abu5lf Posted March 6, 2012 Share Posted March 6, 2012 (edited) I did not find the solution? News of the resource script, but does not support the Arabic language when I write seems to me just point! And also when I added the news directly from the server using the button u activated users can talk to me! Is there a solution? newsTicker_client.lua local w_newsTickerAnim = false local s_tickerMsg = {" أهلا بك", } local currentItem = 1 addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function(name) --Create the ticker GUI local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize () w_newsTickerWidth = 500 w_newsTickerHeight = 50 w_newsTickerLeft = (( screenWidth / 4 ) - ( w_newsTickerWidth / 4 )) w_newsTickerTop = -50 w_newsTickerMinWidth = 200 w_newsTicker = guiCreateWindow( w_newsTickerLeft, w_newsTickerTop, w_newsTickerWidth, w_newsTickerHeight, "News Ticker /hidenews /shownews", false ) --w_newsTicker = guiCreateWindow( 0.5, 0, 0.35, 0.1, "News Ticker /hidenews /shownews", true ) w, h = guiGetSize ( w_newsTicker, false ) if ( w < w_newsTickerMinWidth ) then w = w_newsTickerMinWidth end guiSetSize ( w_newsTicker, w, 20, false ) guiSetPosition ( w_newsTicker, ( screenWidth / 2 ) - ( w / 2 ), -20, false ) w_newsTickerName = guiCreateLabel ( w + 100, 25, w, 18, "News is loading... Please wait", false, w_newsTicker ) guiSetAlpha ( w_newsTicker, 0.50 ) guiWindowSetSizable ( w_newsTicker, false ) local guiLength = guiLabelGetTextExtent ( w_newsTickerName ) guiSetFont ( w_newsTickerName, "clear-normal" ) guiLabelSetColor ( w_newsTickerName, 0, 255, 0 ) guiSetSize ( w_newsTickerName, guiLength, 20, false ) setTimer ( function() if ( ( w_newsTickerAnim ) and ( w_newsTickerAnim:isPlaying() ) ) then return else guiSetPosition ( w_newsTickerName, w, 25, false ) guiSetText ( w_newsTickerName, s_tickerMsg[currentItem] ) guiLength = guiLabelGetTextExtent ( w_newsTickerName ) guiSetSize ( w_newsTickerName, guiLength, 18, false ) --w_newsTickerAnim = Animation.createAndPlay(w_newsTickerName, Animation.presets.guiMoveResize(guiLength - guiLength - guiLength - 100, 25, guiLength, 18, 10000 + (tonumber(guiLength)*50.45))) w_newsTickerAnim = Animation.createAndPlay(w_newsTickerName, Animation.presets.guiMoveResize( -guiLength , 25, guiLength, 18, 8000 + (tonumber(guiLength)*50.45))) currentItem = currentItem + 1 if ( currentItem > #s_tickerMsg ) then currentItem = 1 end end end, 1000, 0 ) end) function getPlayerCount() return #getElementsByType("player") end function hideNews() guiSetVisible ( w_newsTicker, false ) outputChatBox ( "News Ticker hidden, you can show it again by typing /shownews", 50, 255, 50 ) end function showNews() guiSetVisible ( w_newsTicker, true ) outputChatBox ( "News Ticker shown, you can hide it again by typing /hidenews", 50, 255, 50 ) end addCommandHandler ( "hidenews", hideNews ) addCommandHandler ( "HIDENEWS", hideNews ) addCommandHandler ( "shownews", showNews ) addCommandHandler ( "SHOWNEWS", showNews ) addEvent("new", true ) addEventHandler("new", getRootElement(), start) function yana(getPlayerName,s_tickerMsg) outputChatBox(getPlayerName,s_tickerMsg,getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) end addEvent("yanas", true ) addEventHandler("yanas", getRootElement(), yana) bindKey("u", "down", "chatbox","AM") client_anim_util.lua function table.find(t, ...) local args = { ... } if #args == 0 then for k,v in pairs(t) do if v then return k end end return false end local value = table.remove(args) if value == '[nil]' then value = nil end for k,v in pairs(t) do for i,index in ipairs(args) do if type(index) == 'function' then v = index(v) else if index == '[last]' then index = #v end v = v[index] end end if v == value then return k end end return false end function table.removevalue(t, val) for i,v in ipairs(t) do if v == val then table.remove(t, i) return i end end return false end client_anim.lua Animation = {} Animation.__index = Animation Animation.collection = {} function Animation.create(elem, ...) local anim = setmetatable({ type = 'anim', elem = elem, phases = {...} }, Animation) for i,phase in ipairs(anim.phases) do if type(phase) == 'table' then phase.from = phase.from or 0 phase.to = phase.to or 1 phase.time = phase.time or 0 phase.value = phase.from phase.speed = phase.time > 0 and ((phase.to - phase.from) / phase.time) or 0 end end return anim end function Animation.createAndPlay(elem, ...) local anim = Animation.create(elem, ...) anim:play() return anim end function Animation.createQueue(...) local queue = setmetatable({ type = 'queue' }, Animation) local args = { ... } if type(args[1]) == 'string' then queue.name = table.remove(args, 1) end for i,obj in ipairs(args) do queue:add(obj) end return queue end function Animation.createQueueAndPlay(...) local queue = Animation.createQueue(...) queue:play() return queue end function Animation.getQueue(name) for i,obj in ipairs(Animation.collection) do if obj:isQueue() and obj.name == name then return obj end end return false end function Animation.getOrCreateQueue(name) local queue = Animation.getQueue(name) if not queue then queue = Animation.createQueue(name) end return queue end function Animation:isPlaying() return self.playing or false end function Animation.playingAnimationsExist() return table.find(Animation.collection, 'playing', true) and true end function Animation:add(anim) if self:isQueue() then if type(anim) == 'function' then anim = setmetatable({ type = 'function', fn = anim }, Animation) end anim.queue = self anim.playing = self.playing table.insert(self, anim) end end function Animation:remove() if self.queue then table.removevalue(self.queue, self) if #self.queue == 0 then self.queue:remove() end else table.removevalue(Animation.collection, self) if not Animation.playingAnimationsExist() then removeEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), updateAnim) Animation.prevTick = nil end end self.playing = false end function Animation:isAnimation() return self.type == 'anim' end function Animation:isQueue() return self.type == 'queue' end function Animation:play() if self:isPlaying() then return end if self:isQueue() then for i,anim in ipairs(self) do anim.playing = true end end if not table.find(Animation.collection, self) then table.insert(Animation.collection, self) end if not Animation.playingAnimationsExist() then Animation.prevTick = getTickCount() addEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), updateAnim) end self.playing = true end function Animation:pause() self.playing = false if not Animation.playingAnimationsExist() then removeEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), updateAnim) Animation.prevTick = nil end end function updateAnim() local phase local curTick = getTickCount() local doRemove for i,obj in ipairs(Animation.collection) do if obj.playing then if obj:isQueue() then obj = obj[1] end if not isElement(obj.elem) then obj:remove() end end if obj.playing then phase = obj.phases[1] doRemove = false if type(phase) == 'function' then phase(obj.elem) doRemove = true else if not phase.starttick then phase.starttick = curTick end phase.prevpassed = phase.passed phase.passed = (curTick - phase.starttick) % phase.time if phase.prevpassed and phase.passed < phase.prevpassed then if phase.repeats and phase.repeats > 0 then phase.repeats = phase.repeats - 1 doRemove = phase.repeats == 0 elseif not phase.repeats then doRemove = true end end end if doRemove then table.remove(obj.phases, 1) phase = false if #obj.phases == 0 then obj:remove() obj = false end end if obj and phase then phase.value = phase.from + phase.speed*phase.passed if phase.fn then phase.fn(obj.elem, phase.transform and phase.transform(phase.value) or phase.value, phase) end end end end end Animation.presets = {} function Animation.presets.pulse(time, value, phase) if not value then return { from = 0, to = 2*math.pi, transform = math.sin, time = time, repeats = 0, fn = Animation.presets.pulse } else local elem = time if not phase.width then phase.width, phase.height = guiGetSize(elem, false) phase.centerX, phase.centerY = guiGetPosition(elem, false) phase.centerX = phase.centerX + math.floor(phase.width/2) phase.centerY = phase.centerY + math.floor(phase.height/2) end local pct = 1 - (value+1)*0.1 local width = pct*phase.width local height = pct*phase.height local x = phase.centerX - math.floor(width/2) local y = phase.centerY - math.floor(height/2) guiSetPosition(elem, x, y, false) guiSetSize(elem, width, height, false) end end function Animation.presets.guiMoveResize(x, y, width, height, time) if height then return { from = -math.pi/2, to = math.pi/2, time = time or 1000, transform = math.sin, endX = x, endY = y, endWidth = width, endHeight = height, fn = Animation.presets.guiMoveResize } else local elem, value, phase = x, (y + 1)/2, width if not phase.startX then phase.startX, phase.startY = guiGetPosition(elem, false) phase.startWidth, phase.startHeight = guiGetSize(elem, false) end guiSetPosition(elem, math.floor(phase.startX + value*(phase.endX - phase.startX)), math.floor(phase.startY + value*(phase.endY - phase.startY)), false) guiSetSize(elem, math.floor(phase.startWidth + value*(phase.endWidth - phase.startWidth)), math.floor(phase.startHeight + value*(phase.endHeight - phase.startHeight)), false) end end Edited December 25, 2012 by Guest Link to comment
Evil-Cod3r Posted March 6, 2012 Share Posted March 6, 2012 This well Make it in Arabic but you cant comapled the script then open the script in Np++ Make encoding in Encoding To UTF-8 -- > then Save it Link to comment
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