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Need help with votemanager[ SOLVED ]


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I just modified the resource votemanager.

If someone needs

This script changes the map on which all played just if everyone voted for Don't Change

this is tested.

open script votemanager_server.lua

Just find function applyPollResults and replace function with this :

function applyPollResults(chosenOption) 
    local optionTable = activePoll[chosenOption] 
    activePoll = nil 
    local result = triggerEvent("onPollEnd", thisResourceRoot, chosenOption) 
    if result == true then 
        outputVoteManager("Vote ended! ["..optionTable[1].."]",rootElement) 
        if string.find(optionTable[1],"Don't change") then 
            local gamemode = exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemode( ) 
            local rGamemode = exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap( ) 
            local complete = exports.mapmanager:isMapCompatibleWithGamemode( rGamemode, gamemode ) 
            if complete then 
                exports.mapmanager:changeGamemodeMap( rGamemode ) 
        local optionExecutorType = type(optionTable[2]) 
        if optionExecutorType == "function" then 
        elseif optionExecutorType == "string" then 
            triggerEvent(optionTable[2], optionTable[3] or rootElement, unpack(optionTable,4)) 

qaisjp. Yes, I often find the problem and I do not know how to solve but after a while I know how to fix or refine it :D

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