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function checkMoney(thePlayer, command) 
    local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) 
    if (money > 1000) then 
        outputChatBox("You are rich: " .. tostring(money), thePlayer) 
        outputChatBox("Poor guy...", thePlayer) 
addCommandHandler("checkMoney", checkMoney) 

Doesn't run ..........

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Why you put tostring(money) ?

It's int no?

function checkMoney(thePlayer, command) 
    local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) 
    if (money > 1000) then 
        outputChatBox("You are rich: " .. tonumber(money), thePlayer) 
        outputChatBox("Poor guy...", thePlayer) 
addCommandHandler("checkMoney", checkMoney) 

And it's on server side. Good Luck

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Why you put tostring(money) ?

It's int no?

function checkMoney(thePlayer, command) 
    local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) 
    if (money > 1000) then 
        outputChatBox("You are rich: " .. tonumber(money), thePlayer) 
        outputChatBox("Poor guy...", thePlayer) 
addCommandHandler("checkMoney", checkMoney) 

And it's on server side. Good Luck

It still don't work :(

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Guest Guest4401

Type exactly /checkMoney

If it doesn't work then the script isn't serversided or you did something wrong in meta.xml

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But i have a little problem .. color codes

function checkmoney(thePlayer, command) 
    local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) 
    if (money > 199999) then 
        outputChatBox("Your money stat: You are rich |congratulations| : D ! " .. tonumber(money), thePlayer) 
        outputChatBox("Your money stat: You are poor |work hard| : ( ", thePlayer) 
addCommandHandler("checkmoney", checkmoney) 

It shows like that .# 00ff00 Your money stat: You're rich .. not green

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Guest Guest4401
function checkmoney(thePlayer, command) 
    local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) 
    if (money > 199999) then 
        outputChatBox("#00ff00Your money stat: You are rich |congratulations| : D ! " .. tonumber(money), thePlayer,255,255,255,true) 
        outputChatBox("#ff0000Your money stat: You are poor |work hard| : ( ", thePlayer,255,255,255,true) 
addCommandHandler("checkmoney", checkmoney) 

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