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Need help With SQL


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Hello guys, I need some help with SQL syntax.

What i want is to make a function where it shows the number of rows that a column has.

So I made this

function rows (thePlayer,cmd) 
local query = executeSQLQuery("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM vehiculos") 
outputChatBox("There are: "..#query..".",thePlayer) 
-- RESULT : 1...(its not empty), but it doesn't show the amount of rows that it has. 

See ya.

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local request = executeSQLQuery( "SELECT COUNT FROM vehiculos" ) 
if type( request )  == 'table' and #request > 0 then 
    for i,v in pairs( request ) do 
        outputChatBox( "Index = '" .. tostring( i ) .. "' , Value = '" ..tostring( v ) ) 


Edited by Guest
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local request = executeSQLQuery( "SELECT COUNT FROM vehiculos" ) or 0 
if #request > 0 then 
    for i,v in pairs( request ) do 
        outputChatBox( "Index = '" .. tostring( i ) .. "' , Value = '" ..tostring( v ) ) 


Debugger said : 211 bad argument #1 'pairs' (got boolean, not table)

That's because COUNT needs a column name. Perhaps, Im not clear with my request (my english is not so good). I want a print (outputChatBox) of the number of rows.


EDIT : You edit the answer?? :D:D

Now it says, "attempt to get leght of local request (number value)"

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