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Can someone help me?


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Hey everybody. i am newbie in MTA scripting, but i badly wanna learn it and after few weeks of reading wiki. i tried to make my own script.

which will delete the blown cars.

i managed to make it so far :arrowdown: (serverSide)

function refresh (theVehicle) 
local vehicles = getElementsByType("Vehicle") 
    if isVehicleBlown(theVehicle) then 
addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), refresh) 
setTimer(refresh, 5000, 0) 

but when i run it. it shows errors in debug "Bad argument @ isVehicleBlown" :/

sry, for my english :]

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Yes, because you not use argument in timer.

Also bad idea add event handler in timer :/

And i not understand why you need timer.

Maybe you need if vehicle explode it destroyed in next seconds?

function fExplode ( ) 
        setTimer( destroyElement, 5000, 1, source ) 
addEventHandler( 'onVehicleExplode', root, fExplode ) 

You mean it?

Edited by Guest
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Yes, because you not use argument in timer.

Also bad idea add event handler in timer :/

And i not understand why you need timer.

Maybe you need if vehicle explode it destroyed in next seconds?

function fExplode ( ) 
        setTimer( destroyElement, 5000, 1, source ) 
addEventHandler( 'onVehicleExplode', root, fExplode ) 

You mean it?

yes thats what i meant. thankyou. :]

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