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Guy I need help with script of drop ammo

I'd like to make it /dropweapon and it drops 50 ammo of the current weapon


function createPickup (player) 
    local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( player ) 
    local currentweapon = getPlayerWeapon ( player ) 
    if (currentweapon) then 
        drop = createPickup ( px, py, pz, 2, currentweapon, 3000, 50) 
addCommandHandler ( "dropweapon", createPickup) 


function onPickupHitFunc ( thePlayer )                 
    if getPickupType ( drop ) == 2 then               
        local ammo = getPickupAmmo ( drop )           
        if ammo < 50 then                               
            local weapon = getPickupWeapon ( drop )   
            giveWeaponAmmo ( thePlayer, weapon, 50 )   
            outputChatBox ( "You just picked up a " .. getWeaponNameFromID(weapon) .. " with " .. ammo .. " ammo", thePlayer ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPickupHit", getRootElement(), onPickupHitFunc ) 

Need help :)

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You've named your function as the same as a native MTA function, that'll cause a stack overflow.

function createWeaponPickup ( player ) 
    local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( player ) 
    local currentweapon = getPlayerWeapon ( player ) 
    if ( currentweapon ) then 
        drop = createPickup ( px, py, pz, 2, currentweapon, 3000, 50 ) 
addCommandHandler ( "dropweapon", createWeaponPickup ) 

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You've named your function as the same as a native MTA function, that'll cause a stack overflow.

It's recursion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursion


dropweapon.lua:2: Bad argument @ 'getElementPosition'

dropweapon.lua:3: Bad argument @ 'getPedWeapon'

Because player is string (cmd). Command handler function in client side not have player argument. Only server side! So use predefined variable localPlayer.

Also use


instead of


because getPlayerWeapon function is outdated.

function CreateWeaponPickup ( ) 
    local fX, fY, fZ = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) 
    local nWeapon = getPedWeapon ( localPlayer ) 
    if nWeapon then 
        drop = createPickup ( fX, fY, fZ, 2, nWeapon, 3000, 50 ) 
addCommandHandler ( "dropweapon", CreateWeaponPickup ) 

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But the problem is that I can't take it back after when it is dropped.

You should use onClientPickupHit but we should trigger to server side event for give player weapon and use some manipulations. So better make all in server side. Also it's sync for all players. I think you needed this.

local pPickup 
function CreateWeaponPickup( pPlayer, _, sAmmo ) 
    local fX, fY, fZ = getElementPosition ( pPlayer ) 
    local nWeapon = getPedWeapon( pPlayer ) 
    if sAmmo then 
        takeWeapon( pPlayer, nWeapon, tonumber( sAmmo ) ) 
    if nWeapon then 
        pPickup = createPickup( fX, fY, fZ, 2, nWeapon, 3000, sAmmo and tonumber( sAmmo ) or 50 ) 
        setElementData( pPickup, 'custom_pickup', true ) 
function OnPickupHitFunc( pPlayer ) 
    if getElementData( source, 'custom_pickup' ) and getPickupType ( pPickup ) == 2 then               
        local nAmmo = getPickupAmmo( pPickup )                          
        local nWeapon = getPickupWeapon( pPickup ) 
        giveWeapon( pPlayer, nWeapon, nAmmo, true )   
        outputChatBox( 'You just picked up a ' .. getWeaponNameFromID( nWeapon ) .. ' with ' .. nAmmo .. ' ammo', pPlayer ) 
addCommandHandler ( 'dropweapon', CreateWeaponPickup ) 
addEventHandler ( 'onPickupHit', root, OnPickupHitFunc ) 


Edited by Guest
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Works, but when I type /dropweapon 10 I lose 10 ammo, and when I pick up them again I win 50 ammo; and when I type /dropweapon it drop 50 ammo but I don't lose anything. Also I don't want that the dropped weapon spawn again after when someone take it. :wink:

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