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XML problem :$


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You would need to add an event clientsided, where the GUIEditor thingy is.

Then you need to trigger the client event.


addEvent  ( "myEvent", true ) 
function myEvent () 
    -- your code 
addEventHandler ( "myEvent", root, myEvent ) 


function e ( ) 
    local money = getPlayerMoney ( source ) 
    if ( money >= 15000 ) then 
        takePlayerMoney ( source, 15000 ) 
        local Skins = xmlCreateFile("skins.xml","Propietarios") 
        local propietarios = xmlCreateChild(Skins, "owners") 
        triggerClientEvent ( "myEvent", source ) 
xmlSaveFile( Skins ) 
        outputChatBox ( " tu Dinero es ".. money .." y necesitas $15000 para comprarte un skin." ) 
addEvent ( "qtm", true ) 
addEventHandler ( "qtm", root, e )  

if I have understood it all correct.

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