HeK Posted March 31, 2012 Share Posted March 31, 2012 (edited) Hello guys, im trying to make a marker where you hit it, it will open a shop script, i also have a createPed there. In the end of the "Client Side" i have the function to show the GUI and in the Server side i have the marker to open it, but it isn't working. Client: tabPanel = {} buttons = {} labels = {} images = {} function main() shop_window = guiCreateWindow(340, 115, 405, 538, "Weapon Shop", false) -- Create window guiWindowSetSizable(shop_window, false) labels.Weapons = guiCreateLabel(7, 52, 53, 16, "Weapons", false, shop_window) guiLabelSetColor(labels.Weapons, 255, 0, 0) guiSetFont(labels.Weapons, "default-bold-small") tabPanel.myTabPanel = guiCreateTabPanel(60, 26, 353, 504, false, shop_window) -- Create TabPanel in the window addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, buy) -- Tab 2 Buy weapons tabPanel.Tab_Loja = guiCreateTab("Buy Weapons", tabPanel.myTabPanel) images.Pistol = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 101, 108, "weapons/22.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_Pistol = guiCreateButton(6, 98, 103, 25, "Buy Pistol", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_Pistol = guiCreateLabel(23, 81, 81, 16, "$8.000", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_Pistol, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_Pistol, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.SilencedPistol = guiCreateStaticImage(125, 0, 79, 112, "weapons/23.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_SilencedPistol = guiCreateButton(113, 99, 108, 29, "Buy Silenced pistol", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_SilencedPistol = guiCreateLabel(127, 81, 81, 16, "$8.300", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_SilencedPistol, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_SilencedPistol, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) buttons.buy_DesertEagle = guiCreateButton(224, 99, 103, 28, "Buy Desert eagle", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) images.DesertEagle = guiCreateStaticImage(229, 0, 87, 105, "weapons/24.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_DesertEagle = guiCreateLabel(226, 82, 91, 14, "$9.200", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_DesertEagle, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_DesertEagle, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.Shotgun = guiCreateStaticImage(12, 115, 96, 115, "weapons/25.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_Shotgun = guiCreateButton(6, 221, 103, 25, "Buy Shotgun", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_Shotgun = guiCreateLabel(8, 204, 99, 14, "$9.100", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_Shotgun, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_Shotgun, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.SawnOff = guiCreateStaticImage(116, 129, 101, 98, "weapons/26.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_SawnOff = guiCreateButton(114, 221, 103, 30, "Buy Sawn-off Shotgun", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_SawnOff = guiCreateLabel(115, 204, 99, 14, "$9.800", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_SawnOff, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_SawnOff, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) labels.buy_SPAZ12 = guiCreateLabel(224, 204, 99, 14, "$9.550", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_SPAZ12, "center", false) images.SPAZ12 = guiCreateStaticImage(224, 124, 98, 107, "weapons/27.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_SPAZ12 = guiCreateButton(222, 221, 103, 27, "Buy SPAZ-12", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_SPAZ12, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) buttons.buy_Uzi = guiCreateButton(6, 337, 103, 26, "Buy Micro Uzi", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) images.Uzi = guiCreateStaticImage(14, 256, 74, 75, "weapons/28.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_Uzi = guiCreateLabel(8, 320, 99, 14, "$9.400", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_Uzi, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_Uzi, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.MP5 = guiCreateStaticImage(122, 256, 82, 69, "weapons/29.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_MP5 = guiCreateButton(114, 337, 103, 26, "Buy MP5", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_MP5 = guiCreateLabel(115, 320, 99, 14, "$8.900", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_MP5, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_MP5, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.TEC9 = guiCreateStaticImage(236, 266, 74, 63, "weapons/32.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_TEC9 = guiCreateButton(222, 337, 103, 26, "Buy TEC-9", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_TEC9 = guiCreateLabel(224, 320, 99, 14, "$9.250", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_TEC9, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_TEC9, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.AK47 = guiCreateStaticImage(8, 360, 91, 86, "weapons/30.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_AK47 = guiCreateButton(6, 447, 103, 28, "Buy AK-47", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_AK47 = guiCreateLabel(8, 431, 99, 14, "$9.900", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_AK47, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_AK47, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) labels.buy_M4 = guiCreateLabel(117, 430, 99, 14, "$10.000", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_M4, "center", false) buttons.buy_M4 = guiCreateButton(117, 447, 98, 27, "Buy M4", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) images.M4 = guiCreateStaticImage(117, 361, 95, 85, "weapons/31.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_M4, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.Sniper = guiCreateStaticImage(214, 381, 112, 68, "weapons/icon.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_Sniper = guiCreateButton(222, 447, 103, 26, "Buy Sniper", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_Sniper = guiCreateLabel(224, 431, 99, 14, "$9.500", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_Sniper, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_Sniper, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) function buyWeapon() if (source == buttons.buy_Pistol) then -- Buy > Pistol player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_Pistol = 8000 money = getPlayerMoney(source) if (money >= priceWeapon_Pistol) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Pistol #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_Pistol.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_Pistol) triggerServerEvent("givePistol", player, givePistol) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Pistol.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_SilencedPistol) then -- Buy > Silenced pistol player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_SilencedPistol = 8300 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_SilencedPistol) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Silenced pistol #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_SilencedPistol.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_SilencedPistol) triggerServerEvent("giveSilencedPistol", player, giveSilencedPistol) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Silenced pistol.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_DesertEagle) then -- Buy > Desert eagle player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_DesertEagle = 9200 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_DesertEagle) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Desert eagle #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_DesertEagle.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_DesertEagle) triggerServerEvent("giveDesertEagle", player, giveDesertEagle) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Desert eagle.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_Shotgun) then -- Buy > Shotgun player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_Shotgun = 9100 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_Shotgun) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Shotgun #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_Shotgun.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_Shotgun) triggerServerEvent("giveShotgun", player, giveShotgun) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Shotgun.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_SawnOff) then -- Buy > Sawn-off Shotgun player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_SawnOff = 9800 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_SawnOff) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Sawn-off shotgun #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_SawnOff.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_SawnOff) triggerServerEvent("giveSawnOff", player, giveSawnOff) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Sawn-off shotgun.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_SPAZ12) then -- Buy > SPAZ-12 player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_SPAZ12 = 9550 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_SPAZ12) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000SPAZ-12 #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_SPAZ12.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_SPAZ12) triggerServerEvent("giveSPAZ12", player, giveSPAZ12) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy SPAZ-12.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_Uzi) then -- Buy > Micro Uzi player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_Uzi = 9400 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_Uzi) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Micro Uzi #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_Uzi.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_Uzi) triggerServerEvent("giveUzi", player, giveUzi) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Micro Uzi.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_MP5) then -- Buy > MP5 player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_MP5 = 8900 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_MP5) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000MP5 #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_MP5.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_MP5) triggerServerEvent("giveMP5", player, giveMP5) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy MP5.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_TEC9) then -- Buy > TEC-9 player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_TEC9 = 9250 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_TEC9) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000TEC-9 #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_TEC9.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_TEC9) triggerServerEvent("giveTEC9", player, giveTEC9) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy TEC-9.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_AK47) then -- Buy > AK-47 player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_AK47 = 9900 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_AK47) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000AK-47 #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_AK47.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_AK47) triggerServerEvent("giveAK47", player, giveAK47) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy AK-47.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_M4) then -- Buy > M4 player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_M4 = 10000 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_M4) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000M4 #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_M4.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_M4) triggerServerEvent("giveM4", player, giveM4) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy M4.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_Sniper) then -- Buy > Sniper player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_Sniper = 9500 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_Sniper) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Sniper #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_Sniper.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_Sniper) triggerServerEvent("giveSniper", player, giveSniper) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Sniper.", 255, 0, 0) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, buyWeapon) function windowLabelsOnClick() local selectedTab = guiGetSelectedTab(tabPanel.myTabPanel) if (selectedTab == tabPanel.Tab_Loja) then guiSetText(labels.body, "") guiSetText(labels.body_label, "") guiSetText(labels.Skills, "") guiSetText(labels.skills_label, "") guiSetText(labels.wnd_info_vehicle, "") guiSetText(labels.vehicleFunctions_label, "") Edited March 31, 2012 by Guest Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 31, 2012 Share Posted March 31, 2012 -- client side: tabPanel = {} buttons = {} labels = {} images = {} function main() shop_window = guiCreateWindow(340, 115, 405, 538, "Weapon Shop", false) -- Create window guiWindowSetSizable(shop_window, false) guiSetVisible(shop_window, false) labels.Weapons = guiCreateLabel(7, 52, 53, 16, "Weapons", false, shop_window) guiLabelSetColor(labels.Weapons, 255, 0, 0) guiSetFont(labels.Weapons, "default-bold-small") tabPanel.myTabPanel = guiCreateTabPanel(60, 26, 353, 504, false, shop_window) -- Create TabPanel in the window addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, buy) -- Tab 2 Buy weapons tabPanel.Tab_Loja = guiCreateTab("Buy Weapons", tabPanel.myTabPanel) images.Pistol = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 101, 108, "weapons/22.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_Pistol = guiCreateButton(6, 98, 103, 25, "Buy Pistol", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_Pistol = guiCreateLabel(23, 81, 81, 16, "$8.000", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_Pistol, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_Pistol, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.SilencedPistol = guiCreateStaticImage(125, 0, 79, 112, "weapons/23.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_SilencedPistol = guiCreateButton(113, 99, 108, 29, "Buy Silenced pistol", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_SilencedPistol = guiCreateLabel(127, 81, 81, 16, "$8.300", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_SilencedPistol, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_SilencedPistol, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) buttons.buy_DesertEagle = guiCreateButton(224, 99, 103, 28, "Buy Desert eagle", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) images.DesertEagle = guiCreateStaticImage(229, 0, 87, 105, "weapons/24.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_DesertEagle = guiCreateLabel(226, 82, 91, 14, "$9.200", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_DesertEagle, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_DesertEagle, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.Shotgun = guiCreateStaticImage(12, 115, 96, 115, "weapons/25.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_Shotgun = guiCreateButton(6, 221, 103, 25, "Buy Shotgun", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_Shotgun = guiCreateLabel(8, 204, 99, 14, "$9.100", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_Shotgun, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_Shotgun, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.SawnOff = guiCreateStaticImage(116, 129, 101, 98, "weapons/26.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_SawnOff = guiCreateButton(114, 221, 103, 30, "Buy Sawn-off Shotgun", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_SawnOff = guiCreateLabel(115, 204, 99, 14, "$9.800", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_SawnOff, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_SawnOff, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) labels.buy_SPAZ12 = guiCreateLabel(224, 204, 99, 14, "$9.550", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_SPAZ12, "center", false) images.SPAZ12 = guiCreateStaticImage(224, 124, 98, 107, "weapons/27.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_SPAZ12 = guiCreateButton(222, 221, 103, 27, "Buy SPAZ-12", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_SPAZ12, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) buttons.buy_Uzi = guiCreateButton(6, 337, 103, 26, "Buy Micro Uzi", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) images.Uzi = guiCreateStaticImage(14, 256, 74, 75, "weapons/28.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_Uzi = guiCreateLabel(8, 320, 99, 14, "$9.400", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_Uzi, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_Uzi, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.MP5 = guiCreateStaticImage(122, 256, 82, 69, "weapons/29.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_MP5 = guiCreateButton(114, 337, 103, 26, "Buy MP5", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_MP5 = guiCreateLabel(115, 320, 99, 14, "$8.900", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_MP5, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_MP5, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.TEC9 = guiCreateStaticImage(236, 266, 74, 63, "weapons/32.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_TEC9 = guiCreateButton(222, 337, 103, 26, "Buy TEC-9", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_TEC9 = guiCreateLabel(224, 320, 99, 14, "$9.250", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_TEC9, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_TEC9, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.AK47 = guiCreateStaticImage(8, 360, 91, 86, "weapons/30.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_AK47 = guiCreateButton(6, 447, 103, 28, "Buy AK-47", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_AK47 = guiCreateLabel(8, 431, 99, 14, "$9.900", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_AK47, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_AK47, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) labels.buy_M4 = guiCreateLabel(117, 430, 99, 14, "$10.000", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_M4, "center", false) buttons.buy_M4 = guiCreateButton(117, 447, 98, 27, "Buy M4", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) images.M4 = guiCreateStaticImage(117, 361, 95, 85, "weapons/31.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_M4, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) images.Sniper = guiCreateStaticImage(214, 381, 112, 68, "weapons/icon.png", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) buttons.buy_Sniper = guiCreateButton(222, 447, 103, 26, "Buy Sniper", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) labels.buy_Sniper = guiCreateLabel(224, 431, 99, 14, "$9.500", false, tabPanel.Tab_Loja) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(labels.buy_Sniper, "center", false) guiSetProperty( buttons.buy_Sniper, "HoverTextColour", "FFFFFF00" ) end -- You had missing the 'end'. function buyWeapon() if (source == buttons.buy_Pistol) then -- Buy > Pistol player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_Pistol = 8000 money = getPlayerMoney(source) if (money >= priceWeapon_Pistol) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Pistol #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_Pistol.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_Pistol) triggerServerEvent("givePistol", player, givePistol) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Pistol.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_SilencedPistol) then -- Buy > Silenced pistol player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_SilencedPistol = 8300 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_SilencedPistol) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Silenced pistol #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_SilencedPistol.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_SilencedPistol) triggerServerEvent("giveSilencedPistol", player, giveSilencedPistol) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Silenced pistol.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_DesertEagle) then -- Buy > Desert eagle player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_DesertEagle = 9200 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_DesertEagle) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Desert eagle #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_DesertEagle.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_DesertEagle) triggerServerEvent("giveDesertEagle", player, giveDesertEagle) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Desert eagle.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_Shotgun) then -- Buy > Shotgun player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_Shotgun = 9100 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_Shotgun) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Shotgun #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_Shotgun.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_Shotgun) triggerServerEvent("giveShotgun", player, giveShotgun) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Shotgun.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_SawnOff) then -- Buy > Sawn-off Shotgun player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_SawnOff = 9800 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_SawnOff) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Sawn-off shotgun #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_SawnOff.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_SawnOff) triggerServerEvent("giveSawnOff", player, giveSawnOff) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Sawn-off shotgun.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_SPAZ12) then -- Buy > SPAZ-12 player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_SPAZ12 = 9550 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_SPAZ12) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000SPAZ-12 #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_SPAZ12.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_SPAZ12) triggerServerEvent("giveSPAZ12", player, giveSPAZ12) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy SPAZ-12.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_Uzi) then -- Buy > Micro Uzi player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_Uzi = 9400 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_Uzi) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Micro Uzi #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_Uzi.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_Uzi) triggerServerEvent("giveUzi", player, giveUzi) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Micro Uzi.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_MP5) then -- Buy > MP5 player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_MP5 = 8900 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_MP5) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000MP5 #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_MP5.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_MP5) triggerServerEvent("giveMP5", player, giveMP5) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy MP5.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_TEC9) then -- Buy > TEC-9 player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_TEC9 = 9250 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_TEC9) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000TEC-9 #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_TEC9.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_TEC9) triggerServerEvent("giveTEC9", player, giveTEC9) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy TEC-9.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_AK47) then -- Buy > AK-47 player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_AK47 = 9900 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_AK47) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000AK-47 #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_AK47.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_AK47) triggerServerEvent("giveAK47", player, giveAK47) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy AK-47.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_M4) then -- Buy > M4 player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_M4 = 10000 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_M4) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000M4 #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_M4.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_M4) triggerServerEvent("giveM4", player, giveM4) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy M4.", 255, 0, 0) end elseif (source == buttons.buy_Sniper) then -- Buy > Sniper player = localPlayer local priceWeapon_Sniper = 9500 money = getPlayerMoney (source) if (money >= priceWeapon_Sniper) then outputChatBox ("You bought a #FF0000Sniper #FFFFFFfor #00ff00$#FF0000"..priceWeapon_Sniper.."", 255, 255, 255, true) takePlayerMoney(priceWeapon_Sniper) triggerServerEvent("giveSniper", player, giveSniper) else outputChatBox("You dont have enough money to buy Sniper.", 255, 0, 0) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, buyWeapon) function windowLabelsOnClick() main ( ) local selectedTab = guiGetSelectedTab(tabPanel.myTabPanel) if (selectedTab == tabPanel.Tab_Loja) then guiSetText(labels.body, "") guiSetText(labels.body_label, "") guiSetText(labels.Skills, "") Link to comment
HeK Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 It did work! Thank you so much! Link to comment
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