Tete omar Posted July 6, 2012 Share Posted July 6, 2012 Hello guys i'm confused here .. fixing1 = createMarker ( -1630.6768798828, -2246.8481445313, 30.4765625, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 255, 0, 250 ) fixing2 = createMarker ( -1635.0782470703, -2247.6643066406, 30.4765625, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 255, 0, 250 ) fixing3 = createMarker ( -1636.6318359375, -2245.0166015625, 30.4765625, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 255, 0, 250 ) function hitmyelement1 ( hitElement ) setPedAnimation(hitElement, "ped", "BIKE_elbowR") setTimer( setPedAnimation, 3000, 1, hitElement ) setTimer(destroyElement,3000,1,fixing1 ) setTimer(destroyElement,3000,1,fightWindow1 ) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", fixing1, hitmyelement1) function hitmyelement2 ( hitElement ) setPedAnimation(hitElement, "ped", "BIKE_elbowR") setTimer( setPedAnimation, 3000, 1, hitElement ) setTimer(destroyElement,3000,1,fixing2 ) setTimer(destroyElement,3000,1,fightWindow2 ) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", fixing2, hitmyelement2) function hitmyelement3 ( hitElement ) setPedAnimation(hitElement, "ped", "BIKE_elbowR") setTimer( setPedAnimation, 3000, 1, hitElement ) setTimer(destroyElement,3000,1,fixing3 ) setTimer(destroyElement,3000,1,fightWindow3 ) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", fixing2, hitmyelement3) i want here if i hit the first marker .. the second marker show up and when i hit the second marker the third marker show up etc.. but i can't figure it out i tried to make it .. but it only works with client side like this client side example local gate = createObject(980, 1002.599609375, -2310.19921875, 14.89999961853, 0, 0, 295.99914550781) local Narkar = createMarker(1002.5999755859, -2310.1999511719, 10.89999961853, "cylinder", 10, 255, 0, 0, 0) local saro5 = createObject(17049, 872.099609375, -2367.69921875, 13.699999809265, 0, 0, 0) function take() if( getPlayerMoney( localPlayer ) >= 100000 ) then takePlayerMoney (100000) outputChatBox("#00ff00You bought a ticket the rocket is ready now have a nice trip.",255,255,255,true) moveObject(gate, 10000, 1002.599609375, -2310.19921875, 17.799999237061) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[1],false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) showCursor(false) myblip = createBlip ( 875.91003417969, -2365.7399902344, 11.800000190735, 56 ) local myarrow = createMarker(875.91003417969, -2365.7399902344, 11.800000190735, "cylinder", 3, 255, 255, 0, 255) addEventHandler('onClientMarkerHit', myarrow,function(hitPlayer) if (hitPlayer == localPlayer) then triggerServerEvent("fademycamera", localPlayer) moveObject(saro5, 30000, 872.09997558594, -2367.6999511719, 308.79998779297) createExplosion ( 871.61590576172, -2367.0283203125, 15.806823730469, 2, true, 9.0, false ) createExplosion ( 871.61590576172, -2367.0283203125, 15.806823730469, 2, true, 9.0, false ) setCameraTarget( saro5 ) setTimer(destroyElement,2000,1,myarrow ) setTimer(destroyElement,2000,1,myblip ) setElementInterior ( localPlayer, 1, 0.63636815547943, 35.855613708496, 1199.6011962891 ) cont = 16 local text = guiCreateLabel(636,213,97,58,"",false) guiLabelSetColor(text,255,255,0) guiSetFont(text,"sa-gothic") setTimer(function() cont = cont -1 guiSetText(text,cont) setElementInterior ( localPlayer, 0, 1653.2805175781, -3289.0695800781, 793.626953125 ) setWeather ( 9 ) setGravity ( 0.0010 ) end,1000,16) so it really confused me i want like this on server side Link to comment
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