Cocodrilo Posted March 12, 2012 Share Posted March 12, 2012 Well, as everyone has ever wondered .. ¿How to restrict spawn teams? i mean spawn by50p but i have not found an answer about this.. I heard it's possible modifying s-main.lua but i don't know how to do.. anyone can tell me functions? or can modify for my? g_root = getRootElement( ); classGroups = { }; addEvent( "spawn_clientRequestSpawn", true ); addEventHandler( "spawn_clientRequestSpawn", g_root, function( categoryIndex, classIndex, skinIndex ) if skinIndex then local class = classGroups[ categoryIndex ].classes[ classIndex ]; local skin = class.skinMngr.skins[ skinIndex ]; local spawn = true; local spawned; --[[if not classGroups[ cetegoryIndex ].owner then -- if there is NO owner of the clan/gang spawn player spawn = true; else -- if there IS owner of the clan/gang then check if he's member of the clan/gang end]] if spawn then if not then = createTeam(,,, ); end spawned = spawnPlayer( client, skin.spawnLoc.x, skin.spawnLoc.y, skin.spawnLoc.z, skin.spawnLoc.rot, skin.modelId, 0, 0, ); end if spawned then setElementData( client, "team", ) fadeCamera( client, true ); setCameraTarget( client, client ); setTimer( setCameraTarget, 200, 1, client, client ); triggerClientEvent( client, "spawn_SpawnedSuccessfully", client ); --setPlayerMoney( client, 500 ); for _, weapon in ipairs">ipairs">ipairs">ipairs">ipairs( class.weaponMngr.weapons ) do giveWeapon( client,, weapon.ammo, false ); end createBlipAttachedTo( client, 0, 2,,, ) else triggerClientEvent( client, "spawn_FailedToSpawn", client ); if countPlayersInTeam( ) == 0 then = nil; end end end end ); addEventHandler( "onPlayerSpawn", g_root, function ( ) end ); addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", g_root, function( ) fadeCamera( source, false, 4 ); setTimer( requestMenu, 5000, 1, source ); deleteAllPlayerBlips( source ) end ); function requestMenu( player ) callClientFunc( player, "showSpawnMenu", true, true ); callClientFunc( player, "classSelected" ); end addCommandHandler( "kill", function( plr ) killPed( plr ); end ) function preloadClassesInfo( ) local groups = getElementsByType( "category" ); for _, group in ipairs">ipairs">ipairs( groups ) do table.insert( classGroups, Group:New( group ) ); end end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), preloadClassesInfo ) function deleteAllPlayerBlips(player) local elements = getAttachedElements(player) if (elements) then for i, element in ipairs">ipairs">ipairs(elements) do if (getElementType(element) == "blip") then destroyElement(element) end end end print">print( "number of players in team: " .. tostring">tostring">tostring">tostring">tostring( countPlayersInTeam( getPlayerTeam( player ) ) ) ); end addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit", g_root, function() deleteAllPlayerBlips(source) end ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function callClientFunc( player, funcName, ... ) if #{ ... } ~= 0 then triggerClientEvent( player, "_clientCallFunction", root, funcName, ... ) else triggerClientEvent( player, "_clientCallFunction", root, funcName ) end end addEvent( "_serverCallFunction", true ) addEventHandler( "_serverCallFunction", root, function( funcName, ... ) _G[ funcName ](...) end ) Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 12, 2012 Share Posted March 12, 2012 Is not easy for a unexperienced scripter ( no offense ), you have to edit more than one file. s_spawnclasses.luas_main.lua Link to comment
Cocodrilo Posted March 12, 2012 Author Share Posted March 12, 2012 oh i understand, i now understand that it's impossible for me Thank you men. Link to comment
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