phase.firstLabel) for i=firstLabelIndex,firstLabelIndex+3 do guiSetAlpha(self.labels[i], 1) end end function RankingBoard:addMultiple(items) for i,item in ipairs(items) do self:add(item.name, item.time) end end function testing (c,name) RankingBoard:add(name) end addCommandHandler("addt",testing) function RankingBoard:clear() table.each(self.labels, destroyElementToSpare) self.labels = {} end function RankingBoard:destroy() self:clear() RankingBoard.instances[self.id] = nil end Spectators = {} addEvent('addSpectator', true) addEvent('removeSpectator', true) addEventHandler('addSpectator', getRootElement(), function(Spectator) table.insert(Spectators, Spectator) for idS, spectatorer in pairs(Spectators) do for id, elem in pairs(playerLabel) do if id == getPlayerNametagText(spectatorer) then setElementData(elem,"spectated",true) end end end end ) addEventHandler('removeSpectator', getRootElement(), function(spectator) for i, val in ipairs(Spectators) do if (val == spectator) then table.remove(Spectators, i) for id, elem in pairs(playerLabel) do if id == getPlayerNametagText(val) then setElementData(elem,"spectated",false) end end end end end ) -- -- Label cache -- local spareElems = {} local donePrecreate = false function RankingBoard.precreateLabels(count) donePrecreate = false while #spareElems/4 < count do local label, shadow = createShadowedLabel(10, 1, 20, 10, 'a' ) --guiSetAlpha(label,0) guiSetAlpha(shadow,0) guiSetVisible(label, false) guiSetVisible(shadow, false) destroyElementToSpare(label) destroyElementToSpare(shadow) end donePrecreate = true end function destroyElementToSpare(elem) Link to comment
TwiX! Posted September 7, 2012 Share Posted September 7, 2012 you just have to remove the stolen code you should learn scripting you should get a brain line 314-371 is totally fucked bad i won't help you with stolen code Link to comment
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