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Something about getTickCount


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When you add this function to the ResourceStart-event and for example when you type /count you can substract both milliseconds. Then you know how much time passed between the start event and typing the command.

Thank you, I understand now this shit xD

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function value1(player) 
    val1 = getTickCount() 
function value2(player) 
    val2 = getTickCount() 
function timeVal1val2(player) 
    local valu1 = getElementData(player,"value1") 
    local valu2 = getElementData(player,"value2") 
    local substract = valu1-valu2 
    outputChatBox(substract.." milliseconds passed") 

Here is an example anyway ;D

I wrote too slow -.-

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Oh damn.. I was too slow :P Nvm this post.. Hehe.

Hi guys!

I've seen something about getTickCount on wiki but I can't understand why it's needed to subtract start tick count and end tick count like here:


Someone can explain me?


local startTick = getTickCount() -- That will give me the current TickCount: Lets say It's: 8394573485734 
-- A little later, we do pretty much the same thing again. 
local endTick = getTickCount() -- Lets say It's: 8394573985734 now 
local tick = endTick - startTick -- This would be 500000 milliseconds. Thats the time that has passed between startTick and endTick. 
-- If you want you can convert this to hours like: 
local hours = ( ( endTick / 1000 ) / 60 ) / 60 
print( hours )  
-- >> 0.138888889 

Edited by Guest
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function value1(player) 
    val1 = getTickCount() 
function value2(player) 
    val2 = getTickCount() 
function timeVal1val2(player) 
    local valu1 = getElementData(player,"value1") 
    local valu2 = getElementData(player,"value2") 
    local substract = valu1-valu2 
    outputChatBox(substract.." milliseconds passed") 

Here is an example anyway ;D

I wrote too slow -.-

When you add this function to the ResourceStart-event and for example when you type /count you can substract both milliseconds. Then you know how much time passed between the start event and typing the command.

Thank you, I understand now this :~ xD


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Oh damn.. I was too slow :P Nvm this post.. Hehe.
Hi guys!

I've seen something about getTickCount on wiki but I can't understand why it's needed to subtract start tick count and end tick count like here:


Someone can explain me?


local startTick = getTickCount() -- That will give me the current TickCount: Lets say It's: 8394573485734 
-- A little later, we do pretty much the same thing again. 
local endTick = getTickCount() -- Lets say It's: 8394573985734 now 
local tick = endTick - startTick -- This would be 500000 milliseconds. Thats the time that has passed between startTick and endTick. 
-- If you cant to convert this to hours, you can do: 
local hours = ( ( endTick / 1000 ) / 60 ) / 60 
print( hours )  
-- >> 0.138888889 

I understood already, anyway thanks.

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