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وش فايدة dxSetBlendMode ؟


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السلام عليكم


وش فايدتها ؟

وش فايدك انت وش فايدتك ؟


This function sets the current blend mode for the dxDraw functions. Changing the blend mode can increase the quality when drawing text or certain other images to a render target. As a general guide use modulate_add when drawing text to a render target, and add when drawing the render target to the screen. Don't forget to restore the default blend at the end.

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السلام عليكم


وش فايدتها ؟

وش فايدك انت وش فايدتك ؟


This function sets the current blend mode for the dxDraw functions. Changing the blend mode can increase the quality when drawing text or certain other images to a render target. As a general guide use modulate_add when drawing text to a render target, and add when drawing the render target to the screen. Don't forget to restore the default blend at the end.

ياخي ترا ماهو مجبور ترد اذا ماتعرف والا بس تبي تزود مشاركاتك

وحاول انك ماترد على مواضيعي مره ثانيه :lol:

المهم ياعيال الي يعرف الجواب يعلمني

بدون هذا الي مسوي نفسه فاهم

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