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some help .


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hi guys i have make a clothes shop but when i worked in other work the skin change to skin job like police job and i want when i do /criminal my skin change to when i buy skin from clothes shop

server side :

criminalTeam = createTeam ("Criminal", 255, 0, 0) 
function joinTeam (thePlayer) 
    setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer, criminalTeam ) 
    setElementModel ( thePlayer, tonumber( getElementData( thePlayer, "clothesSkin" ) ) 
    outputChatBox ( "You are now a criminal.",source, 0, 255, 0 ) 
addCommandHandler ("criminal", joinTeam) 

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uCriminalTeam = createTeam ( 'Criminal', 255, 0, 0 ) 
function fJoinTeam ( uPlayer ) 
    setPlayerTeam ( uPlayer, uCriminalTeam ) 
    setElementModel ( uPlayer, tonumber( getElementData( uPlayer, 'clothesSkin' ) ) ) 
    outputChatBox ( 'You are now a criminal.', uPlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) 
addCommandHandler ( 'criminal', fJoinTeam ) 

You forgot close function and in line 6 source is not defined.

Predefined variable source used only in function handler event.

Edited by Guest
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uCriminalTeam = createTeam ( 'Criminal', 255, 0, 0 ) 
function fJoinTeam ( uPlayer ) 
    setPlayerTeam ( uPlayer, uCriminalTeam ) 
    setElementModel ( uPlayer, tonumber( getElementData( uPlayer, 'clothesSkin' ) ) ) 
    outputChatBox ( 'You are now a criminal.', uPlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) 
addCommandHandler ( 'criminal', fJoinTeam ) 

You forgot close function and in line 6 source is not defined.

thnx for help but still dont work

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uCriminalTeam = createTeam ( 'Criminal', 255, 0, 0 ) 
function fJoinTeam ( uPlayer ) 
    setPlayerTeam ( uPlayer, uCriminalTeam ) 
    setElementModel ( uPlayer, tonumber( getElementData( uPlayer, 'clothesSkin' ) or 0 ) ) 
    outputChatBox ( 'You are now a criminal.', uPlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) 
addCommandHandler ( 'criminal', fJoinTeam ) 

Your data 'clothesSkin' not have value.

Edited by Guest
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uCriminalTeam = createTeam ( 'Criminal', 255, 0, 0 ) 
function fJoinTeam ( uPlayer ) 
    setPlayerTeam ( uPlayer, uCriminalTeam ) 
    outputChatBox( '->' .. tostring( getElementData( uPlayer, 'clothesSkin' ) ) ) 
    setElementModel ( uPlayer, tonumber( getElementData( uPlayer, 'clothesSkin' ) ) or 0 ) 
    outputChatBox ( 'You are now a criminal.', uPlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) 
addCommandHandler ( 'criminal', fJoinTeam ) 

Debug it.

I think your data 'clothesSkin' not defined.

Edited by Guest
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uCriminalTeam = createTeam ( 'Criminal', 255, 0, 0 ) 
function fJoinTeam ( uPlayer ) 
    setPlayerTeam ( uPlayer, uCriminalTeam ) 
    outputChatBox( 'type' .. type( getElementData( uPlayer, 'clothesSkin' ) ) ) 
    assert( type( getElementData( uPlayer, 'clothesSkin' ) ) == 'number' ) 
    setElementModel ( uPlayer, tonumber( getElementData( uPlayer, 'clothesSkin' ) or 0 ) ) 
    outputChatBox ( 'You are now a criminal.', uPlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) 
addCommandHandler ( 'criminal', fJoinTeam ) 

Debug it.

I think your data 'clothesSkin' not defined.

output : typestring

debugscript 3 : Error line 6 : assertion failed!

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