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Hi. I made this script with some help of the wiki but it doesn't save my cj's clothes. it says bad argument @addPedClothes. i know i have to use this:

addPedClothes(source, "clothesTexture", "clothesModel", playerShirt) --- if i use this it won't add clothes i think. 

Please help me with this

function playerLeave() 
      local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(source) 
      if (playerAccount) then 
            local playerMoney = getPlayerMoney(source) 
            local playerSkin = getElementModel(source) 
            local playerShirt = getPedClothes(source, 0) 
            local playerHead = getPedClothes(source, 1) 
            local playerTrousers = getPedClothes(source, 2) 
            local playerShoes = getPedClothes(source, 3) 
            local playerTattoosLeftUpperArm = getPedClothes(source, 4) 
            local playerTattoosLeftLowerArm = getPedClothes(source, 5) 
            local playerTattoosRightUpperArm = getPedClothes(source, 6) 
            local playerTattoosRightLowerArm = getPedClothes(source, 7) 
            local playerTattoosBack = getPedClothes(source, 8 ) 
            local playerTattoosLeftChest = getPedClothes(source, 9) 
            local playerTattoosRightChest = getPedClothes(source, 10) 
            local playerTattoosStomach = getPedClothes(source, 11) 
            local playerTattoosLowerBack = getPedClothes(source, 12) 
            local playerNecklace = getPedClothes(source, 13) 
            local playerWatch = getPedClothes(source, 14) 
            local playerGlasses = getPedClothes(source, 15) 
            local playerHat = getPedClothes(source, 16) 
            local playerExtra = getPedClothes(source, 17) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.money", playerMoney) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.skin", playerSkin) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.shirt", playerShirt) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.head", playerHead) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.trousers", playerTrousers) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.shoes", playerShoes) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosLeftUpperArm", playerTattoosLeftUpperArm) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosLeftLowerArm", playerTattoosLeftLowerArm) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosRightUpperArm", playerTattoosRightUpperArm) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosRightLowerArm", playerTattoosRightLowerArm) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosBack", playerTattoosBack) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosLeftChest", playerTattoosLeftChest) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosRightChest", playerTattoosRightChest) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosStomach", playerTattoosStomach) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosLowerBack", playerTattoosLowerBack) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.necklace", playerNecklace) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.watch", playerWatch) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.glasses", playerGlasses) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.hat", playerHat) 
            setAccountData(playerAccount, "player.extra", playerExtra) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), playerLeave) 
function playerLogin() 
      local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(source) 
      if (playerAccount) then 
            local playerMoney = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.money") 
            local playerSkin = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.skin") 
            local playerShirt = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.shirt") 
            local playerHead = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.head") 
            local playerTrousers = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.trousers") 
            local playerShoes = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.shoes") 
            local playerTattoosLeftUpperArm = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosLeftUpperArm") 
            local playerTattoosLeftLowerArm = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosLeftLowerArm") 
            local playerTattoosRightUpperArm = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosRightUpperArm") 
            local playerTattoosRightLowerArm = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosRightLowerArm") 
            local playerTattoosBack = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosBack") 
            local playerTattoosLeftChest = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosLeftChest") 
            local playerTattoosRightChest = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosRightChest") 
            local playerTattoosStomach = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosStomach") 
            local playerTattoosLowerBack = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.tattoosLowerBack") 
            local playerNecklace = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.necklace") 
            local playerWatch = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.watch") 
            local playerGlasses = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.glasses") 
            local playerHat = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.hat") 
            local playerExtra = getAccountData(playerAccount, "player.extra") 
            if (playerMoney) then 
                  setPlayerMoney(source, playerMoney) 
                  setElementModel(source, playerSkin) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerShirt) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerHead) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerTrousers) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerShoes) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerTattoosLeftUpperArm) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerTattoosLeftLowerArm) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerTattoosRightUpperArm) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerTattoosRightLowerArm) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerTattoosBack) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerTattoosLeftChest) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerTattoosRightChest) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerTattoosStomach) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerTattoosLowerBack) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerNecklace) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerWatch) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerGlasses) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerHat) 
                  addPedClothes(source, playerExtra) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), playerLogin) 

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addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit", root,  
    function( ) 
        local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount( source ) 
        if playerAccount then 
            local playerMoney = getPlayerMoney( source ) 
            local playerSkin = getElementModel( source ) 
            for i = 0,17 do 
                local arg1,arg2 = getPedClothes( source, i ) 
                setAccountData( playerAccount, "player.clothes."..tostring( i ),tostring( arg1 )..","..tostring( arg2 ) ) 
            setAccountData( playerAccount, "player.money", playerMoney ) 
            setAccountData( playerAccount, "player.skin", playerSkin ) 
addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", root,  
    function( ) 
        local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount( source ) 
        if playerAccount then 
            local playerMoney = getAccountData( playerAccount, "player.money" ) 
            local playerSkin = getAccountData( playerAccount, "player.skin" ) 
            if playerMoney then 
                setPlayerMoney( source, playerMoney ) 
                setElementModel( source, playerSkin ) 
                for i = 0,17 do 
                    local acc = getAccountData( playerAccount, 'player.clothes.'..i ) 
                    if not acc:find 'false'  then 
                        addPedClothes( source,acc:sub( 1,acc:find( ',' ) - 1 ),acc:sub( acc:find( ',' ) + 1,acc:len( ) ),i ) 

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Thank you it works :D

but can you explain what they are:

for i = 0,17 do -- is it a table? 
                local arg1,arg2 = getPedClothes( source, i ) 
                setAccountData( playerAccount, "player.clothes."..tostring( i ),tostring( arg1 )..","..tostring( arg2 ) ) -- what is tostring for? 

for i = 0,17 do 
                    local acc = getAccountData( playerAccount, 'player.clothes.'..i ) 
                    if not acc:find 'false'  then -- does that check if player has clothes on it? 
                        addPedClothes( source,acc:sub( 1,acc:find( ',' ) - 1 ),acc:sub( acc:find( ',' ) + 1,acc:len( ) ),i ) -- and this is very confusing 

Thank you again :D

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for i = 0,17 do -- cycle from 0 to 17 
    local arg1,arg2 = getPedClothes( source, i ) -- get ped Clothes ( 0 - 17 ) 
        playerAccount, -- player account 
        "player.clothes."..tostring( i ), -- setAccountData in cycle from 0 to 17 
        tostring( arg1 )..","..tostring( arg2 ) -- tostring( because function getPedClothes can return false ( boolean type , not string ) ) 
for i = 0,17 do -- cycle from 0 to 17 
    local acc = getAccountData( playerAccount, 'player.clothes.'..i ) -- getAccountData in cycle from 0 to 17 
    if not acc:find 'false'  then -- Check if returned value getAccountData not have false ( If getAccountData have model/texture  ) 
            source, -- element ( player in our case ) 
            acc:sub( 1,acc:find( ',' ) - 1 ), -- return string from 1,( to the end until you find a character ',' ) example 100,1000  
                tostring( '100,1000' ):sub( 1,tostring( '100,1000' ):find( ',' ) - 1 ) 
                So it return 100 
                You can test it in lua demo [url=http://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo]http://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo[/url] 
                print( tostring( '100,1000' ):sub( 1,tostring( '100,1000' ):find( ',' ) - 1 ) ) 
            acc:sub( acc:find( ',' ) + 1,acc:len( ) ), 
                -- return string from , and to string length 
                -- tostring( '100,1000' ):sub( tostring( '100,1000' ):find( ',' ) + 1,tostring( '100,1000' ):len( ) ) 
                -- return 1000 
                You can test it too in lua demo [url=http://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo]http://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo[/url] 
                print( tostring( '100,1000' ):sub( tostring( '100,1000' ):find( ',' ) + 1,tostring( '100,1000' ):len( ) ) ) 
                -- return 1000 
        ) -- add Ped Clothes cycle from 0 to 17 

Edited by Guest
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line:2 bad argument @getPlayerAccount [expected element at argument 1, got nil] idk what's wrong with that :S i wanted to save skin when players type /skinsave

function changeTheSkin() 
        local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(source) 
        if playerAccount then 
            local playerSkin = getElementModel(source) 
            for i = 0,17 do 
                local arg1,arg2 = getPedClothes( source, i ) 
                setAccountData( playerAccount, "player.clothes."..tostring( i ),tostring( arg1 )..","..tostring( arg2 ) ) 
            setAccountData( playerAccount, "player.skin", playerSkin ) 
        outputChatBox("#FF0000*INFO: #0095FFYour skin was successfully saved!", 0, 255, 0) 
addCommandHandler( "skinsave", changeTheSkin)  
addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", root, 
    function( ) 
        local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount( source ) 
        if playerAccount then 
            local playerSkin = getAccountData( playerAccount, "player.skin" ) 
            if playerSkin then 
                setElementModel( source, playerSkin ) 
                for i = 0,17 do 
                    local acc = getAccountData( playerAccount, 'player.clothes.'..i ) 
                    if not acc:find 'false'  then 
                        addPedClothes( source,acc:sub( 1,acc:find( ',' ) - 1 ),acc:sub( acc:find( ',' ) + 1,acc:len( ) ),i ) 

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function changeTheSkin( source ) 
    local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount( source ) 
    if playerAccount and not isGuestAccount( playerAccount ) then 
        for i = 0,17 do 
            local arg1,arg2 = getPedClothes( source, i ) 
            setAccountData( playerAccount, "player.clothes."..tostring( i ),tostring( arg1 )..","..tostring( arg2 ) ) 
        setAccountData( playerAccount, "player.skin", getElementModel( source ) ) 
        outputChatBox("#FF0000*INFO: #0095FFYour skin was successfully saved!",root, 0, 255, 0) 
addCommandHandler( "skinsave", changeTheSkin )  
addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", root, 
    function( ) 
        local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount( source ) 
        if playerAccount then 
            local playerSkin = getAccountData( playerAccount, "player.skin" ) 
            if playerSkin then 
                setElementModel( source, playerSkin ) 
                for i = 0,17 do 
                    local acc = getAccountData( playerAccount, 'player.clothes.'..i ) 
                    if not acc:find 'false'  then 
                        addPedClothes( source,acc:sub( 1,acc:find( ',' ) - 1 ),acc:sub( acc:find( ',' ) + 1,acc:len( ) ),i ) 

Because you not add source argument to function 'changeTheSkin'.


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