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[REL] Faction gates


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col  = createColTube (-871.99, 1638.93, 28.7, 10, 3) -- enter your cooderates here for your colshape please note 10 and 3 is to do with the size of the shape. 
root = getRootElement () 
door = createObject ( 980, -871.990234375, 1638.9345703125, 28.7, 0, 0, 212.5) -- enter the ID of the object followed by the coordinates 
                                                    -- note the rotx y and z may not be required so you just remove these. x y and z is where you would put your cordinates. 
addEvent ( "Open", true ) 
function Open ( pla ) 
        if getElementType ( pla ) == "player" then 
        if vehicle or not vehicle then 
            if --here you can alter the group from Admin to whatever you require in your server but remember the rest must be the same i.e change everything where it says Admin to your desired group and add the users to that group. 
        exports.factions:isPlayerInFaction(pla,1) then 
        moveObject (door, 2200, -875.990234375, 1638.9345703125, 28.7) -- here is where you enter the coordinatess of the new location of the object, 2200 = the speed of the movent. 
                return 0 
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", col, Open)  
addEventHandler ( "Open", root, Open) 
function Close ( pla ) 
    if getElementType ( pla ) == "player" then 
        if vehicle or not vehicle then 
          exports.factions:isPlayerInFaction(pla,1) then 
             moveObject (door, 2951, -871.990234375, 1638.9345703125, 28.7) -- here is where you copy the coordinates of the orginal location of the object, 2951 = the timer of movent. 
            return 0 
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", col, Close ) 
addEventHandler ( "Close", root, Close) 


    <info author="x" description="x" version="1.0" type="script" /> 
    <script src="script.lua"  /> 
    <include resource="factions"/> 

EDIT: It is working. The door is open when a character with factionID 1 hits the ColShape

Edited by Guest
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col  = createColTube ( -871.99, 1638.93, 28.7, 10, 3 ) 
-- enter your cooderates here for your colshape please note 10 and 3 is to do with the size of the shape.  
door = createObject ( 980, -871.990234375, 1638.9345703125, 28.7, 0, 0, 212.5 ) -- enter the ID of the object followed by the coordinates 
-- note the rotx y and z may not be required so you just remove these. x y and z is where you would put your cordinates. 
function Open ( pla ) 
    if ( getElementType ( pla ) == "player" ) then 
        if ( not isPedOnVehicle ( pla ) ) then 
            if exports.factions:isPlayerInFaction ( pla, 1 ) then --here you can alter the group from Admin to whatever you require in your server but remember the rest must be the same i.e change everything where it says Admin to your desired group and add the users to that group. 
                moveObject ( door, 2200, -875.990234375, 1638.9345703125, 28.7 ) -- here is where you enter the coordinatess of the new location of the object, 2200 = the speed of the movent. 
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", col, Open ) 
function Close ( pla ) 
    if ( getElementType ( pla ) == "player" ) then 
        if ( not isPedOnVehicle ( pla ) ) then 
            if exports.factions:isPlayerInFaction ( pla, 1 ) then 
                moveObject ( door, 2951, -871.990234375, 1638.9345703125, 28.7 ) -- here is where you copy the coordinates of the orginal location of the object, 2951 = the timer of movent. 
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", col, Close ) 

1: There was no need to use addEvent.

2: "if vehicle or not vehicle then" that check was useless, see my code I added:

if ( not isPedOnVehicle ( pla ) ) then 

3: No need to return '0'.

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