iFoReX Posted March 23, 2012 Share Posted March 23, 2012 -- mul_LAS:5020, imy_la_door:3109, container:3062, warehouse:3037, md_lockdoor:3033, garage:2885, rusty_garage:1508 -- vault:2634, burb:3352, garage:5779, big-garage:8378, lockup_garage:8948, modshop:10575, hangar_door:16773 -- hangar_door2:16775, motel_door:2987, warehouse_door:2904, lockupdoor:5302, spraydoor:5422 -- metal_fence:970, mesh-fence:4100, tall_metal_fence:8674, paul_gate:2933, electric_gate:969, subway_gate:971, -- columbian_gate:975, compound:976, airport:980, pink_barrier:991, no_parking:2990, wood_gate:2988, house:2909 local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() local guiWindow = {} local gui = {} local screenX,screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local xSpacer = screenX/10 local ySpacer = screenY/10 local tempX,tempY,tempZ,rotX,rotY,rotZ local gateClosed = {} local gateOpen = {} local gateOwner = localPlayer local tempGate = nil local selectedGate = 1 local gateMarker = nil local gates = { 2978, 5020, 3109, 3062, 3037, 3033, 2855, 1508,1383, 2634, 3352,1392, 5779, 8378, 7657, 8948, 10575, 16773, 16755, 2987, 2904, 5302, 5422, 970, 4100, 8674, 2933, 969, 971, 975, 976, 980, 991, 2990, 2988, 2909, 1219, 3243 } local gateID = gates[selectedGate] local tempPass = nil function clientStart() buildGUI() end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), clientStart) function buildGUI() guiWindow[1] = guiCreateWindow(screenX/2 - xSpacer,screenY/2 - ySpacer,100,300,"Create Gates",false) gui[1] = guiCreateButton(0.05,0.10,0.9,0.25,"Create",true,guiWindow[1]) gui[2] = guiCreateButton(0.05,0.40,0.9,0.25,"Save",true,guiWindow[1]) gui[3] = guiCreateButton(0.05,0.70,0.9,0.25,"Close",true,guiWindow[1]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[1], createtempGate,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[2], savetempGate,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[3], closeGUI,false) guiSetVisible(guiWindow[1],false) guiWindow[2] = guiCreateWindow(screenX/2 - xSpacer,screenY - 300,300,300,"Create Gates",false) gui[11] = guiCreateButton(0.4,0.1,0.2,0.2,"^",true,guiWindow[2]) gui[12] = guiCreateButton(0.05,0.32,0.2,0.2,"<",true,guiWindow[2]) gui[13] = guiCreateButton(0.75,0.32,0.2,0.2,">",true,guiWindow[2]) gui[14] = guiCreateButton(0.4,0.55,0.2,0.2,"v",true,guiWindow[2]) gui[15] = guiCreateButton(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.2,"",true,guiWindow[2]) gui[16] = guiCreateButton(0.75,0.1,0.2,0.2,"",true,guiWindow[2]) gui[17] = guiCreateButton(0.05,0.55,0.2,0.2,"",true,guiWindow[2]) gui[18] = guiCreateButton(0.75,0.55,0.2,0.2,"",true,guiWindow[2]) gui[19] = guiCreateButton(0.4,0.32,0.2,0.2,"",true,guiWindow[2]) gui[20] = guiCreateButton(0.05,0.8,0.3,0.15,"Save Closed",true,guiWindow[2]) gui[21] = guiCreateButton(0.65,0.8,0.3,0.15,"Save Open",true,guiWindow[2]) gui[22] = guiCreateEdit(0.4,0.8,0.2,0.15,"0.1",true,guiWindow[2]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[11], gateUp,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[12], gateLeft,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[13], gateRight,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[14], gateDown,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[15], gateForwards,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[16], gateBackwards,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[17], gateRotRight,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[18], gateRotLeft,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[19], gateSwap,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[20], saveClosedPos,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[21], saveOpenPos,false) guiSetVisible(guiWindow[2],false) guiWindow[3] = guiCreateWindow(screenX/2 - xSpacer*1,screenY - 300,250,280,"",false) gui[30] = guiCreateEdit (0.35,0.14,0.6,0.18,"",true,guiWindow[3]) gui[33] = guiCreateButton(0.05,0.34,0.9,0.18,"Change Code",true,guiWindow[3]) gui[31] = guiCreateButton(0.05,0.54,0.9,0.18,"Submit Code",true,guiWindow[3]) gui[32] = guiCreateButton(0.05,0.74,0.9,0.18,"Cancel",true,guiWindow[3]) gui[34] = guiCreateLabel (0.05,0.2,0.6,0.18,"Code:",true,guiWindow[3]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[31], submitPass,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[32], hideLogin,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui[33], updatePass,false) guiSetVisible(guiWindow[3],false) guiEditSetMaxLength(gui[30],10) guiWindowSetSizable(guiWindow[3],false) end function submitPass() local pass = guiGetText(gui[30]) if pass then triggerServerEvent("submitPass",localPlayer,localPlayer,gateMarker,pass) else outputChatBox("Error: Please Supply The Gate Pass Code",255,0,0) end end function updatePass() local pass = guiGetText(gui[30]) if pass and pass ~= "" then triggerServerEvent("changePass",localPlayer,localPlayer,gateMarker,pass) else outputChatBox("Error: Please Supply A New Pass Code",255,0,0) end end addEvent("showLogin",true) function showLogin(player,marker,owner) if owner == getPlayerName(player) then guiSetVisible(gui[33],true) else guiSetVisible(gui[33],false) end guiSetText(guiWindow[3],"Gate Owner: " .. owner) guiSetVisible(guiWindow[3],true) showCursor(true) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") gateMarker = marker end addEventHandler("showLogin",root,showLogin) addEvent("hideLogin",true) function hideLogin() guiSetVisible(guiWindow[3],false) showCursor(false) end addEventHandler("hideLogin",root,hideLogin) function toggleCursor(key,state) if isCursorShowing() then showCursor(false) else showCursor(true) end end function closeGUI() guiSetVisible(guiWindow[1],false) guiSetVisible(guiWindow[2],false) if tempGate then destroyElement(tempGate) tempGate = nil end showCursor(false) unbindKey("mouse2","both",toggleCursor) end function showGUI(cmd,name,pass) if pass then tempPass = pass else tempPass = nil end if getPlayerName(localPlayer) == "BKZ|ElMota" then if not name then name = "none" end guiSetVisible(guiWindow[1],true) showCursor(true) gateOwner = name end end addCommandHandler("creategate",showGUI) function savetempGate() outputDebugString("Saving Gate Info") triggerServerEvent("saveGateDetails",localPlayer,gateOwner,gateID,gateClosed[1],gateClosed[2],gateClosed[3],gateClosed[4],gateClosed[5],gateClosed[6],gateOpen[1],gateOpen[2],gateOpen[3],gateOpen[4],gateOpen[5],gateOpen[6],tempPass) end function createtempGate() showCursor(false) bindKey("mouse2","both",toggleCursor) guiSetVisible(guiWindow[1],false) guiSetVisible(guiWindow[2],true) tempX,tempY,tempZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer) tempX = tempX + 3 tempY = tempY + 3 rotX,rotY,rotZ = 0,0,0 tempGate = createObject(gateID,tempX,tempY,tempZ,rotX,rotY,rotZ) guiSetVisible(gui[20],true) guiSetVisible(gui[21],true) end function gateUp() tempZ = tempZ + tonumber(guiGetText(gui[22])) setElementPosition(tempGate,tempX,tempY,tempZ,rotX,rotY,rotZ) end function gateDown() tempZ = tempZ - tonumber(guiGetText(gui[22])) setElementPosition(tempGate,tempX,tempY,tempZ,rotX,rotY,rotZ) end function gateLeft() tempX = tempX - tonumber(guiGetText(gui[22])) setElementPosition(tempGate,tempX,tempY,tempZ,rotX,rotY,rotZ) end function gateRight() tempX = tempX + tonumber(guiGetText(gui[22])) setElementPosition(tempGate,tempX,tempY,tempZ,rotX,rotY,rotZ) end function gateForwards() tempY = tempY - tonumber(guiGetText(gui[22])) setElementPosition(tempGate,tempX,tempY,tempZ,rotX,rotY,rotZ) end function gateBackwards() tempY = tempY + tonumber(guiGetText(gui[22])) setElementPosition(tempGate,tempX,tempY,tempZ,rotX,rotY,rotZ) end function gateRotRight() Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 Eso es porque vos pones esto: showCursor(false) al principio de la funcion: createtempGate(). Link to comment
iFoReX Posted March 24, 2012 Author Share Posted March 24, 2012 man no me refiero a eso a esto me refiero mira : aqui es donde no me aparece el cursor porfas ayudame function showGUI(cmd,name,pass) if pass then tempPass = pass else tempPass = nil end if getPlayerName(localPlayer) == "BKZ|ElMota" then if not name then name = "none" end guiSetVisible(guiWindow[1],true) showCursor(true) gateOwner = name end end addCommandHandler("creategate",showGUI) Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 Ami me funciona sin problemas. Link to comment
iFoReX Posted March 24, 2012 Author Share Posted March 24, 2012 Solid me aparece esto en el debugging : [2012-03-24 11:57:00] ERROR: Client triggered serverside event saveGateDetails, but event is not added serverside [2012-03-24 11:57:01] ERROR: Client triggered serverside event saveGateDetails, but event is not added serverside [2012-03-24 11:57:02] ERROR: Client triggered serverside event saveGateDetails, but event is not added serverside [2012-03-24 11:57:02] ERROR: Client triggered serverside event saveGateDetails, but event is not added serverside Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 De donde sacaste este script? por lo que veo no lo creaste vos. P.D: Ese error significa que el cliente intenta llamar un evento del server side que no existe. Link to comment
iFoReX Posted March 24, 2012 Author Share Posted March 24, 2012 me lo paso un amigo este script lol me lo paso a medio hacer :c me ayudarias a aser el server-side porfavor Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 No, si te lo paso un "amigo" puede ser que el lo haya robado de un servidor, si no te dio el server side es la unica explicacion. Link to comment
iFoReX Posted March 24, 2012 Author Share Posted March 24, 2012 Ok lo retare -.- Gracias por tu ayuda Solid podes serrar el post Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 Es "cerrar", no "serrar". Tema cerrado. Link to comment
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