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MySQL Advice



Okay, so basically in my MySQL database, I have a table of users, with their unique user id as the primary key.

I am creating a friends system with it, my initial thought was:

"table friend_list"

"int id, int uid, int friend_id"

BUT then I came across the thought that what if

Friend A invites Friend B


Friend B invite Friend A

(You would get

1, 1, 2

2, 2, 1)

I can't seem to come across how I should check if the Friend A has Friend B as a friend (and vice-versa)

Another deal is accepting. Probably something like this?:

"int id, int uid, int friend_id, tinyint(1) real_friend(def0), int inviter, tinyint(1) declined (def0) )

int inviter is the person who invited the other (so the other would get accept?)

Declined would be that if Friend B declines the request from Friend A, it would no longer exist in his request list and if Friend B takes a look at Friend A, he can still accept the request.

My head is already racked up from all this php work, so can you just explain to me how I should do it and any advice?

Thanks in advance,


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