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       local health = getElementHealth(theTarget) 
        if (getElementType(theTarget) == "object") then 
          setElementHealth(theTarget, health+1000) 

I don't know if it's right, i've not tested it yet..

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There's no real function for it yet, but there's an note here:

https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetObjectStatic (replaced with setElementFrozen)

Note2: Dynamic objects with a "destroyed" state are still destroyable. Use isElementOnScreen to detect, destroy, and recreate these objects.

So you could use onClientRender and isElementOnScreen to recreate the broken objects. As an extra you could run a timer which recreates every object every 5 seconds, depending on how important the objects are.

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I made it using onClientRender event, and then checking if object is there or no using isLineOfSightClear, and if it returns true, I destroy that element and build it again :)

Do you understand ?

Its not damageproof.. but it gets rebuilded right on the time it gets destroyed, u dont even notice..

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You can also try disabling object collisions, creating another object which has a similar shape and cannot be destroyed, and making it invisible (put it into another interior or use setElementAlpha). If I remember correctly, objects with disabled collisions cannot be destroyed even with explosions.

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