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Pickups and 3D Text Labels


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1. I'm not quite sure if this will actually work as I don't know what elements getElementColShape works with, but you can try using getElementColShape and then use isElementWithinColShape. If that doesn't work, an alternate way could be to create colshapes on every pickup created and track the player's current pickup that they're standing on by using onClientColShapeHit and onClientColShapeLeave.

2. I don't believe there is anything like that. A simple way to replicate it would be to use dxDrawText and getScreenFromWorldPosition along with getDistanceBetweenPoints3D for range detection and scaling and isLineOfSightClear for visibility detection.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Minokon,You can use emulator amx.( Resource amx )

But amx emulator not have functions for draw 3d labels :lol:

/*  MTA AMX compatibility layer 
 *  Extension functions 
#if defined _amx_included 
#define _amx_included 
// MTA 
native lua(const fn[], {Float,_}:...); 
native amxRegisterPawnPrototypes(const prototype[][]); 
native amxVersion(&Float:ver); 
native amxVersionString(buffer[], maxsize); 
native md5hash(str[], const buf[], bufsize); 
// Events 
forward OnBotConnect(botid, name[]); 
forward OnBotEnterVehicle(botid, vehicleid, seatid); 
forward OnBotExitVehicle(botid, vehicleid); 
forward OnBotDeath(botid, killerid, weaponid, bodypart); 
forward OnVehicleDamage(vehicleid, Float:loss); 
forward OnPlayerShootingPlayer(playerid, attackerid, bodypart, Float:loss); 
forward OnPlayerWeaponSwitch(playerid, previousWeaponID, currentWeaponID); 
forward OnPlayerShoot(playerid, weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, Float:hitX, Float:hitY, Float:hitZ); 
forward OnMarkerCreate(markerid); 
forward OnMarkerHit(markerid, elemtype[], elemid, matchingDimension); 
forward OnMarkerLeave(markerid, elemtype[], elemid, matchingDimension); 
// World 
native SetSkyGradient(topRed = 0, topGreen = 0, topBlue = 0, bottomRed = 0, bottomGreen = 0, bottomBlue = 0); 
native ResetSkyGradient(); 
native GetCloudsEnabled(); 
native SetCloudsEnabled(stateid); 
native IsGarageOpen(garageid); 
native SetGarageOpen(garageid, stateid); 
native IsGlitchEnabled(name[]); 
native SetGlitchEnabled(name[], stateid); 
native SetFPSLimit(fps); 
native GetPlayerCount(); 
native GetRandomPlayer(); 
native GetDistanceBetweenPoints2D(Float:X1, Float:Y1, Float:X2, Float:Y2); 
native GetDistanceBetweenPoints3D(Float:X1, Float:Y1, Float:Z1, Float:X2, Float:Y2, Float:Z2); 
// Water 
native GetWaveHeight(); 
native SetWaveHeight(Float:height); 
native SetWaterLevel(Float:level); 
// Pickups 
native GetPickupType(pickupid); 
native SetPickupType(pickupid, typeid, amount, ammo = 500); 
native GetPickupWeapon(pickupid); 
native GetPickupAmount(pickupid); 
native GetPickupAmmo(pickupid); 
// Native Markers 
native CreateMarker(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, type[], Float:size, red, green, blue, alpha); 
native DestroyMarker(markerid); 
native GetMarkerColor(markerid, colorid); // Color IDs: 0 = Red, 1 = Green, 2 = Blue, 3 = Alpha 
native GetMarkerIcon(markerid); // 0 = No icon, 1 = Arrow, 2 = Race finish 
native GetMarkerSize(markerid, &Float:size); 
native GetMarkerTarget(markerid, &Float:X, &Float:Y, &Float:Z); 
native GetMarkerType(markerid); // 0 = Checkpoint, 1 = Ring, 2 = Cylinder, 3 = Arrow, 4 = Corona 
native SetMarkerColor(markerid, red, green, blue, alpha); 
native SetMarkerIcon(markerid, iconid); // 0 = No icon, 1 = Arrow, 2 = Race finish 
native SetMarkerSize(markerid, Float:size); 
native SetMarkerTarget(markerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z); 
native SetMarkerType(markerid, typeid); // 0 = Checkpoint, 1 = Ring, 2 = Cylinder, 3 = Arrow, 4 = Corona 
native IsPlayerInMarker(markerid, playerid); 
native IsBotInMarker(markerid, botid); 
native IsVehicleInMarker(markerid, vehicleid); 
// Rules 
native GetRuleValue(rule[], const buf[], bufsize); 
native SetRuleValue(rule[], value[]); 
native RemoveRuleValue(rule[]); 
// Objects 
native GetObjectAlpha(objectid); 
native SetObjectAlpha(objectid, alpha); 
// Players 
native AddPlayerClothes(playerid, type, index); 
native GetPlayerClothes(playerid, type); 
native RemovePlayerClothes(playerid, type); 
native ShowPlayerMarker(playerid, show); 
native IsPlayerInWater(playerid); 
native IsPlayerOnFire(playerid); 
native IsPlayerDucked(playerid); 
native IsPlayerOnGround(playerid); 
native GetPlayerFightingStyle(playerid); 
native SetPlayerFightingStyle(playerid, styleid); 
native SetPlayerOnFire(playerid, fire); 
native GetPlayerStat(playerid, statid); 
native SetPlayerStat(playerid, statid, Float:value); 
native GetPlayerCanBeKnockedOffBike(playerid); 
native SetPlayerCanBeKnockedOffBike(playerid, stateid); 
native GetPlayerDoingDriveBy(playerid); 
native SetPlayerDoingDriveBy(playerid, stateid); 
native SetPlayerWeaponSlot(playerid, slotid); 
native SetPlayerHeadless(playerid, stateid); 
native GetPlayerBlurLevel(playerid); 
native SetPlayerBlurLevel(playerid, level); 
native GetPlayerAlpha(playerid); 
native SetPlayerAlpha(playerid, alpha); 
native FadePlayerCamera(playerid, fadeIn, Float:timeToFade = 1.0, red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0); 
native GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid); 
native GetPlayerVelocity(playerid, &Float:X, &Float:Y, &Float:Z); 
native SetPlayerVelocity(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z); 
native SetPlayerControlState(playerid, control[], stateid); 
// Vehicles 
native GetVehicleMaxPassengers(vehicleid); 
native GetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, &Float:vx, &Float:vy, &Float:vz); 
native SetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, Float:vx, Float:vy, Float:vz); 
native SetVehicleModel(vehicleid, model); 
native GetVehicleEngineState(vehicleid); 
native SetVehicleEngineState(vehicleid, stateid); 
native GetVehicleDoorState(vehicleid, door); 
native SetVehicleDoorState(vehicleid, door, stateid); 
native GetVehicleLightState(vehicleid, lightid); 
native SetVehicleLightState(vehicleid, lightid, stateid); 
native GetVehicleOverrideLights(vehicleid); 
native SetVehicleOverrideLights(vehicleid, stateid); 
native GetVehicleWheelState(vehicleid, wheelid); 
native SetVehicleWheelState(vehicleid, frontLeft = -1, rearLeft = -1, frontRight = -1, rearRight = -1); 
native GetVehiclePanelState(vehicleid, panelid); 
native SetVehiclePanelState(vehicleid, panelid, stateid); 
native GetVehicleAlpha(vehicleid); 
native SetVehicleAlpha(vehicleid, alpha); 
native GetVehiclePaintjob(vehicleid); 
native GetVehicleComponentInSlot(vehicleid, slot); 
native GetVehicleSirensOn(vehicleid); 
native SetVehicleSirensOn(vehicleid, stateid); 
native IsTrainDerailable(vehicleid); 
native IsTrainDerailed(vehicleid); 
native SetTrainDerailable(vehicleid, stateid); 
native SetTrainDerailed(vehicleid, stateid); 
native GetTrainDirection(vehicleid); 
native SetTrainDirection(vehicleid, direction); 
native GetTrainSpeed(vehicleid, &Float:speed); 
native SetTrainSpeed(vehicleid, &Float:speed); 
// Bots 
native CreateBot(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, name[] = "Bot"); 
native SetBotHealth(botid, Float:health); 
native GetBotHealth(botid, &Float:health); 
native SetBotArmour(botid, Float:armour); 
native GetBotArmour(botid, &Float:armour); 
native SetBotPos(botid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z); 
native GetBotPos(botid, &Float:X, &Float:Y, &Float:Z); 
native SetBotRot(botid, Float:RotX, Float:RotY, Float:RotZ); 
native GetBotRot(botid, &Float:RotX, &Float:RotY, &Float:RotZ); 
native IsBotInWater(botid); 
native IsBotOnFire(botid); 
native IsBotDucked(botid); 
native IsBotOnGround(botid); 
native GetBotFightingStyle(botid); 
native SetBotFightingStyle(botid, styleid); 
native SetBotOnFire(botid, fire); 
native GetBotStat(botid, statid); 
native SetBotStat(botid, statid, Float:value); 
native GetBotState(botid); 
native PutBotInVehicle(botid, vehicleid, seatid); 
native RemoveBotFromVehicle(botid); 
native SetBotControlState(botid, control[], stateid); 
native SetBotAimTarget(botid, &Float:X, &Float:Y, &Float:Z); 
native GetBotDoingDriveBy(botid); 
native SetBotDoingDriveBy(botid, stateid); 
native GetBotCanBeKnockedOffBike(botid); 
native SetBotCanBeKnockedOffBike(botid, stateid); 
native SetBotWeaponSlot(botid, slotid); 
native SetBotHeadless(botid, stateid); 
native BotKill(botid); 
native GetBotAlpha(botid); 
native SetBotAlpha(botid, alpha); 
native GetBotName(botid, const buf[], bufsize); 
native GetBotVehicleSeat(botid); 
native GetBotVelocity(botid, &Float:X, &Float:Y, &Float:Z); 
native SetBotVelocity(botid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z); 

But adamix update this:


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