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Ayuda para resolver un pequeño bug en mi script


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Hola a todos... Hace algun tiempo hice un script que crea puertas moviles con un bind y un timer para que vuelvan a su sitio, pero he notado que al presionar el bind varias veces antes que abra por completo cada vez que se presiona va mas lenta la puerta, y como cada vez se hace un timer entoces al cerrarse tambien se ponen lentas asi que quisiera que me ayudaran a que solo se pueda hacer una vez el bind y se desactive y luego se vuelva a activar el bind cuando la puerta ya haya empezado a cerrarse...

aca el codigo, es server side

-- Este es solo una parte de el codigo, lo demas son mas puertas, colshapes y timers  
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), 
function () 
LSPD_gate = createObject(980, 1545.7392578125, -1627.7275390625, 15.206203460693, 0, 0, 90) 
LSPD_col = createColSphere (1545.7392578125, -1627.7275390625, 15.206203460693, 10) 
FBI_gate = createObject(2938, 1269.6904296875, -1842.349609375, 15.187080383301, 0, 0, 90) 
FBI_col = createColSphere(1269.6904296875, -1842.349609375, 14.187080383301, 10) 
FBI_gate2 = createObject(2938, 1213.5595703125, -1842.537109375, 15.187080383301, 0, 0, 90) 
FBI_col2 = createColSphere(1213.5595703125, -1842.537109375, 14.187080383301, 10) 
--[[ ... ]] 
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root,  
function () 
bindKey(source, "crouch", "down", moving, source) 
bindKey(source, "horn", "down", moving, source) 
function moving (player) 
local team = getPlayerTeam(player) 
if (isElementWithinColShape(player, LSPD_col) == true and team == getTeamFromName("Los Santos PD")) then 
moveObject(LSPD_gate, 3000, 1545.7392578125, -1627.7275390625, 20.581121444702) 
setTimer(moveObject, 7000, 1, LSPD_gate, 3000, 1545.7392578125, -1627.7275390625, 15.206203460693) 
elseif (isElementWithinColShape(player, FBI_col) == true and team == getTeamFromName("FBI")) then 
moveObject(FBI_gate, 2000, 1269.6904296875, -1842.349609375, 19.887008666992) 
setTimer(moveObject, 7000, 1, FBI_gate, 2000, 1269.6904296875, -1842.349609375, 15.187080383301) 
elseif (isElementWithinColShape(player, FBI_col2) == true and team == getTeamFromName("FBI")) then 
moveObject(FBI_gate2, 2000, 1213.5595703125, -1842.537109375, 19.887008666992) 
setTimer(moveObject, 7000, 1, FBI_gate2, 2000, 1213.5595703125, -1842.537109375, 15.187080383301) 
--[[ ... ]] 

Lo peor es que me ha dado un cevero bloqueo mental y no se me ocurre nada :roll:

he intentado algunas cosas pero no me funcionaron, el mayor problema es que son muchas puertas...

me ayudan porfavor?

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-- Este es solo una parte de el codigo, lo demas son mas puertas, colshapes y timers 
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), 
function () 
movingGates = {} 
LSPD_gate = createObject(980, 1545.7392578125, -1627.7275390625, 15.206203460693, 0, 0, 90) 
LSPD_col = createColSphere (1545.7392578125, -1627.7275390625, 15.206203460693, 10) 
FBI_gate = createObject(2938, 1269.6904296875, -1842.349609375, 15.187080383301, 0, 0, 90) 
FBI_col = createColSphere(1269.6904296875, -1842.349609375, 14.187080383301, 10) 
FBI_gate2 = createObject(2938, 1213.5595703125, -1842.537109375, 15.187080383301, 0, 0, 90) 
FBI_col2 = createColSphere(1213.5595703125, -1842.537109375, 14.187080383301, 10) 
--[[ ... ]] 
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, 
function () 
bindKey(source, "crouch", "down", moving, source) 
bindKey(source, "horn", "down", moving, source) 
function moving (player) 
local team = getPlayerTeam(player) 
if (isElementWithinColShape(player, LSPD_col) == true and not movingGates[LSPD_gate] and team == getTeamFromName("Los Santos PD")) then 
moveObject(LSPD_gate, 3000, 1545.7392578125, -1627.7275390625, 20.581121444702) 
movingGates[LSPD_gate] = true 
setTimer(moveObject, 7000, 1, LSPD_gate, 3000, 1545.7392578125, -1627.7275390625, 15.206203460693) 
setTimer(function () movingGates[LSPD_gate] = false end, 7000, 1) 
elseif (isElementWithinColShape(player, FBI_col) == true and not movingGates[FBI_gate] and team == getTeamFromName("FBI")) then 
movingGates[FBI_gate] = true 
moveObject(FBI_gate, 2000, 1269.6904296875, -1842.349609375, 19.887008666992) 
setTimer(moveObject, 7000, 1, FBI_gate, 2000, 1269.6904296875, -1842.349609375, 15.187080383301) 
setTimer(function () movingGates[FBI_gate] = false end, 7000, 1) 
elseif (isElementWithinColShape(player, FBI_col2) == true and not movingGates[FBI_gate2] and team == getTeamFromName("FBI")) then 
movingGates[FBI_gate2] = true 
moveObject(FBI_gate2, 2000, 1213.5595703125, -1842.537109375, 19.887008666992) 
setTimer(moveObject, 7000, 1, FBI_gate2, 2000, 1213.5595703125, -1842.537109375, 15.187080383301) 
setTimer(function () movingGates[FBI_gate2] = false end, 7000, 1) 
--[[ ... ]] 

Con eso deberia funcionar, pero el problema es que 7 segundos no tarda en cerrarse la puerta, que yo sepa.

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