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MTASG stats update...


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Hi all, I updated the MTASG stats script a bit, so it automatic updates itself in steed of running the update script every minute. The new script also adds the total number of points users have. You can specify how much points they get for a kill, being killed or commiting suicide...

For the people who want to download it, click [ here ].

After downloading, unzip it into the folder of your HTTP server, change the config.php file, and up you go... :)

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you have to upload your mtasderver.txt file and edit you config



$pagetitle		=	"Stats for '!servername'";			// THe title of the page. Use !servername to display the name of the server...
$adminmessage		=	"Message of the day: Have fun...  and don't die";

$logfile 		= 	"mtaserver.log";		// Path to server log file to read
$statsfile 		= 	"public_html/stats.php";			// Path to stats page to write
$theme 			= 	"black";					// Name of theme to use (black, red, sky)

$updatetime 		= 	"60";						// Interval between two updates...

$pointsforkill		=	"1";						// Number of points people get when they kill somebody...
$pointsfordeath		=	"1";						// Number of points people pay when they are killed...
$pointsforsuicide	=	"2";						// Number of points people pay when commiting suicide...


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I dont understanfd nothing... I downloaded a config.php file, an mtasg.php file and the themes... i extracted the zip using the "extract here" command. It extracted it into a folder named something. Tell me the whole thing from here, i didn't get no readme :P c'mon, tell me...

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