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PHP SDK + callRemote()


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Hi all.

I'm using this on my login panel:

callRemote("http://******.php", password) 

This sends password entered on form to the PHP SDK file

This is the php file code:

$table = mta::getInput(); 
$text = $table[0]; 
$encrypted = md5($text) 

These are my codes.

When i click at Login and username + password entered on debugscript says that 3rd value must be a string.

Please help.


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You didn't fill all the required arguments listed on the wiki page.

Required Arguments

host: This is a host name - including the HTTP port - of the server you wish to connect to.

resourceName: This is a name of the resource that contains the exported function you want to call.

functionName: This is a string with the name of the function which you want to call.

URL: A full URL in the format http://hostname/path/file.ext. A port can be specified with a colon followed by a port number appended to the hostname.

callbackFunction: This is the function that should receive the data returned from the remote function call. The argument list should match the format of the data returned. The callback function will be passed a string containing "ERROR" followed by an integer indicating the error code when an error occurs calling the function. A list of error codes can be found on the cURL website.

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It's for connecting server with forums. I'm encrypting password entered on form and then calling back the function, i'm checking if the encrypted form password is the same as the forum which is encrypted too. I use vbulletin.

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