DefearT Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 Hola me pueden ayudar a solucionar este error del resource fuel de la comunidad. [2012-09-03 16:08:17] WARNING: fuel\s.lua:20: Bad argument @ 'createBlip' [2012-09-03 16:23:01] ERROR: fuel\s.lua:72: attempt to compare string with number Aqui el Server-Side: local carFuel = {}; local gasStations = {}; local gasStationsBlip = {}; local gasStationsMarkers = {}; addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() local xml = xmlLoadFile("carData.xml"); local xmlNodes = xmlNodeGetChildren(xml); for i,node in ipairs(xmlNodes) do carFuel[tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(node,'id'))] = tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(node,'fuel')); end xmlUnloadFile(xml); local xml = xmlLoadFile("garageData.xml"); local xmlNodes = xmlNodeGetChildren(xml); for i,node in ipairs(xmlNodes) do local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute(node,'name'); local x = tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(node,'x')); local y = tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(node,'y')); local z = tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(node,'z')); gasStationsBlip[name] = createBlip(x,y,z,51,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); local moreKids = xmlNodeGetChildren(node); gasStationsMarkers[name] = {}; for i,v in ipairs(moreKids) do local mx = tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,'x')); local my = tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,'y')); local mz = tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,'z')); gasStationsMarkers[name][i] = createMarker(mx,my,mz,'corona',3,128,128,0,64); setElementData(gasStationsMarkers[name][i],'gasStation',true); end end xmlUnloadFile(xml); end ) function fuelUse(p) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(p); if vehicle then setTimer(fuelUse,1000,1,p); if getVehicleType(vehicle) ~= 'Automobile' and getVehicleType(vehicle) ~= 'Bike' and getVehicleType(vehicle) ~= 'Monster Truck' and getVehicleType(vehicle) ~= 'Quad' then return end if getVehicleController(vehicle) ~= p then return end --### if getVehicleEngineState(vehicle) == false then return end --### local fuel = getCarFuel(vehicle) if fuel == 0 then setVehicleEngineState(vehicle,false); return end --### --[[local speedX, speedY, speedZ = getElementVelocity(vehicle); vel = (speedX^2 + speedY^2 + speedZ^2)^(0.5)+(math.random(100,1000)/25000);]] local newX,newY,newZ = getElementPosition(vehicle); local oldX = getElementData(vehicle,'oldX') or newX; local oldY = getElementData(vehicle,'oldY') or newY; local oldZ = getElementData(vehicle,'oldZ') or newZ; local vel = (getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(oldX,oldY,newX,newY)/70)+(math.random(100,1000)/50000); local oldX = setElementData(vehicle,'oldX',newX); local oldY = setElementData(vehicle,'oldY',newY); local oldZ = setElementData(vehicle,'oldZ',newZ) --if vel < 0.01 then return end --### local remainingFuel = takeCarFuel(vehicle,vel); if remainingFuel < 0.001 then remainingFuel = 0; outputChatBox('Your car has ran out of fuel.',v); setVehicleEngineState(vehicle,false); end end end function startFuelUse(p,seat,jacked) if getVehicleType(source) ~= 'Automobile' and getVehicleType(source) ~= 'Bike' and getVehicleType(source) ~= 'Monster Truck' and getVehicleType(source) ~= 'Quad' then return end if seat ~= 0 then return end if getCarFuel(source) <= 0 then setVehicleEngineState(source,false); end setTimer(fuelUse,1000,1,p); end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter",getRootElement(),startFuelUse) function switchEngine(playerSource) local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(playerSource); if theVehicle and getVehicleController(theVehicle) == playerSource then local state = getVehicleEngineState(theVehicle) if state then setVehicleEngineState(theVehicle, false); outputChatBox('Car engine turned off.',playerSource); else if getCarFuel(theVehicle) <= 0 then return end setVehicleEngineState(theVehicle, true); outputChatBox('Car engine turned on.',playerSource); end end end addCommandHandler("engine",switchEngine); addEvent('pedSyphonVehicle',true); function pedSyphon(v) if getCarFuel(source) >= carFuel[-1] then outputChatBox("You are holding as much fuel as you can carry.",source); return end local n = math.random(100,200)/1000; local left = takeCarFuel(v,n); local total = addCarFuel(source,n); if left <= 0 then outputChatBox("That car has no more fuel left.",source); return end triggerClientEvent("onPedSyphonFuel",source); end addEventHandler('pedSyphonVehicle',getRootElement(),pedSyphon); addEvent('pedRefuelVehicle',true); function pedSyphon(v) if getCarFuel(source) <= 0 then outputChatBox("You have no more fuel left.",source); return end local maxFuel = carFuel[0]; if carFuel[getElementModel(v)] then maxFuel = getFuel[getElementModel(v)]; end if getCarFuel(v) >= maxFuel then outputChatBox("That car is fully refueled.",source); return end local n = math.random(100,200)/1000; local left = takeCarFuel(source,n); local total = addCarFuel(v,n); triggerClientEvent("onPedReFuel",source); end addEventHandler('pedRefuelVehicle',getRootElement(),pedSyphon); addEvent('onVehicleRefuel',true); function vehicleRefuel(v,m) if not getElementData(m,'gasStation') then return end if getElementType(v) ~= 'vehicle' then return end if getVehicleType(v) ~= 'Automobile' and getVehicleType(v) ~= 'Bike' and getVehicleType(v) ~= 'Monster Truck' and getVehicleType(v) ~= 'Quad' then return end local driver = getVehicleOccupants(v); if not driver[0] then return end if not isElementWithinMarker(v,m) then return end --### local maxFuel = carFuel[0]; if getPlayerMoney(driver[0]) < 25 then outputChatBox("You can't afford any more fuel.",p); return end if carFuel[getElementModel(v)] then maxFuel = carFuel[getElementModel(v)]; end if getCarFuel(v) >= maxFuel then return end addCarFuel(v,15); takePlayerMoney(driver[0],25); if getCarFuel(v) >= maxFuel then outputChatBox("Your car has been fully refueled.",p); takeCarFuel(v,getCarFuel(v)-maxFuel); return end setTimer(vehicleRefuel,500,1,v,m); end addEventHandler('onVehicleRefuel',getRootElement(),vehicleRefuel); function hitTheMarker(e) setTimer(vehicleRefuel,1500,1,e,source); end addEventHandler('onMarkerHit',getRootElement(),hitTheMarker); function getCarFuel(v) if getElementType(v) == 'vehicle' then if getVehicleType(v) == 'Automobile' or getVehicleType(v) == 'Bike' or getVehicleType(v) == 'Monster Truck' or getVehicleType(v) == 'Quad' then local fuel = getElementData(v,'fuel'); local model = getElementModel(v); if not carFuel[model] then model = 0; end if not fuel then if carFuel[model] then fuel = carFuel[model]; setElementData(v,'fuel',carFuel[model]); else fuel = carFuel[0]; setElementData(v,'fuel',carFuel[0]); end end return fuel; end elseif getElementType(v) == 'player' then local fuel = getElementData(v,'fuel'); if not fuel then setElementData(v,'fuel',0); return 0; end return fuel; end end function addCarFuel(v,a) if getElementType(v) == 'vehicle' then if getVehicleType(v) == 'Automobile' or getVehicleType(v) == 'Bike' or getVehicleType(v) == 'Monster Truck' or getVehicleType(v) == 'Quad' then local fuel = getElementData(v,'fuel'); local model = getElementModel(v); if not carFuel[model] then model = 0; end if not fuel then if carFuel[model] then fuel = carFuel[model]; setElementData(v,'fuel',carFuel[model]); else fuel = carFuel[0]; setElementData(v,'fuel',carFuel[0]); end end fuel = fuel + a; if fuel > carFuel[model] then fuel = carFuel[model]; end setElementData(v,'fuel',fuel); return fuel; end elseif getElementType(v) == 'player' then local fuel = getElementData(v,'fuel'); if not fuel then fuel = 0; end fuel = fuel + a; if fuel > carFuel[-1] then fuel = carFuel[-1]; end setElementData(v,'fuel',fuel); return fuel; end end function takeCarFuel(v,a) if getElementType(v) == 'vehicle' then if getVehicleType(v) == 'Automobile' or getVehicleType(v) == 'Bike' or getVehicleType(v) == 'Monster Truck' or getVehicleType(v) == 'Quad' then local fuel = getElementData(v,'fuel'); local model = getElementModel(v); if not carFuel[model] then model = 0; end if not fuel then if carFuel[model] then fuel = carFuel[model]; setElementData(v,'fuel',carFuel[model]); else fuel = carFuel[0]; setElementData(v,'fuel',carFuel[0]); end end fuel = fuel - a; if fuel < 0 then fuel = 0; end setElementData(v,'fuel',fuel); return fuel; end elseif getElementType(v) == 'player' then local fuel = getElementData(v,'fuel'); if not fuel then fuel = 0; end fuel = fuel - a; if fuel < 0 then fuel = 0; end setElementData(v,'fuel',fuel); return fuel; end end addEvent('giveVehicleFuelOnSpawn',true); addEventHandler('giveVehicleFuelOnSpawn',getRootElement(),function() getCarFuel(source); end); Otra cosa como se hace para poner un blip en el radar sin que salga en el radar, solo que se vuelva visible cuando esta serca del blip! Se entiende? Gracias de ante mano! Link to comment
Soren Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 En la linea 72, como dice el debug estas comparando un string con un numero. Intenta quitando el (source) Link to comment
BorderLine Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 en cuanto a lo del blip. lee los argumentos, el ultimo creo, da el radio para que aparesca en el radar cuando estes a cierta distancia Link to comment
DefearT Posted September 4, 2012 Author Share Posted September 4, 2012 No Soren porque si quito ese source a los autos nunca se les acabara la gasolina, pero igual sigue el error aun con el source que se lo quite, tiene que ser otra cosa! Y en la linea 20 sabes porque sale error? Link to comment
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