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Problem with warpPedIntoVehicle

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function checkPlayersVehicles() 
    for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do 
        if not isPedInVehicle(player) then 
            warpPedIntoVehicle(player, __playerVehicles[player], 0) 
            outputDebugString("Warping " ..getPlayerName(player).. " into vehicle " ..getVehicleName(__playerVehicles[player])) 

warpPedIntoVehicle is just doing nothing.. and the function is in a timer.

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function checkPlayersVehicles() 
    for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do 
        if not isPedInVehicle(player) and getElementData(player, "State") == "alive" and isElement(__playerVehicles[player]) then 
            local result = warpPedIntoVehicle(player, __playerVehicles[player], 0) 
            outputDebugString("'warpPedIntoVehicle' player = " ..getPlayerName(player).. ", vehicle = " ..getVehicleName(__playerVehicles[player]).. ", result = " ..tostring(result)) 

[2012-03-07 03:47:03] INFO: 'warpPedIntoVehicle' player = ~[ERU]~Feche, vehicle = RC Bandit, result = false 
[2012-03-07 03:47:05] INFO: 'warpPedIntoVehicle' player = ~[ERU]~Feche, vehicle = RC Bandit, result = false 
[2012-03-07 03:47:06] INFO: 'warpPedIntoVehicle' player = ~[ERU]~Feche, vehicle = RC Bandit, result = false 
[2012-03-07 03:47:08] INFO: 'warpPedIntoVehicle' player = ~[ERU]~Feche, vehicle = RC Bandit, result = false 

__playerVehicles[player] it's a variable that creates a vehicle when a player joins

addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", g_Root, 
        __playerVehicles[source] = createVehicle(math.random(400, 611), 0, 0, 2) 
        setElementSyncer(__playerVehicles[source], false) 

So, there is no reason to return false.. plus I can't get it working.

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I dont think you can create a vehicle and then warp ped into the vehicle when using race gamemode, because race has a timer that check player vehicles and removes and puts the players into them when needed. So even if you got it to work, it wont work in the end.

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I've tested the code you've posted and it worked fine, I got warped to the vehicle.

Lollllll, so why it isn't working on my private server? It's a Linux VPS, but it doesn't work on my pc either, and it's Windows, so I guess that it isn't an OS problem..

What release is the server that you tested it?

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