Fury Posted August 11, 2012 Share Posted August 11, 2012 server: -------------------------------- -- Car color selecter & saver -- -------------------------------- function carcolorselect(element, hex, r, g, b) setVehicleColor(element, r, g, b) end addEventHandler("onColorPickerChange", true) addEventHandler("onColorPickerChange", root, carcolorselect) function carcolorselect(element, hex, r, g, b) local account = getPlayerAccount( element ) setAccountData( account,"r", r ) setAccountData( account,"g", g ) setAccountData( account,"b", b ) setAccountData( account,"canichangecarcolor", 1 ) setVehicleColor(element, r, g, b) end addEventHandler("onColorPickerOK", true) addEventHandler("onColorPickerOK", root, carcolorselect) function zaa ( id, type, model ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) local cani = getAccountData( account,"canichangecarcolor" ) or 0 if cani == 0 then if ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) ) then if ( eventName == "onPlayerPickUpRacePickup" and id == "vehiclechange" or id == "repair" or id == "nitro" ) then local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) setVehicleColor ( vehicle, r, g, b ) else local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) setVehicleColor ( vehicle, r, g, b ) end end elseif cani == 1 then if ( eventName == "onPlayerPickUpRacePickup" and id == "vehiclechange" or id == "repair" or id == "nitro" ) then local r = getAccountData( account,"r" ) local g = getAccountData( account,"g" ) local b = getAccountData( account,"b" ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) setVehicleColor ( vehicle, r, g, b ) else local r = getAccountData( account,"r" ) local g = getAccountData( account,"g" ) local b = getAccountData( account,"b" ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) setVehicleColor ( vehicle, r, g, b ) end end end addEvent ("onPlayerPickUpRacePickup", true) addEventHandler ("onPlayerPickUpRacePickup", root, zaa) addEventHandler ("onPlayerVehicleEnter", root, zaa) client: selectcarcolor = guiCreateButton(283,48,152,43,"Select Car Colour",false,Vendetta_Tab[6]) selectheadlightcolor = guiCreateButton(283,105,152,43,"Select Headlights Colour",false,Vendetta_Tab[6]) function colorsevent() addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", selectcarcolor, openPicker, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", selectheadlightcolor, openPicker, false ) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), colorsevent) picker_client: sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize() pickerTable = {} colorPicker = {} colorPicker.__index = colorPicker function openPicker(id, start, title) if id and not pickerTable[id] then pickerTable[id] = colorPicker.create(id, start, title) pickerTable[id]:updateColor() return true end return false end function closePicker(id) if id and pickerTable[id] then pickerTable[id]:destroy() return true end return false end function colorPicker.create(id, start, title) local cp = {} setmetatable(cp, colorPicker) cp.id = id cp.color = {} cp.color.h, cp.color.s, cp.color.v, cp.color.r, cp.color.g, cp.color.b, cp.color.hex = 0, 1, 1, 255, 0, 0, "#FF0000" cp.color.white = tocolor(255,255,255,255) cp.color.black = tocolor(0,0,0,255) cp.color.current = tocolor(255,0,0,255) cp.color.huecurrent = tocolor(255,0,0,255) if start and getColorFromString(start) then cp.color.h, cp.color.s, cp.color.v = rgb2hsv(getColorFromString(start)) end cp.gui = {} cp.gui.width = 416 cp.gui.height = 304 cp.gui.snaptreshold = 0.02 cp.gui.window = guiCreateWindow((sw-cp.gui.width)/2, (sh-cp.gui.height)/2, cp.gui.width, cp.gui.height, tostring(title or "COLORPICKER"), false) cp.gui.svmap = guiCreateStaticImage(16, 32, 256, 256, "blank.png", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.hbar = guiCreateStaticImage(288, 32, 32, 256, "blank.png", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.blank = guiCreateStaticImage(336, 32, 64, 64, "blank.png", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.edith = guiCreateLabel(338, 106, 64, 20, "H: 0°", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.edits = guiCreateLabel(338, 126, 64, 20, "S: 100%", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.editv = guiCreateLabel(338, 146, 64, 20, "V: 100%", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.editr = guiCreateLabel(338, 171, 64, 20, "R: 255", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.editg = guiCreateLabel(338, 191, 64, 20, "G: 0", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.editb = guiCreateLabel(338, 211, 64, 20, "B: 0", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.okb = guiCreateButton(336, 235, 64, 24, "OK", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.closeb = guiCreateButton(336, 265, 64, 24, "Cancel", false, cp.gui.window) guiWindowSetSizable(cp.gui.window, false) cp.handlers = {} cp.handlers.mouseDown = function() cp:mouseDown() end cp.handlers.mouseSnap = function() cp:mouseSnap() end cp.handlers.mouseUp = function(b,s) cp:mouseUp(b,s) end cp.handlers.mouseMove = function(x,y) cp:mouseMove(x,y) end cp.handlers.render = function() cp:render() end cp.handlers.guiFocus = function() cp:guiFocus() end cp.handlers.guiBlur = function() cp:guiBlur() end cp.handlers.pickColor = function() cp:pickColor() end cp.handlers.destroy = function() cp:destroy() end addEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseDown", cp.gui.svmap, cp.handlers.mouseDown, false) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave", cp.gui.svmap, cp.handlers.mouseSnap, false) addEventHandler("onClientMouseMove", cp.gui.svmap, cp.handlers.mouseMove, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseDown", cp.gui.hbar, cp.handlers.mouseDown, false) addEventHandler("onClientMouseMove", cp.gui.hbar, cp.handlers.mouseMove, false) addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, cp.handlers.mouseUp) addEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseUp", root, cp.handlers.mouseUp) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, cp.handlers.render) addEventHandler("onClientGUIFocus", cp.gui.window, cp.handlers.guiFocus, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIBlur", cp.gui.window, cp.handlers.guiBlur, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", cp.gui.okb, cp.handlers.pickColor, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", cp.gui.closeb, cp.handlers.destroy, false) showCursor(true) return cp end function colorPicker:render() -- if not self.gui.focus then return end local x,y = guiGetPosition(self.gui.window, false) dxDrawRectangle(x+16, y+32, 256, 256, self.color.huecurrent, self.gui.focus) dxDrawImage(x+16, y+32, 256, 256, "sv.png", 0, 0, 0, self.color.white, self.gui.focus) dxDrawImage(x+288, y+32, 32, 256, "h.png", 0, 0, 0, self.color.white, self.gui.focus) dxDrawImageSection(x+8+math.floor(256*self.color.s), y+24+(256-math.floor(256*self.color.v)), 16, 16, 0, 0, 16, 16, "cursor.png", 0, 0, 0, self.color.white, self.gui.focus) dxDrawImageSection(x+280, y+24+(256-math.floor(256*self.color.h)), 48, 16, 16, 0, 48, 16, "cursor.png", 0, 0, 0, self.color.huecurrent, self.gui.focus) dxDrawRectangle(x+336, y+32, 64, 64, self.color.current, self.gui.focus) dxDrawText(self.color.hex, x+336, y+32, x+400, y+96, self.color.v < 0.5 and self.color.white or self.color.black, 1, "default", "center", "center", true, true, self.gui.focus) end function colorPicker:mouseDown() if source == self.gui.svmap or source == self.gui.hbar then self.gui.track = source local cx, cy = getCursorPosition() self:mouseMove(sw*cx, sh*cy) end end function colorPicker:mouseUp(button, state) if not state or state ~= "down" then if self.gui.track then triggerEvent("onColorPickerChange", root, self.id, self.color.hex, self.color.r, self.color.g, self.color.b) end self.gui.track = false end end function colorPicker:mouseMove(x,y) if self.gui.track and source == self.gui.track then local gx,gy = guiGetPosition(self.gui.window, false) if source == self.gui.svmap then local offsetx, offsety = x - (gx + 16), y - (gy + 32) self.color.s = offsetx/255 self.color.v = (255-offsety)/255 elseif source == self.gui.hbar then local offset = y - (gy + 32) self.color.h = (255-offset)/255 end self:updateColor() end end function colorPicker:mouseSnap() if self.gui.track and source == self.gui.track then if self.color.s < self.gui.snaptreshold or self.color.s > 1-self.gui.snaptreshold then self.color.s = math.round(self.color.s) end if self.color.v < self.gui.snaptreshold or self.color.v > 1-self.gui.snaptreshold then self.color.v = math.round(self.color.v) end self:updateColor() end end function colorPicker:updateColor() self.color.r, self.color.g, self.color.b = hsv2rgb(self.color.h, self.color.s, self.color.v) self.color.current = tocolor(self.color.r, self.color.g, self.color.b,255) self.color.huecurrent = tocolor(hsv2rgb(self.color.h, 1, 1)) self.color.hex = string.format("#%02X%02X%02X", self.color.r, self.color.g, self.color.b) guiSetText(self.gui.edith, "H: "..tostring(math.round(self.color.h*360)).."°") guiSetText(self.gui.edits, "S: "..tostring(math.round(self.color.s*100)).."%") guiSetText(self.gui.editv, "V: "..tostring(math.round(self.color.v*100)).."%") guiSetText(self.gui.editr, "R: "..tostring(self.color.r)) guiSetText(self.gui.editg, "G: "..tostring(self.color.g)) guiSetText(self.gui.editb, "B: "..tostring(self.color.b)) end function colorPicker:guiFocus() self.gui.focus = true guiSetAlpha(self.gui.window, 1) end function colorPicker:guiBlur() self.gui.focus = false guiSetAlpha(self.gui.window, 0.5) end function colorPicker:pickColor() triggerEvent("onColorPickerOK", root, self.id, self.color.hex, self.color.r, self.color.g, self.color.b) self:destroy() end function colorPicker:destroy() removeEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseDown", self.gui.svmap, self.handlers.mouseDown) removeEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave", self.gui.svmap, self.handlers.mouseSnap) removeEventHandler("onClientMouseMove", self.gui.svmap, self.handlers.mouseMove) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseDown", self.gui.hbar, self.handlers.mouseDown) removeEventHandler("onClientMouseMove", self.gui.hbar, self.handlers.mouseMove) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, self.handlers.mouseUp) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseUp", root, self.handlers.mouseUp) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, self.handlers.render) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIFocus", self.gui.window, self.handlers.guiFocus) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIBlur", self.gui.window, self.handlers.guiBlur) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", self.gui.okb, self.handlers.pickColor) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", self.gui.closeb, self.handlers.destroy) destroyElement(self.gui.window) pickerTable[self.id] = nil setmetatable(self, nil) showCursor(areThereAnyPickers()) end function areThereAnyPickers() for _ in pairs(pickerTable) do return true end return false end function hsv2rgb(h, s, v) local r, g, b local i = math.floor(h * 6) local f = h * 6 - i local p = v * (1 - s) local q = v * (1 - f * s) local t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s) local switch = i % 6 if switch == 0 then r = v g = t b = p elseif switch == 1 then r = q g = v b = p elseif switch == 2 then r = p g = v b = t elseif switch == 3 then r = p g = q b = v elseif switch == 4 then r = t g = p b = v elseif switch == 5 then r = v g = p b = q end return math.floor(r*255), math.floor(g*255), math.floor(b*255) end function rgb2hsv(r, g, b) r, g, b = r/255, g/255, b/255 local max, min = math.max(r, g, b), math.min(r, g, b) local h, s local v = max local d = max - min s = max == 0 and 0 or d/max if max == min then h = 0 elseif max == r then h = (g - b) / d + (g < b and 6 or 0) elseif max == g then h = (b - r) / d + 2 elseif max == b then h = (r - g) / d + 4 end h = h/6 return h, s, v end function math.round(v) return math.floor(v+0.5) end addEvent("onColorPickerOK", true) addEvent("onColorPickerChange", true) it isnt running and no error. can you help me please? 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Castillo Posted August 11, 2012 Share Posted August 11, 2012 Because you must use the openPicker function like this: openPicker ( "Car color", "#FFFFFF", "Car color changer" ) Link to comment
Fury Posted August 11, 2012 Author Share Posted August 11, 2012 Because you must use the openPicker function like this: openPicker ( "Car color", "#FFFFFF", "Car color changer" ) thanks. server: -------------------------------- -- Car color selecter & saver -- -------------------------------- function zaa ( id, type, model ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) local cani = getAccountData( account,"canichangecarcolor" ) or 0 if cani == 0 then if ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) ) then if ( eventName == "onPlayerPickUpRacePickup" and id == "vehiclechange" or id == "repair" or id == "nitro" ) then local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) setVehicleColor ( vehicle, r, g, b ) else local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) setVehicleColor ( vehicle, r, g, b ) end end elseif cani == 1 then if ( eventName == "onPlayerPickUpRacePickup" and id == "vehiclechange" or id == "repair" or id == "nitro" ) then local r = tonumber(getAccountData( account,"r" )) local g = tonumber(getAccountData( account,"g" )) local b = tonumber(getAccountData( account,"b" )) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) setVehicleColor ( vehicle, r, g, b ) else local r = tonumber(getAccountData( account,"r" )) local g = tonumber(getAccountData( account,"g" )) local b = tonumber(getAccountData( account,"b" )) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) setVehicleColor ( vehicle, r, g, b ) end end end addEvent ("onPlayerPickUpRacePickup", true) addEventHandler ("onPlayerPickUpRacePickup", root, zaa) addEventHandler ("onPlayerVehicleEnter", root, zaa) function carcolor ( element, r, g, b ) local account = getPlayerAccount( element ) setAccountData( account,"r", tonumber(r) ) setAccountData( account,"g", tonumber(g) ) setAccountData( account,"b", tonumber(b) ) setAccountData( account,"canichangecarcolor", 1 ) setVehicleColor(element, r, g, b) end addEvent( "onChangeCarColor", true ) addEventHandler( "onChangeCarColor", root, carcolor ) bad argument in 42, 43, 44 line client: selectcarcolor = guiCreateButton(283,48,152,43,"Select Car Colour",false,Vendetta_Tab[6]) selectheadlightcolor = guiCreateButton(283,105,152,43,"Select Headlights Colour",false,Vendetta_Tab[6]) function openn () openPicker ( "Car color", "#FFFFFF", "Car color changer" ) end function openn1 () openPicker ( "Headlight color", "#FFFFFF", "Car color changer" ) end function colorsevent() addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", selectcarcolor, openn, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", selectheadlightcolor, openn1, false ) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), colorsevent) color picker: sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize() pickerTable = {} colorPicker = {} colorPicker.__index = colorPicker function openPicker(id, start, title) if id and not pickerTable[id] then pickerTable[id] = colorPicker.create(id, start, title) pickerTable[id]:updateColor() return true end return false end function closePicker(id) if id and pickerTable[id] then pickerTable[id]:destroy() return true end return false end function colorPicker.create(id, start, title) local cp = {} setmetatable(cp, colorPicker) cp.id = id cp.color = {} cp.color.h, cp.color.s, cp.color.v, cp.color.r, cp.color.g, cp.color.b, cp.color.hex = 0, 1, 1, 255, 0, 0, "#FF0000" cp.color.white = tocolor(255,255,255,255) cp.color.black = tocolor(0,0,0,255) cp.color.current = tocolor(255,0,0,255) cp.color.huecurrent = tocolor(255,0,0,255) if start and getColorFromString(start) then cp.color.h, cp.color.s, cp.color.v = rgb2hsv(getColorFromString(start)) end cp.gui = {} cp.gui.width = 416 cp.gui.height = 304 cp.gui.snaptreshold = 0.02 cp.gui.window = guiCreateWindow((sw-cp.gui.width)/2, (sh-cp.gui.height)/2, cp.gui.width, cp.gui.height, tostring(title or "COLORPICKER"), false) cp.gui.svmap = guiCreateStaticImage(16, 32, 256, 256, "images/picker/blank.png", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.hbar = guiCreateStaticImage(288, 32, 32, 256, "images/picker/blank.png", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.blank = guiCreateStaticImage(336, 32, 64, 64, "images/picker/blank.png", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.edith = guiCreateLabel(338, 106, 64, 20, "H: 0°", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.edits = guiCreateLabel(338, 126, 64, 20, "S: 100%", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.editv = guiCreateLabel(338, 146, 64, 20, "V: 100%", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.editr = guiCreateLabel(338, 171, 64, 20, "R: 255", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.editg = guiCreateLabel(338, 191, 64, 20, "G: 0", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.editb = guiCreateLabel(338, 211, 64, 20, "B: 0", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.okb = guiCreateButton(336, 235, 64, 24, "OK", false, cp.gui.window) cp.gui.closeb = guiCreateButton(336, 265, 64, 24, "Cancel", false, cp.gui.window) guiWindowSetSizable(cp.gui.window, false) cp.handlers = {} cp.handlers.mouseDown = function() cp:mouseDown() end cp.handlers.mouseSnap = function() cp:mouseSnap() end cp.handlers.mouseUp = function(b,s) cp:mouseUp(b,s) end cp.handlers.mouseMove = function(x,y) cp:mouseMove(x,y) end cp.handlers.render = function() cp:render() end cp.handlers.guiFocus = function() cp:guiFocus() end cp.handlers.guiBlur = function() cp:guiBlur() end cp.handlers.pickColor = function() cp:pickColor() end cp.handlers.destroy = function() cp:destroy() end addEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseDown", cp.gui.svmap, cp.handlers.mouseDown, false) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave", cp.gui.svmap, cp.handlers.mouseSnap, false) addEventHandler("onClientMouseMove", cp.gui.svmap, cp.handlers.mouseMove, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseDown", cp.gui.hbar, cp.handlers.mouseDown, false) addEventHandler("onClientMouseMove", cp.gui.hbar, cp.handlers.mouseMove, false) addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, cp.handlers.mouseUp) addEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseUp", root, cp.handlers.mouseUp) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, cp.handlers.render) addEventHandler("onClientGUIFocus", cp.gui.window, cp.handlers.guiFocus, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIBlur", cp.gui.window, cp.handlers.guiBlur, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", cp.gui.okb, cp.handlers.pickColor, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", cp.gui.closeb, cp.handlers.destroy, false) showCursor(true) return cp end function colorPicker:render() -- if not self.gui.focus then return end local x,y = guiGetPosition(self.gui.window, false) dxDrawRectangle(x+16, y+32, 256, 256, self.color.huecurrent, self.gui.focus) dxDrawImage(x+16, y+32, 256, 256, "images/picker/sv.png", 0, 0, 0, self.color.white, self.gui.focus) dxDrawImage(x+288, y+32, 32, 256, "images/picker/h.png", 0, 0, 0, self.color.white, self.gui.focus) dxDrawImageSection(x+8+math.floor(256*self.color.s), y+24+(256-math.floor(256*self.color.v)), 16, 16, 0, 0, 16, 16, "images/picker/cursor.png", 0, 0, 0, self.color.white, self.gui.focus) dxDrawImageSection(x+280, y+24+(256-math.floor(256*self.color.h)), 48, 16, 16, 0, 48, 16, "images/picker/cursor.png", 0, 0, 0, self.color.huecurrent, self.gui.focus) dxDrawRectangle(x+336, y+32, 64, 64, self.color.current, self.gui.focus) dxDrawText(self.color.hex, x+336, y+32, x+400, y+96, self.color.v < 0.5 and self.color.white or self.color.black, 1, "default", "center", "center", true, true, self.gui.focus) end function colorPicker:mouseDown() if source == self.gui.svmap or source == self.gui.hbar then self.gui.track = source local cx, cy = getCursorPosition() self:mouseMove(sw*cx, sh*cy) end end function colorPicker:mouseUp(button, state) if not state or state ~= "down" then if self.gui.track then triggerEvent("onColorPickerChange", root, self.id, self.color.hex, self.color.r, self.color.g, self.color.b) end self.gui.track = false end end function colorPicker:mouseMove(x,y) if self.gui.track and source == self.gui.track then local gx,gy = guiGetPosition(self.gui.window, false) if source == self.gui.svmap then local offsetx, offsety = x - (gx + 16), y - (gy + 32) self.color.s = offsetx/255 self.color.v = (255-offsety)/255 elseif source == self.gui.hbar then local offset = y - (gy + 32) self.color.h = (255-offset)/255 end self:updateColor() end end function colorPicker:mouseSnap() if self.gui.track and source == self.gui.track then if self.color.s < self.gui.snaptreshold or self.color.s > 1-self.gui.snaptreshold then self.color.s = math.round(self.color.s) end if self.color.v < self.gui.snaptreshold or self.color.v > 1-self.gui.snaptreshold then self.color.v = math.round(self.color.v) end self:updateColor() end end function colorPicker:updateColor() self.color.r, self.color.g, self.color.b = hsv2rgb(self.color.h, self.color.s, self.color.v) self.color.current = tocolor(self.color.r, self.color.g, self.color.b,255) self.color.huecurrent = tocolor(hsv2rgb(self.color.h, 1, 1)) self.color.hex = string.format("#%02X%02X%02X", self.color.r, self.color.g, self.color.b) guiSetText(self.gui.edith, "H: "..tostring(math.round(self.color.h*360)).."°") guiSetText(self.gui.edits, "S: "..tostring(math.round(self.color.s*100)).."%") guiSetText(self.gui.editv, "V: "..tostring(math.round(self.color.v*100)).."%") guiSetText(self.gui.editr, "R: "..tostring(self.color.r)) guiSetText(self.gui.editg, "G: "..tostring(self.color.g)) guiSetText(self.gui.editb, "B: "..tostring(self.color.b)) end function colorPicker:guiFocus() self.gui.focus = true guiSetAlpha(self.gui.window, 1) end function colorPicker:guiBlur() self.gui.focus = false guiSetAlpha(self.gui.window, 0.5) end function colorPicker:pickColor() triggerEvent("onColorPickerOK", root, self.id, self.color.hex, self.color.r, self.color.g, self.color.b) self:destroy() end function colorPicker:destroy() removeEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseDown", self.gui.svmap, self.handlers.mouseDown) removeEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave", self.gui.svmap, self.handlers.mouseSnap) removeEventHandler("onClientMouseMove", self.gui.svmap, self.handlers.mouseMove) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseDown", self.gui.hbar, self.handlers.mouseDown) removeEventHandler("onClientMouseMove", self.gui.hbar, self.handlers.mouseMove) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, self.handlers.mouseUp) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseUp", root, self.handlers.mouseUp) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, self.handlers.render) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIFocus", self.gui.window, self.handlers.guiFocus) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIBlur", self.gui.window, self.handlers.guiBlur) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", self.gui.okb, self.handlers.pickColor) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", self.gui.closeb, self.handlers.destroy) destroyElement(self.gui.window) pickerTable[self.id] = nil setmetatable(self, nil) showCursor(areThereAnyPickers()) end function areThereAnyPickers() for _ in pairs(pickerTable) do return true end return false end function hsv2rgb(h, s, v) local r, g, b local i = math.floor(h * 6) local f = h * 6 - i local p = v * (1 - s) local q = v * (1 - f * s) local t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s) local switch = i % 6 if switch == 0 then r = v g = t b = p elseif switch == 1 then r = q g = v b = p elseif switch == 2 then r = p g = v b = t elseif switch == 3 then r = p g = q b = v elseif switch == 4 then r = t g = p b = v elseif switch == 5 then r = v g = p b = q end return math.floor(r*255), math.floor(g*255), math.floor(b*255) end function rgb2hsv(r, g, b) r, g, b = r/255, g/255, b/255 local max, min = math.max(r, g, b), math.min(r, g, b) local h, s local v = max local d = max - min s = max == 0 and 0 or d/max if max == min then h = 0 elseif max == r then h = (g - b) / d + (g < b and 6 or 0) elseif max == g then h = (b - r) / d + 2 elseif max == b then h = (r - g) / d + 4 end h = h/6 return h, s, v end function math.round(v) return math.floor(v+0.5) end addEvent("onColorPickerOK", true) addEvent("onColorPickerChange", true) its working but when i press OK and change color nothing happends. 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Castillo Posted August 11, 2012 Share Posted August 11, 2012 Because is not magic, the color picket triggers a event when click 'ok'. addEvent ( "onColorPickerOK", true ) addEventHandler ( "onColorPickerOK", root, function ( id, hex, r, g, b ) if ( id == "Car color" ) then -- Code to set vehicle color. elseif ( id == "Headlight color" ) then -- Code to set headlight color. end end ) Link to comment
HunT Posted August 11, 2012 Share Posted August 11, 2012 viewtopic.php?f=91&t=45578&hilit=Color+picker Link to comment
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