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GUI login system [problems]

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I own a sa:mp server, but recently i got an idea to make a mta server.

I run in some problems.

I created a gui wih Qt Designer, created the files, but when i try to execute with the command gui i`m getting

attempt to call global 'guiGetScreenSize' (a nil value) 

Another question that i have is how i can make so that the gui runs when i enter the game ? How can i call functions from other lua files ?



linkmania.lua - main file


build.lua - gui itself


login.lua script for gui


Thanks in advance

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I'm not good at this, but I will try my best.

When you enter a server, you download all client sided files in a resource running on that server, after downloading them, they start.

So if you just created a GUI using QT, took the code and added it to a client side script, in a resource and ran that resource, when you enter the server you will get that GUI.

A way to hide the GUI is using the function:


2. If the other lua file is in the same resource and the same side (server side or client side) and it's global (not localized), you can call it easily the same way you call a function in the same file.

--serverscript.lua (Server sided script in a resource): 
function myFunction() 
--serverscript2.lua (Another server sided script in the same resource): 

If the other file is different side you can use:


If it's other resource, you can use exports:


Also check:


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