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Unique TXD/DFF skin for player?


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Hi guys,

I'm new here and I'm planning to develop a gamemode for MTA.

I'm very impressed from what I've seen of MTA so far, and decided to give it a shot.

I got one question here, and I'd like to know if it is possible to develop; I want to download a specific DFF/TXD file for player skin, placing it on specific player.

For example...

Player1 joins the server, choosing skin number 12.

Admin sets a custom TXD/DFF file for Player1, giving him a new look of his skin.

Other players with the same skin can see Player1's new look, but they are still seeing themselfs with the GTA defualt skin texture.

Bottom line: Changing ped texture for specific player.

Is this possible in any way?

Thanks in advance. Please do not post if you're not sure about your answer.

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