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[Serverpromotion]Neon Race 2.0.5

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Today we finally want to present you our new Script. Maybe you think: Why did this take that much time? The reason is, that we changed our Scripters and they had to make the whole script again. That also means, that we do not have that many Updates.

The next updates of the script will arrive much faster, 'cause they basic script is already made. Neon Race 2.1 will have many nice Updates.

So, thanks to our Scripters Lexlo and MrX for this awesome script, thanks to Rewenton for the images, thanks to JoeKing for this awesome Userpanel and thanks to all testers and helpers.

At the end of this post I will advert for an awesome event, so you should read carefully.

Please note that you have to login with your Forum-Account.

Point and Rank System - The main feature!

-When you die, you'll get as much points as people died before you.

-If you are the final survivor and you are the final survivor in the next maps again, you'll get a winning streak and your points get multiplied with your number of winning streaks.

-If you get the hunter, you'll get points for this. If you make a huntertime, you'll get special points for the different huntertimes too.

-We decided against a Level-System and for a Rank-System, that means the person with the most points is the first place, the person with the fewest points is the last place.

Money and Shop System - Have fun with your Ingame-Money!

-You dont only get points. The result of the points you get multiplied with 12 is your money.

-With your money you can make great things in the Shop. You can buy Maps, different colors for your car and horns(more features coming soon)

Userpanel and Loginpanel - Have an overview!

-In the awesome Userpanel, which is made by JoeKing you can have a nice overview about all features and your stats on the server.

-You can turn the radio channel you want on and configure your feeling on the server in the next updates.

-The Loginpanel makes logging into your account much easier and it looks much better.

New AFK-System - Writing /afk is the past!

-In the new AFK-System you get killed for being AFK automatically after not moving for 25 seconds

-Persons that are too long away from keyboard get automatically killed after they were AFK 5times in a row

-You dont have to write /afk for going AFK or coming back from the AFK-Modus anymore

A new Design - The green is back in Neon Race!

-The new Design from Rewenton brings the colors and our main color back on the Race Server, it makes driving much greater

-The new Userpanel by JoeKing gives you a nice and "colorful" feeling

Other features - Note every detail!

-Press F2 to enable/disable the new awesome Deathlist

-Press F3 to turn Carfade on or off

-Press F4 to turn the fully invisibility on or off

-Type /jcr [ChatroomName] to creat and to join a chatroom and press L to write in the Chatroom


-Press Space to drive a map again after you died from the beginning, Press Enter to play a map again from the last checkpoint

-Anti-Spam feature

-See your velocity on the awesome Speedometer made by Rewenton (You can enable and disable it)

Donator features - Because without them we wouldn't have a Server!

-2500 Nero for every donated €

-All things in the Shop only cost the half

-Playing a map again as often as you want

-Having an own Winsound

Neon Race Event - Double points and money!

-What is it about? The Event will be a whole weekend long and you'll get the double amount of points and money.

-When does it take place? At the weekend from the 4th (today) till the 6th of May 2012.

-Take part, get points and money and have fun!

Have fun with our new Script, the Neon Race Section Leaders.

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