jomarisk8er Posted May 25, 2012 Share Posted May 25, 2012 ---client---- sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize () local volume = 0.3 local guiShowing = false local currentPlaying = nil local state = nil musicPlayerGUI = {} width,height = 200,350 function createGui () musicPlayerGUI.window = guiCreateWindow(sx-width,sy/2-height/2,width,height,"Radio player",false) musicPlayerGUI.grid = guiCreateGridList(5,25,width-10,height-95,false,musicPlayerGUI.window) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", musicPlayerGUI.grid, onGuiClick, true ) -- klikanie w grid odpala radio stacje musicPlayerGUI.column = guiGridListAddColumn(musicPlayerGUI.grid,"Radio stations",0.9) musicPlayerGUI.button1 = guiCreateButton(10,height-65,25,20,">",false,musicPlayerGUI.window) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", musicPlayerGUI.button1, onGuiClick,true) musicPlayerGUI.button2 = guiCreateButton (40, height-65,25,20,"||",false,musicPlayerGUI.window) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", musicPlayerGUI.button2, onGuiClick, true ) musicPlayerGUI.button3 = guiCreateButton(70,height-65,60,20,"Play 3D",false,musicPlayerGUI.window) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", musicPlayerGUI.button3, onGuiClick, true ) musicPlayerGUI.button4 = guiCreateButton (135, height-65,60,20,"Close",false,musicPlayerGUI.window) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", musicPlayerGUI.button4, onGuiClick, true ) musicPlayerGUI.label = guiCreateLabel (5,height-45,width-10,20,"Volume",false,musicPlayerGUI.window) guiSetFont (musicPlayerGUI.label, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (musicPlayerGUI.label, "center") musicPlayerGUI.volumeBar = guiCreateScrollBar(5,height-30,width-10,20,true,false,musicPlayerGUI.window) guiScrollBarSetScrollPosition (musicPlayerGUI.volumeBar, volume*100) guiWindowSetMovable (musicPlayerGUI.window, false) guiWindowSetSizable (musicPlayerGUI.window, false) guiSetVisible (musicPlayerGUI.window, false) end stationsNames = {} stations = {} function showGui () if guiShowing then guiShowing = false guiSetVisible (musicPlayerGUI.window, false) showCursor (false) else guiShowing = true guiSetVisible (musicPlayerGUI.window, true) showCursor (true) end end addCommandHandler("radio",showGui) function onGuiClick (button, state, x,y) if source == musicPlayerGUI.button1 and state == "up" then --play button local selected = guiGridListGetSelectedItem (musicPlayerGUI.grid) if selected then local stationName = guiGridListGetItemText (musicPlayerGUI.grid, selected, musicPlayerGUI.column) if stationName then if currentPlaying then stopSound (currentPlaying) end currentPlaying = playSound (stations[stationName]) setSoundVolume (currentPlaying, volume) state = "play" else outputChatBox ("unknown error") end elseif state == "pause" and isSoundPaused(currentPlaying) then setSoundPaused (currentPlaying, false) end end if source == musicPlayerGUI.button2 and state == "up" then --pause button if isSoundPaused (currentPlaying) == false then setSoundPaused (currentPlaying, true) end end if source == musicPlayerGUI.button3 and state == "up" then -- 3d local selected = guiGridListGetSelectedItem (musicPlayerGUI.grid) if selected then local stationName = guiGridListGetItemText (musicPlayerGUI.grid, selected, musicPlayerGUI.column) if stationName then triggerServerEvent ("onClientRadioCreate", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), stationName) end end end if source == musicPlayerGUI.button4 and state == "up" then -- close showGui () end if source == musicPlayerGUI.grid and state == "up" then -- grid list click local selected = guiGridListGetSelectedItem (musicPlayerGUI.grid) if selected then local stationName = guiGridListGetItemText (musicPlayerGUI.grid, selected, musicPlayerGUI.column) if stationName then if currentPlaying then stopSound (currentPlaying) end currentPlaying = playSound (stations[stationName]) setSoundVolume (currentPlaying, volume) else outputChatBox ("unknown error") end end end end function OnScroll(Scrolled) if source == musicPlayerGUI.volumeBar then volume = guiScrollBarGetScrollPosition (source) / 100 if currentPlaying then setSoundVolume (currentPlaying, volume) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIScroll",getRootElement(),OnScroll) function onRadioCreate (x,y,z,path,source) local player = getElementPosition(source) local sound = playSound3D (path,x,y,z) setSoundVolume (sound, volume) setSoundMaxDistance (sound, 300) attachElements(sound,source) end addEvent ("onNewRadioCreate", true) addEventHandler ("onNewRadioCreate", getRootElement(), onRadioCreate) function onStart () triggerServerEvent ("requestForRadios", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer()) end addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onStart) function onJoin (radia, names, st) for k,v in ipairs(radia) do local sound = playSound3D (v[4], v[1], v[2], v[3]) setSoundVolume (sound, volume/100) setSoundMaxDistance (sound, 20) end stationsNames = names stations = st for k,v in ipairs(stationsNames) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( musicPlayerGUI.grid ) guiGridListSetItemText ( musicPlayerGUI.grid, row, musicPlayerGUI.column, v, false, false ) end end addEvent ("sendAllRadios", true) addEventHandler ("sendAllRadios", getRootElement(), onJoin) createGui () ---server--- function getPointFromDistanceRotation(x, y, dist, angle) local a = math.rad(angle+90) local plusX = math.cos(a) * dist local plusY = math.sin(a) * dist return x+plusX, y+plusY end xmlFile = xmlLoadFile ("radios.xml") radios = {} stations = {} stationsNames = {} function loadStations () if xmlFile then local children = xmlNodeGetChildren (xmlFile) for k,v in ipairs(children) do local radioTable = xmlNodeGetAttributes (v) for name,value in pairs(radioTable) do --outputChatBox (tostring(value)) if name == "name" then stationName = value elseif name == "path" then stationPath = value end end --outputChatBox ("name = " .. tostring(stationName) .. ", path = " .. tostring(stationPath)) stations[stationName] = stationPath table.insert (stationsNames, 1, stationName) end table.sort (stationsNames) end end loadStations () --stacje["kwejk"] = "" --stacje["zet"] = "" --stacje["rmf"] = "" --stacje["rmf fm"] = "" --nazwyStacji = {"kwejk", "zet", "rmf fm"} function createRadio (player,station) if station then local stationPath = stations[station] local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then if stationPath then local x,y,z = getElementPosition( player ) local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation ( player ) local newX, newY = getPointFromDistanceRotation (x,y, 1.5, rz) local playerveh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local newZ = z - 1 local obiekt = createObject (2229, newX, newY, newZ, rx,ry,rz) attachElements (obiekt, playerveh,1, 0, 0,90,0) triggerClientEvent ("onNewRadioCreate", getRootElement(), newX, newY, newZ, stationPath) -- wysyla informacje do clientow o nowym radiu outputChatBox ("New station: " .. station .. " created, path: " .. tostring(stationPath), 0,220,0) table.insert (radios, 1, {newX, newY, newZ, stationPath}) -- zapisuje informacje o radiu dla nowych graczy else outputChatBox ("error", player, 220, 0, 0) --outputChatBox ("You choose wrong station, avaible stations:", player, 220, 0, 0) --for k,v in ipairs(stationsNames) do --outputChatBox ("-" .. v, player) --end end else outputChatBox ("error", player, 220, 0, 0) --outputChatBox ("Choose radio to create, avaible stations:", player,220,0,0) --for k,v in ipairs(stationsNames) do -- outputChatBox ("-" .. v, player) --end end end end addEvent ("onClientRadioCreate", true) addEventHandler ("onClientRadioCreate", getRootElement(), createRadio) --addCommandHandler ("radio", createRadio) function onJoin (player) if radios then triggerClientEvent (player, "sendAllRadios", getRootElement(), radios, stationsNames, stations) end end addEvent ("requestForRadios", true) addEventHandler ("requestForRadios", getRootElement(), onJoin) how to attach sounds to radio? the radio is staying at the place that the radio made .. bug .. pls someone help me? 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Castillo Posted May 25, 2012 Share Posted May 25, 2012 To attach an element to another element you must use: attachElements. Link to comment
jomarisk8er Posted May 26, 2012 Author Share Posted May 26, 2012 i attached the radio to the vehicle, but the sound is staying at one place. and the sound is in client side Link to comment
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