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Need Help With Random Picking


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I want my script top randomly pick 1 of 10 or 20 functions to execute. This is for taxi script. The script will first detect if he is in a taxi. The player will randomly be given a marker to go to with a per near it. When he enters the marker the ped is warped to the car,he has to take it to another marker. Then the random chooser function is executed again and so forth. My only problem so far is with this random choosing thing. Can someone point me in the right direction. Thanks

Written with my kindle fire sorry bout any typos!!!!

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First, we make the table with many coordinates:

local coordinates = 
        { 0, 0, 5 }, 
        { 0, 0, 10 } 

second, we make a function to get random from it:

function getRandomCoordinates ( ) 
    return unpack ( coordinates [ math.random ( #coordinates  ) ] ) 

And third, we use our function:

x, y, z = getRandomCoordinates ( ) 

About the vehicle, you can use getPedOccupiedVehicle.

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