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Need help server!


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Hello, i have a home server running on a 10 year old gateway sh**y computer and have my server running there but its not 24/7 because my dad is saying not to leave it on or using our internet bandwidth hes playing for. So im like going crazy here, so i wake up in the morning and try to get time to start the server and all of the many resources which i never get time to start all of them maybe a few and all before school. I know that a bad choice of computer because it is very slow. Alot of people get network trouble. So my dad when he knows the server is online he tells me to stop it because its taking p his bandwidth and we did a speed test on all computers and all speeds are at max, even with like 5 players on the server. Anyway i need a solution to keep my server online 24/7. I have a old laptop thats pretty fast and good specs. Im thinking if i leave that computer on and plugged in all the time it would be faster and take up less power. But one problem is i have to keep it plugged into the router because i cannot run wireless, it would be slow. If anyone could run my server for free and i dont care if its a little laggy, ill be fine with it. And also how does it work if i want to add resources?

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