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[Help] Spawning skin


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I need help in my team spawn

there is 3 teams and i fixed the coordinates

but I'm trying to fix their skin , as I want each team to have a specified skin

this is my code

local teamsTable = {
[ "Police" ] = { 1577 , -1694 , 6 } ,
[ "Destructive" ] = { 2498 , -1684 , 13 } ,
[ "Rebel" ] = { 1474 , -2247 , 13 } ,
addEvent ( "onPlayerChooseTeam" , true )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChooseTeam" , root ,
function ( teamName )
local team = getTeamFromName ( teamName )
setPlayerTeam ( source , team )
local spawnX , spawnY , spawnZ = unpack ( teamsTable [ teamName ] )
spawnPlayer ( source , spawnX , spawnY , spawnZ )
end )

I've added skin to the coordinates but it doesn't work

[ "Police" ] = { 1474 , -2247 , 13 , 280 } ,

Help please ..

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I need help in my team spawn

there is 3 teams and i fixed the coordinates

but I'm trying to fix their skin , as I want each team to have a specified skin

this is my code

local teamsTable = {
[ "Police" ] = { 1577 , -1694 , 6 } ,
[ "Destructive" ] = { 2498 , -1684 , 13 } ,
[ "Rebel" ] = { 1474 , -2247 , 13 } ,
addEvent ( "onPlayerChooseTeam" , true )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChooseTeam" , root ,
function ( teamName )
local team = getTeamFromName ( teamName )
setPlayerTeam ( source , team )
local spawnX , spawnY , spawnZ = unpack ( teamsTable [ teamName ] )
spawnPlayer ( source , spawnX , spawnY , spawnZ )
end )

I've added skin to the coordinates but it doesn't work

[ "Police" ] = { 1474 , -2247 , 13 , 280 } ,

Help please ..

police = createTeam ( "police",255,255,0) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), 
outputChatBox ( "police team > /police" , source, 255, 255, 0 ) 
function policeteam ( playerSource ) 
    if ( playerSource ) then 
setPlayerTeam ( playerSource , police ) 
spawnPlayer ( playerSource , 1474 , -2247 , 13 ) 
addCommandHandler ( "police",policeteam) 

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