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How To Make Car Spawn

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what you mean?

if you buy car, you'll spawn on it with:


You Mean This?

function setupForRace ( ) 
    local RacerPed = createPed ( 252, 0, 0, 3 ) 
    local RaceVehicle = createVehicle ( 411, 4, 0, 3 )            
    warpPedIntoVehicle ( RacerPed, RaceVehicle )                  
addCommandHandler ( "startrace", setupForRace ) 

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warpPedIntoVehicle is not only for race

Look This Is Part Of My Script But How To Make Player Spawn Withe Car?

        "carshop jefferson"                   posX="3125.1000976563"        posY="-764.5"       posZ="14.300000190735"     spawnPX="3119.69921875" spawnPY="-762.099609375" spawnPZ="15.300000190735" M1="Car"> 

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