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Wierd problem by combining exp resource with killrewards


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So... there's a problem here, seems like it won't pass the "elseif" s no matter what i do...

Kill Rewards (Server)

function getWhere( ammo, killer, weapon, bodyPartID ) 
        if (bodyPartID == 9 and exports.exp:getPlayerEXP(source) > 0) then 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 500) 
            exports.exp:addPlayerEXP(source, -10) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've earned 10 exp points!" , killer, 0, 255, 0 ) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've lost 10 exp points!" , source, 255, 0, 0 ) 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 500) 
        elseif (bodyPartID == 9 and exports.exp:getPlayerEXP(source) > 0) then 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 500) 
            exports.exp:addPlayerEXP(source, -10) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've earned 10 exp points!" , killer, 0, 255, 0 ) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've lost 10 exp points!" , source, 255, 0, 0 ) 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 500) 
        elseif (bodyPartID == 9 and exports.exp:getPlayerEXP(source) > 0) then 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 300) 
            exports.exp:addPlayerEXP(source, -5) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've earned 5 exp points!" , killer, 0, 255, 0 ) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've lost 5 exp points!" , source, 255, 0, 0 ) 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 300) 
        elseif (bodyPartID == 9 and exports.exp:getPlayerEXP(source) > 0) then 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 300) 
            exports.exp:addPlayerEXP(source, -5) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've earned 5 exp points!" , killer, 0, 255, 0 ) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've lost 5 exp points!" , source, 255, 0, 0 ) 
        elseif (bodyPartID == 9 and exports.exp:getPlayerEXP(source) > 0) then 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 300) 
            exports.exp:addPlayerEXP(source, -5) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've earned 5 exp points!" , killer, 0, 255, 0 ) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've lost 5 exp points!" , source, 255, 0, 0 ) 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 300) 
        elseif (bodyPartID == 9 and exports.exp:getPlayerEXP(source) > 0) then 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 300) 
            exports.exp:addPlayerEXP(source, -5) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've earned 5 exp points!" , killer, 0, 255, 0 ) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've lost 5 exp points!" , source, 255, 0, 0 ) 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 300) 
        elseif (bodyPartID == 9 and exports.exp:getPlayerEXP(source) > 0) then 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 1000) 
            exports.exp:addPlayerEXP(source, -50) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've earned 50 exp points!" , killer, 0, 255, 0 ) 
            outputChatBox ( "You've lost 50 exp points!" , source, 255, 0, 0 ) 
            givePlayerMoney(killer, 1000) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, getWhere ) 


I want them to do this:


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Its so messy.. but first; why are you using so many elseif with the same conditions?

And you should see the problem if you type /debugscript 3 in game while being inlogged as admin and then restart script

Not really messy.

"elseif" to get each bodypart and give determined money depending where the player was killed.

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You're using the same condition for each 'elseif'.

I need to, to get all the bodyparts, my problem is the getPlayerEXP. Which doesn't seem to pass.

I'm implying that if the player has "0" exp points, the killer will just be given money and the killed player wont loose any exp points.

Maybe i'm kinda blind or confused, correct my point if i'm wrong.

EDIT: Can someone please put me an epic facepalm please?

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